I see I am not the only Atlantic reader around these parts. "Stop the Steal" was just the prelude. A civil war is coming. 21 million militants are waiting for the spark to light them on fire. It will make the siege of the Capitol seem like child's play.

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Just what do they think will be left after they demolish the system that has produced all of the wealth and intellectual byproduct that our free and fair elections have made possible? The Russians produced nothing that anyone wants to buy outside of their weapons and oil-natural gas. The Chinese have stolen the underpinnings of their economy. Both of them will howl with delight as we self immolate, the country they both fear the most will disappear in front of their eyes. Maybe I should have bought an assault rifle years ago and stocked up on ammo, after Viet Nam I had no desire to have one. We are either going to have a country that we all will want to live in or it’s going to be gone, if it’s the latter it will be a crying shame.

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Chilling! Such an important piece! It should be required reading for all US citizens!

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Gellman's piece is required reading and so should be yours.

Precipice, faultline, edge of destruction...and you, dear one, will face the same fascist outcome as Heather if they come to power.

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Sizzlin’ TC. Griddle working overtime.

My hair has so much static electricity these days, it’s close to being a fire hazard.

Three monkeys at work. The stubbornness of ordinary people to see no, hear no, and speak no is difficult to crack. I believe it’s one result of COVID fatigue that the weasels are using.

I always made this trait that I think is very common to “comfortable America” a target on my teaching radar with children. Early with me, my students discover the importance of STAMINA and that learning and getting academic tasks completed is like physical exercise and athletic goals. Gotta work the muscles, practice, get the kinks out, plan, do, finish, apply what you learn to next task. I’ve explained to many a student that “lazy” is synonymous with “complacent” in my class and not acceptable.

Same now. I talk with people and it is common to hear of the fatigue of it all. However, there is always the choice. Push through it or succumb.

I feel like a dang cheerleader most days.

Well, whatever it takes. Democracy will prevail. I feel it at a visceral level. We are in the fight. And the Light.

Salud! And thank you TC.

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All of us who follow political news at the local, state, and federal level are not surprised by yours and Barton Hellman’s warnings. Our hair has been on fire since January 6. Merrick Garland drives us even crazier than the White House and Democratic Party officials. Every day that goes by with those two Senators obstructing the voting rights laws is a lost day. I could go on but ask one question: who is running tRump (and McConnell)?How does that work? He’s just not smart enough by himself. Who makes the phone calls telling him what to do? The system that’s in place - ALEC? The Federalist Society? - who is the person? There’s usually one behind the curtain. Who’s at his elbow in M’aL? What does Liz Cheney know? She’s playing a hand. I’m really interested in your opinion. What can we as individuals do about this? ❤️🤍💙🥳

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Shared. Scared.

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I haven't read the entire Atlantic article yet, but your coverage of it here and that on MSNBC yesterday already lit my hair on fire! I am a subscriber, so that will be #1 on my reading list today after I visit my substack friends and neighbors!

Ken Burns was on The Beat last evening and he has a new documentary on this subject. Of grave concern is MEDIA "what aboutism" and "false equivalence" in reporting inconsequential trivia while Rome burns. Since we have only one true democratic party operational now, perhaps media needs to take a hard stance PRO democracy and put aside their supplication to ratings while we fight this war to preserve our democratic existence. Let the crazies have their kool-aid; they are, after all completely addicted to it and since most of them are dying from Covid at three times the rate of the rest of the country, perhaps that scary number of millions will be somewhat reduced by 2022 or 2024. May we hope?

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Since 2015, it has been obvious that it is all about race, (and since LBJ actually), though the pundits danced around it for the longest time - education, income, etc. The Atlantic article pointed that out, with the NY Fireman as a prime example.

Democratic strategy advisors say that loss of democracy is a concern to Democrats. Swing voters see the economy, pandemic, schools etc. as far greater concerns as they are directly affected by them in the here and now. They will only become concerned after it is too late.

Is that why Biden and some of the other moderate, i.e. corporate, Dems are paying lip service to the threat but working on economic bills instead? Will they deal with the threat before it is too late? Or are they, in my conspiratorial mind, just fine with the loss of democracy as they too are old white males who have benefited greatly from the patriarchy?

Someday a new Barbara Tuchman will write a sequel to The March of Folly.

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