We knew this ruling was coming and were powerless to stop it. We can predict with near certainty what other freedoms, fought for so hard and for so long, that we have known for 50+ years will soon be wrested away from us. All we seem able to do is voice our dismay and sign petitions that can go nowhere unless the filibuster is tweaked or overridden and SCOTUS is expanded, and be grateful we lived most of our lives in progressive times. What will likely be happening is not how I envisioned my last years on earth.

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Forget tweaking the filibuster; eliminate it. It gives the minority the leeway to control the agenda. Frankly, McConnell is just a little less powerful as minority leader. He still kills legislation that the voters want. Expand the Court. It is unconscionable that 6 extreme right wing people, 3 of whom are on the Court illegitimately, should control the health and destinies of millions of women, girls and families.

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We knew it was coming. We didn’t know of Thomas’s roadmap to gut the remainder of privacy laws. And let’s take note. This is no longer the Roberts Court. It is the Thomas/Alito court.

When they tell you who they are, believe them.

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Absolutely right!

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You bet. We're in for some tough times...UNLESS we can get out the blue vote in November and start working on abolishing the filibuster and expanding SCOTUS.

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I'm quite willing to martyr myself to get back what has been stolen. I hope a few tens of millions are on the same page as I am.

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Me neither. I am sick. So dismayed 😧

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If this doesn't help tilt the scales towards the democrats in the coming mid-terms and 2024 general elections then I'm sorry to say this nation will get what it deserves. The reactionary minority has stacked the SC with liars who are doing everything they were put there to do. This may be a blessing in disguise, If we don't consign the repugnican party to the ash heap of history, the same place the Wigs went then, i's on us. It's going to be up to the democrats to tie every repugnican in every race up and down ballot to this decision, if they continue in their usual inept way to drop this ball, then woe on us, this should be a slam dunk. November will tell a lot of stories, if we give our president the house and senate he needs, he will have enough time to put in a major correction to this overreach.

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judge Thomas SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN nominated after what had happened with and to Professor and Dr.Anita Hill!!!!

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I’m going to quote myself from my comment to James Fallows’ blog “Breaking the News” because I think there may be more afoot than just loosing our privacy rights:

“What is chilling, on reflection, is the realization that the moralizing majority do not seem to think that this decision, and the other due process privacy rights they surely intend to target, will be overturned. Why go out of your way to strike down “settled law“ when you must know it is an unpopular thing to do? Why not be clever about it, like Justice Roberts wants to do, and slowly whittle away until there is merely a thin nubby stick of a right remaining? If it is unpopular then certainly it is temporary in a democracy and will ultimately be overturned. And then…it hits. The moralizing majority do not think their unpopular decision will be overturned because… they don’t expect a democracy to be around to stop them.“

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Every word you have said here is important. You have described exactly what is happening.

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Vote Blue in '22

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It most certainly is! 🙏TC!!!

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TC provides historical contexts and sees through pretexts with reference to The Supreme Court Overturning of Roe v. Wade. Many Americans are negatively affected by where this country is right now and will be very negatively affected by where it's heading, if we don't turn the country around. Our rights are being taken away. Pay close attention to 'IT'S MORE THAN ROE!'. TC is exactly right.

'Justice Clarence Thomas, in his concurring opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, laid out a vision that prompted concerns about what other rights could disappear: The same rationale that the Supreme Court used to declare there was no right to abortion, he said, should also be used to overturn cases establishing rights to contraception, same-sex consensual relations and same-sex marriage.'

'Then, he took aim at three other landmark cases that relied on that same legal reasoning: Griswold v. Connecticut, a 1965 decision that declared married couples had a right to contraception; Lawrence v. Texas, a 2003 case invalidating sodomy laws and making same-sex sexual activity legal across the country; and Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 case establishing the right of gay couples to marry.'

'Justice Thomas wrote that the court “should reconsider” all three decisions, saying it had a duty to “correct the error” established in those precedents. Then, he said, after “overruling these demonstrably erroneous decisions, the question would remain whether other constitutional provisions” protected the rights they established.' (NYTimes) Gifted link below.



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But interestingly, not Loving v. Virginia. Effing hypocrite.

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The traitors keep multiplying like rabbits!

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I got sick immediately upon hearing the news. Visceral reaction. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, ignored, dismissed, or relegated to a back alley for health care. I hope Trump and Thomas get raped by sticks in a dank back alley so they have an inkling of why the concept of safe abortion came before the courts in the first place. None of this would have happened if Trump had not been elected. So be it and perhaps we will note that.

Get ready Stench Court for the biggest “screw you” in every language and voice heard round every corner and echoed to the next.

I expect a massive blue wave and the fall of the radical right.

UNITAD!!!!! 🗽

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Trump and Thomas would enjoy the sticks up their butts!

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TC, Are you unlikely to 'like' comments weighted by a link or two to articles in newspapers such as the NYTimes and WAPO? I have noted your generosity in rewarding even simple exclamations, such as 'Holy crap' and Me, too' but, perhaps, disinclined to the former. Curiosity about your preferences was prompted by my inclination to observe. Thank you.

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No, it may be I just didn't get a chance to read what was connected. I am also working on several deadlines in my "day job." Never attribute to evil what can be explained by stupidity.

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TC, The drama and speed of your response elicited my appreciation for your literary talent and insight. 'Evil' on your part -- no! -- rush to judgement on my part -- I asked the source and like him even more. F.

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Staying in the good grades of Fern McBride is always a Good Thing. :-)

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"grades" TC! We both had troubles in school and made 'good trouble' there, too. Cheers, brother.

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The word assassination exists for reasons. We are not powerless, and there are far more equality warriors than there are conservative hypocrites clinging to power for all the wrong reasons. Eat the rich.

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oy, what a day. everybody is celebrating the passing of a wretchedly inadequate "gun control bill" that controls almost nothing. then there's that decision that renders my city exponentially more dangerous than it's ever been in my lifetime. and now it turns out that the leaked decision is exactly what it looked like. Roberts will tear his ball sack open by his pathetic straddling of the barbed wire fence in an attempt to salvage what was already set to go down as a failed Court. now, it's a downright evil one. CT (no, I won't type his name and anyone may feel free to insert the "un." I was "canceled" on another Substack for actually spelling it out, and I rely on NOT being canceled HERE because commenting is necessary to preserve my mental health) is a vile human being on every level EXCEPT for the fact that he actually had the balls (am I fixated on groins today, or what?) to announce his future intentions vis-a-vis the other rights he feels like going after in the not-too-distant future. fuck him. and fuck Mike Pence, whose "heroism" is the shortest on record. I'm glad we called it back then. all of a week ago.

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Yes. This forum is a safe place. That’s a concept about to become really important and valuable in this country. “safe place”.

I hear all that you say, David.


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Will they come after women who have had abortions in the past?

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Good question to the six. How will they find out? Perhaps, those women need to be recalled.

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