As for the age issue, consider what I know about people over 80 years old. I am 76 years old, and I live in a senior living community. We have about 300+ residents; most of us are in independent living accommodations. I have my Precious Penelope (my cat) and my car. I come and go as I please. The point I make is that many, many residents are in their 80s and 90s. At least one is 98 years old. I am a writer and editor for The Crier, our community newspaper. Our stalwart manager of The Crier is 94 years old, he still drives to shopping, appointments, etc. Any one of the nonagenarians I have met are sharp, coherent, intelligent, and eager to participate in life. They come here from all walks of life: teachers, engineers, physicists, doctors, nurses, researchers. The 81 year old man who lives in the apartment next to mine works full-time on a research project for the government. He gives talks and seminars about his work at a few universities. I believe our standard of living in America results in long-lived citizens. So, President Biden is on the leading edge of this generation of octogenarians and nonagenarians capable of contributing to the welfare of our nation. VOTE BIDEN. VOTE FOR CAPABLE DEMOCRATS, respecting the advantages of their ages.
Thank you Andrea! I’m 69 and still working full time as a Nurse Manager/Specialty Practice Leader. I love my work and continue to learn and pass on to the younger nurses the importance of the increasing technical skills to keep our patients safe, but recognizing the whole person that has the illness we are treating. It’s interesting that people assume that because I’m almost 70 that I should be retiring. We can still be old, and not only wise but still be able to lead. Plus by now we better have our shit together.
Karen RN, I'm also a nurse, and at age 66, have no interest in retirement. Our profession needs our wisdom and insights, and I have lots to contribute!
Good news. I see nothing failing or slipping from good ol' Joe, either mentally or physically. His rare stutter has always been there, and is rather endearing. And we've yet to see him board the steps of AF 1 oblivious to the toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
I think she is elevated. It’s just not been talked about. I think of her as a force behind every scene. And I am extremely glad she’s got the President’s back. And ear. I bet she is tearing up the nonsense in the Senate. Just wait until our majority increases. Woowee!
I’m raising a Cabernet toast from rainy Oregon ☔️🍷Ally. It started coming down today and I welcome it. Although would love to be in Hawaii for a few days. Enjoy!!
I'm so happy,?he is and will continue to be an outstanding leader for us and the world. I don't doubt that history will be applauding our team forever!
He owns a Boeing 767. I don't know its status, but if he's indicted it has to be confiscated to keep him from running to Moscow to set up a "government in exile."
I like the news because it shuts down lesser Democrats from trying to find differences among themselves in order to create differentiation and thus dividing our base by creating the impression of separate interest groups in competition with one another. Joe is a good man. If he can keep it going, I’m there with him.
Resumes solicited for the most complex and difficult positions in many fields, frequently require “30+ years experience.” He is the whole package. 30+ years, 4 years on the job, 8 years on-the-job training. Of all the weighty positions an administration has to fill with cabinet members, national security professionals, diplomatic corp, DOJ, armed services and more, President Biden hits a grand slam. Would be grateful to vote for him again.
Sad to say, Biden is the best horse that the Dems have in their stable right now. No one else has his presence and charisma that I can think of. I just hope he has the stamina…and the stomach to withstand all the crap he’ll have to endure from the GOP and trump.
Those named as likely younger candidates would deplete the Senate of badly needed votes or leadership positions which badly need their expertise. I admire Joe. I'm not quite as old (but getting there), and I respect his energy, experience, and wisdom. So what if he stutters. So what if he speaks his mind and the reporters can't take it. I would rather him say what he thinks than wake up to a barrage of idiotic rants and tweets from a mob boss every blessed day.
If Joe Biden announces formally that he is running for re-election then I know he has put his ego ahead of his country.
I love the guy. I will be eternally grateful for his service. He has been exemplary as a leader and one who has righted the ship of state. He has cleaned up TFGs mess, restored our international relationships and fought for democracy as it has been assaulted by Putin the Putz.
But Joe should not run. Not because he couldn't govern well if reelected. Not because he doesn't deserve it.
He should not run because he is too fucking old! I am about his age. I think I am quite together. But I AM NOT THE GUY I WAS five or ten years ago.
It is about mental agility. And it's about presentation. I love Joe. When he speaks, I listen and appreciate him. But millions of potential Democratic voters are turned off by his stumbling speech. They want a JFK! They want a fresh inspiring leader. And frankly, many of us want a woman!
Thank you Joe. But time to put the country over personal ambition. Time for a new younger voice. The bench is deep. Let it go, Joe.
Which one of the collection of clucks who want to be Democratic presidents do you think could beat Trump in 2024? The last collection in 202 was pretty underwhelming until Biden announced.
Almost any of the prominent Democrats could beat TFG if he is the candidate. Al Franken could beat him. Wouldn't you really love to see THAT debate? "Hey Don, let's compare notes on how to piss off go first."
TFG will be weakened by the onslaught of legal issues that will befall him beginning on November 14th. Now that NY State law allows for it, E.Carroll Jean will be followed by more. Georgia may actually move fastest. That phone call was a beaut. And yet Garland the tortoise may yet win the race. Mara Lardo docs first, then insurrection? Espionage and Obstruction? It's going to be a cascade of indictments.
And therefore. TFG will be the limping old wounded antelope in the herd of aspirants. Pence is picking at him, Haley is hiding but still hinting, DeathSantis is close to a faceoff and his popularity is rising fast. Pompeo is ready to pounce (he even accepts the results of 2020!). Only the Shadow knows who it will be...but let's not underestimate the lust for this job. Once the weakness is shown it will be like hyenas on a carcass.
I could be wrong. It happens every day. But it is fun to speculate and to hope.
You are expecting a lot of things that would happen in a rational world. Unfortunately, we do not live in that world.
The other Republicans who are "waiting to pounce" will not pounce unless Trump says he is not running. He's not going to say that because the minute he does, his power, influence and most importantly source of income dry up.
It's been seven years, Bill, how can a guy as smart as you have not figured this out?
Every tyrant in history has had a limited run. Who will be Trumps Brutus? Not sure. But the first smell of blood in the water will bring churning, ripping and chomping.
I see the rampant lust for power by younger smarter players as inevitable competition for the real estate con man. And they will be worse.
Trumps recent diatribes and babblings display an ever more desperate, incoherent and self destructive clown. He is designing his own spiral dive. He is providing his own prosecution. That will not go unnoticed by the competition.
And then there are those within the GQP who will see a loser about to be jailed as a less than ideal candidate.
Bill you landed one! And funny as a 'limping old wounded antelope in a herd of aspirants'. Now, perhaps, we have reached a rare moment of harmony; what about Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg? How's that for a name? It looks like a couple of aspirants.
Mayor Pete is the smartest politician on the national scene. I really think he has the right stuff. But I await his revealing what he did at McKinsey before I would give him 100% suuport.
Bill, Biden had no choice about whether he was going to run for a second term or not. He had to say 'yes' in order to keep the party together as much as possible. They cannot be separated by who will run for president and seek donors, etc. The chaos and destruction from Trump, the Republicans and far-right must have a steady, organized and well funded, stronger counter-force. Biden is correct in leaving as little space as possible among democrats. My hunch is that he will anoint the next leader. Buttigieg is likely. He has been broadcasting the way Biden has been dealing with supply-chain issues. Buttigieg is probably working along side Biden, cabinet members, the Fed Chair, etc., on the next couple of political business cycles -- more so than is typical for a transport secretary.
Absolutely! Biden can take his time in his decision and get no derision from me. The longer he holds onto that power, the more he can accomplish. And a lot of it is not covered by the media. His executive actions, his rebuilding of the agencies that TFG stripped of talent. None of that happens overnight. I think we owe Joe Biden complete support to announce his intentions whenever HE is ready to do so. For now, we should support him in every way possible.
Then...I may have this wrong, but my intuition is that if he decides that Harris is not his top choice, he will simply open the floodgates for every possible contender and say something like: "It is up to the American people to select the next President, not me". And I think the conventional wisdom suggests Harris is not the pick...but who knows? She has not been "polling well". But I hate polls :)
You know I have great esteem for Pete. I remember having dinner with several relatives early on in the primary season. All of us "seniors". I asked: "OK, don't think about your answer - just give me your gut reaction when I ask who is your favorite right now?" They ALL shouted "Mayor Pete".
My only concern has been the McKinsey work - which might be a vulnerability. But I did some Google digging and came up with this (from 2019) which made me feel better:
"Buttigieg’s campaign said those clients were: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the Canadian supermarket chain Loblaws, Best Buy, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Energy Foundation, the US Postal Service, and the US Department of Defense."
All of which would be positive resume builders. And "features" for his potential campaign. Is America ready for a gay top executive? Colorado says yes. And we in MA are about to shout "Hell, yeah!" (Mostly I am just thrilled to have an articulate and super smart woman :)
“Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
And this from the person who recommends against making predictions! You also seem to believe that our so-called "Rule of Law' will not impede him one bit. So much for our exceptional Rule of Law..
No, that's not it. Read the Constitution. There is no rule that he cannot run from a prison cell. If you check history, Eugene Debs did that in 1920. Do you think he wouldn't? With 70% (at least) support from the Trumpublicans?
I know the history, TC. You think being on trial or found guilty will not reduce turnout for him or lower vote count? I love it; we're having another spat. And the goods on Trumpernikk are not all out and on the table. Do you remember what it did for Debs? I'm sure you do.
Bill, I posted a two comments having to do with the switch some voters may be making from favoring Democrats to voting for Republicans in the midterm elections and on this piece about Biden running for a second term. Each contained this sentence, which was prompted by your strong opinion on the matter: 'Stop blaming Americans who have been propagandized up the kazoo! The lies are not going to stop. Do we know how to tell the truth? C'mon. Gonna let the Republicans win with a proven record against the people, dirty money and filthy intentions? 📣'
Differing opinions can be the spice of life, which is my intention and not a personal attack.
No personal attack observed. You are among my top ten commentators in these forums :) I think it is healthy that we can toss these ideas around.
I applaud Joe Biden. I think he will be viewed as one of the most effective and important Presidents ever. I don't know why there is so little discussion of how he had to pull us out of the wreckage of the worst, most destructive administration in our history. TFG ran the ship of state onto the rocks. He gutted the government of qualified professionals. Joe brought them back. Joe re-floated the vessel. He surrounded himself with a diverse crew of experts. Kudos, big time.
But in my humble opinion, it is time for the next generation to take the helm. The most likely candidate on the dark side will be DeathSantis. He is 44. His oratory is strong. His appeal is growing exponentially.
The quote you have used demonstrates Joe's forthright condemnation of the falsehoods and dark money and deserves more kudos. I love the guy. But here is the thing, he used the word "kazoo".
It is time for some youthful charisma. As much as I respect and admire Joe Biden, we are losing the young vote to apathy. We have the majority of them in philosophy - tolerance, a love of diversity, support of women's rights. But someone Joe Biden's age (anyone) is not going to get them to vote. "Respect for elders" is not big value in our society.
I have no particular fondness for Gavin Newsom. But listen to his presentation. Amy Klobuchar comes across as a fighter. Pete Buttigieg may be the best and brightest speaker of them all. Stacey Abrams leaves everyone on the stage in the dust. We have a really big stable of fiery racehorses. I say open the gates and see who runs the best race.
My intuition is that Joe Biden will not run again. I think he will put country over his ego. He puts on a good show and today is no time to show weakness. I think he will decide to leave on top in terms of his accomplishments - he beat Trump and reassembled the nation. He is amazing.
If I am wrong (not unusual) and he runs, I will slap a Biden bumper sticker on my forehead.
It's more fun agreeing with you than with you, Bill, than with most because you and I have strong opinions when we have them and often a bit at odds. So, we are a good sparring pair and, I think, excellent teammates as well.
President Biden has been a steady hand at the helm since taking over the shit storm left behind by TFG (including a lack of normal transition between administrations). He's kept his eye on domestic concerns, while dealing with the aggression against Ukraine. I'd be happy to vote for him for a second term. America needs him if we are to survive the threats against Democracy.
📣 I do not agree that voters who seem to have switched from voting for Democrats to favoring Republicans in the midterm elections '...have their heads up their asses'. You and many subscribers liked a comment on THE JUMP SHOT GETS JUMPIER, which strongly stated that opinion. So, you think those voters know what Biden and the Democratic party have done to improve the lives of Americans, thereby, their economic security? The problem is they have their heads up their asses! BULL SHIT. Do these voters and others know what Biden plans are for the future? Do they know what the Republicans have done to them and what more they have it store for our SS, Medicare, Inflation, economic security? Don't blame this all on the 'media'? What about the messaging and campaigning by the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party?? Who has their heads of their asses? If Biden and the Democrats cannot reach the American voters, what's the future like for Democracy?📢
📢Who is going to reach the public that they serve? Who is going to speak with heart in plain, strong language; who is for the people and can prove it? Stop blaming Americans who have been propagandized up the kazoo! The lies are not going to stop. Do we know how to tell the truth? C'mon. Gonna let the Republicans win with a proven record against the people, dirty money and filthy intentions? 📣
📣Message the Future! What we've done and will do! I was clear and compare that to Republican Senator Scott's 12 Point Rescue Plan, for instance:
'Eliminate federal programs that can be done locally. Any government function that can be handled locally should be.
Move most Government agencies out of Washington and into the real world.
Sell off all non-essential government assets, buildings, and land, and use the proceeds to pay down our national debt.
All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.
We will immediately cut the IRS funding and workforce by 50%.
Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.
There must be no same-day registration, as this does not allow election officials to verify the validity and accuracy of voter information.
No one should be automatically registered without their consent or knowledge, as this opens the way for multiple registrations by the same individual and registration of ineligible voters.
Unmanned or unmonitored ballot boxes in public areas to collect unlimited ballots must be prohibited.
Families are crucial in raising young men and women of character and responsible members of society. The best form of governing our society is not government, it is family.
Abortions are a tragedy. We must make adoption accessible and affordable.
We will help low-income single women who are considering abortion choose life instead, by paying all costs associated with carrying the child to term and placing the child for adoption.
We will STOP Democrat Party efforts to discriminate against faith-based adoption agencies. We will do just the opposite. Most faith-based groups provide far superior service than government agencies do. We will utilize and empower them.
If I were a Democratic strategist I would be portraying Rick Scott as the crook he is. You can't be the CEO of a healthcare company that was convicted of the greatest Medicare Fraud in history and just skate away. Regardless of his level of involvement, it happened under his watch. If he really didn't know that his company was stealing from the American Taxpayer...why not?
At best, Scott demonstrated total incompetence. At worst, he deserved a long term in a Federal slammer. Why are we letting that event slide? If the roles were reversed, millions of dark money dollars would be endlessly dedicated to portraying Scott as the thief he really is. I don't get it. The enemy hands us a campaign weapon and we don't use it.
Oh, yes, you can. Quoting Bill, 'You can't be the CEO of a healthcare company that was convicted of the greatest Medicare Fraud in history and just skate away.' This is the USA, of course, you can. He did. How many crimes has Trump gotten away with and how many other richies have, too.? That's thanks to our Rule of Law. It knows who not to weight on that scale of, what's its name again?
Dems guilty of “blah” messaging. No doubt, but Fox is not. Main reason my idiot brother has jumped on the hate train, after having been an Obama voter. But don’t mess with his Medicare.
I don’t know where he gets the energy, but I’m glad to hear this. Now we just must give him a Congress he can work with.
Tryin' hard! Text, write letters, write post cards, phone bank, tell friends and family!
As for the age issue, consider what I know about people over 80 years old. I am 76 years old, and I live in a senior living community. We have about 300+ residents; most of us are in independent living accommodations. I have my Precious Penelope (my cat) and my car. I come and go as I please. The point I make is that many, many residents are in their 80s and 90s. At least one is 98 years old. I am a writer and editor for The Crier, our community newspaper. Our stalwart manager of The Crier is 94 years old, he still drives to shopping, appointments, etc. Any one of the nonagenarians I have met are sharp, coherent, intelligent, and eager to participate in life. They come here from all walks of life: teachers, engineers, physicists, doctors, nurses, researchers. The 81 year old man who lives in the apartment next to mine works full-time on a research project for the government. He gives talks and seminars about his work at a few universities. I believe our standard of living in America results in long-lived citizens. So, President Biden is on the leading edge of this generation of octogenarians and nonagenarians capable of contributing to the welfare of our nation. VOTE BIDEN. VOTE FOR CAPABLE DEMOCRATS, respecting the advantages of their ages.
Thank you Andrea! I’m 69 and still working full time as a Nurse Manager/Specialty Practice Leader. I love my work and continue to learn and pass on to the younger nurses the importance of the increasing technical skills to keep our patients safe, but recognizing the whole person that has the illness we are treating. It’s interesting that people assume that because I’m almost 70 that I should be retiring. We can still be old, and not only wise but still be able to lead. Plus by now we better have our shit together.
Karen RN, I'm also a nurse, and at age 66, have no interest in retirement. Our profession needs our wisdom and insights, and I have lots to contribute!
At 70 I am selling my nursing practice, (to a superb RN on my staff),and opening a somewhat political one. Watch out world. Nurses know too much!
Good news. I see nothing failing or slipping from good ol' Joe, either mentally or physically. His rare stutter has always been there, and is rather endearing. And we've yet to see him board the steps of AF 1 oblivious to the toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
I'm just home from a fundraiser. If Joe's in, so am I. Time to elevate Harris to a more substantial role.
I think she is elevated. It’s just not been talked about. I think of her as a force behind every scene. And I am extremely glad she’s got the President’s back. And ear. I bet she is tearing up the nonsense in the Senate. Just wait until our majority increases. Woowee!
Unita, Gail! 🗽
Not applicable to this post, but I am raising a rum punch toast today from Hawaii. 🍹
I’m raising a Cabernet toast from rainy Oregon ☔️🍷Ally. It started coming down today and I welcome it. Although would love to be in Hawaii for a few days. Enjoy!!
I’m so glad the rain is falling!!
I’m drinking cheap Pinot in the Keys.
Pinot is always good. Keys also.
I'm so happy,?he is and will continue to be an outstanding leader for us and the world. I don't doubt that history will be applauding our team forever!
Leave it to President Biden to end the
week on a good note, especially after the
totally shoot yourself in the head move by rethuglicans to stop Student Loan
Forgiveness, after the website went live
and thousands probably applied. Goes to
show they don't want their people to move forward and get out of debt.
TC...on another totally different topic,
what type aircraft does Trump own? Has
it finished being updated?
He owns a Boeing 767. I don't know its status, but if he's indicted it has to be confiscated to keep him from running to Moscow to set up a "government in exile."
Thanks TC. I knew it was a big jet.
Yes, confiscation absolutely and
get that Dip passport and his regular
passport as well. He and family will
be flight risks.
God, how I wish him and the whole tribe of criminals on another country. Sorry, but Putin won’t have him…
Boeing 757-200, range 4,400 miles non stop, fully upgraded
and new paint job done in LA
this past summer. He also owns
a Citation X, a sweet bird.
This is how he spent the millions he fleeced from his followers
Maybe he’s getting ready to flee
I like the news because it shuts down lesser Democrats from trying to find differences among themselves in order to create differentiation and thus dividing our base by creating the impression of separate interest groups in competition with one another. Joe is a good man. If he can keep it going, I’m there with him.
Personally, I am also very glad to hear this.
Welcome news.
Resumes solicited for the most complex and difficult positions in many fields, frequently require “30+ years experience.” He is the whole package. 30+ years, 4 years on the job, 8 years on-the-job training. Of all the weighty positions an administration has to fill with cabinet members, national security professionals, diplomatic corp, DOJ, armed services and more, President Biden hits a grand slam. Would be grateful to vote for him again.
Sad to say, Biden is the best horse that the Dems have in their stable right now. No one else has his presence and charisma that I can think of. I just hope he has the stamina…and the stomach to withstand all the crap he’ll have to endure from the GOP and trump.
Those named as likely younger candidates would deplete the Senate of badly needed votes or leadership positions which badly need their expertise. I admire Joe. I'm not quite as old (but getting there), and I respect his energy, experience, and wisdom. So what if he stutters. So what if he speaks his mind and the reporters can't take it. I would rather him say what he thinks than wake up to a barrage of idiotic rants and tweets from a mob boss every blessed day.
If Joe Biden announces formally that he is running for re-election then I know he has put his ego ahead of his country.
I love the guy. I will be eternally grateful for his service. He has been exemplary as a leader and one who has righted the ship of state. He has cleaned up TFGs mess, restored our international relationships and fought for democracy as it has been assaulted by Putin the Putz.
But Joe should not run. Not because he couldn't govern well if reelected. Not because he doesn't deserve it.
He should not run because he is too fucking old! I am about his age. I think I am quite together. But I AM NOT THE GUY I WAS five or ten years ago.
It is about mental agility. And it's about presentation. I love Joe. When he speaks, I listen and appreciate him. But millions of potential Democratic voters are turned off by his stumbling speech. They want a JFK! They want a fresh inspiring leader. And frankly, many of us want a woman!
Thank you Joe. But time to put the country over personal ambition. Time for a new younger voice. The bench is deep. Let it go, Joe.
Which one of the collection of clucks who want to be Democratic presidents do you think could beat Trump in 2024? The last collection in 202 was pretty underwhelming until Biden announced.
Almost any of the prominent Democrats could beat TFG if he is the candidate. Al Franken could beat him. Wouldn't you really love to see THAT debate? "Hey Don, let's compare notes on how to piss off go first."
TFG will be weakened by the onslaught of legal issues that will befall him beginning on November 14th. Now that NY State law allows for it, E.Carroll Jean will be followed by more. Georgia may actually move fastest. That phone call was a beaut. And yet Garland the tortoise may yet win the race. Mara Lardo docs first, then insurrection? Espionage and Obstruction? It's going to be a cascade of indictments.
And therefore. TFG will be the limping old wounded antelope in the herd of aspirants. Pence is picking at him, Haley is hiding but still hinting, DeathSantis is close to a faceoff and his popularity is rising fast. Pompeo is ready to pounce (he even accepts the results of 2020!). Only the Shadow knows who it will be...but let's not underestimate the lust for this job. Once the weakness is shown it will be like hyenas on a carcass.
I could be wrong. It happens every day. But it is fun to speculate and to hope.
Love your musings. But never underestimate the evil that republicans are capable of. The first consideration, always.
First, Bill, al Franken is not going to win.
You are expecting a lot of things that would happen in a rational world. Unfortunately, we do not live in that world.
The other Republicans who are "waiting to pounce" will not pounce unless Trump says he is not running. He's not going to say that because the minute he does, his power, influence and most importantly source of income dry up.
It's been seven years, Bill, how can a guy as smart as you have not figured this out?
Every tyrant in history has had a limited run. Who will be Trumps Brutus? Not sure. But the first smell of blood in the water will bring churning, ripping and chomping.
I see the rampant lust for power by younger smarter players as inevitable competition for the real estate con man. And they will be worse.
Trumps recent diatribes and babblings display an ever more desperate, incoherent and self destructive clown. He is designing his own spiral dive. He is providing his own prosecution. That will not go unnoticed by the competition.
And then there are those within the GQP who will see a loser about to be jailed as a less than ideal candidate.
Bill you landed one! And funny as a 'limping old wounded antelope in a herd of aspirants'. Now, perhaps, we have reached a rare moment of harmony; what about Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg? How's that for a name? It looks like a couple of aspirants.
Mayor Pete is the smartest politician on the national scene. I really think he has the right stuff. But I await his revealing what he did at McKinsey before I would give him 100% suuport.
Bill, Biden had no choice about whether he was going to run for a second term or not. He had to say 'yes' in order to keep the party together as much as possible. They cannot be separated by who will run for president and seek donors, etc. The chaos and destruction from Trump, the Republicans and far-right must have a steady, organized and well funded, stronger counter-force. Biden is correct in leaving as little space as possible among democrats. My hunch is that he will anoint the next leader. Buttigieg is likely. He has been broadcasting the way Biden has been dealing with supply-chain issues. Buttigieg is probably working along side Biden, cabinet members, the Fed Chair, etc., on the next couple of political business cycles -- more so than is typical for a transport secretary.
Mornin' Fern!
Absolutely! Biden can take his time in his decision and get no derision from me. The longer he holds onto that power, the more he can accomplish. And a lot of it is not covered by the media. His executive actions, his rebuilding of the agencies that TFG stripped of talent. None of that happens overnight. I think we owe Joe Biden complete support to announce his intentions whenever HE is ready to do so. For now, we should support him in every way possible.
Then...I may have this wrong, but my intuition is that if he decides that Harris is not his top choice, he will simply open the floodgates for every possible contender and say something like: "It is up to the American people to select the next President, not me". And I think the conventional wisdom suggests Harris is not the pick...but who knows? She has not been "polling well". But I hate polls :)
You know I have great esteem for Pete. I remember having dinner with several relatives early on in the primary season. All of us "seniors". I asked: "OK, don't think about your answer - just give me your gut reaction when I ask who is your favorite right now?" They ALL shouted "Mayor Pete".
My only concern has been the McKinsey work - which might be a vulnerability. But I did some Google digging and came up with this (from 2019) which made me feel better:
"Buttigieg’s campaign said those clients were: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the Canadian supermarket chain Loblaws, Best Buy, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Energy Foundation, the US Postal Service, and the US Department of Defense."
All of which would be positive resume builders. And "features" for his potential campaign. Is America ready for a gay top executive? Colorado says yes. And we in MA are about to shout "Hell, yeah!" (Mostly I am just thrilled to have an articulate and super smart woman :)
“Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
― Eugene V. Debs
Wow, sorry, my intention is to be better than pond scum.
You betting on that happening again or is it something you dreamt? You know the odds of Trump running again?
The only way he won't run is if he's dead.
And this from the person who recommends against making predictions! You also seem to believe that our so-called "Rule of Law' will not impede him one bit. So much for our exceptional Rule of Law..
No, that's not it. Read the Constitution. There is no rule that he cannot run from a prison cell. If you check history, Eugene Debs did that in 1920. Do you think he wouldn't? With 70% (at least) support from the Trumpublicans?
I remember when you told me to read info on the Institute for the Study of War's web site, which I did, and it didn't help you one bit.
I know the history, TC. You think being on trial or found guilty will not reduce turnout for him or lower vote count? I love it; we're having another spat. And the goods on Trumpernikk are not all out and on the table. Do you remember what it did for Debs? I'm sure you do.
Bill, I posted a two comments having to do with the switch some voters may be making from favoring Democrats to voting for Republicans in the midterm elections and on this piece about Biden running for a second term. Each contained this sentence, which was prompted by your strong opinion on the matter: 'Stop blaming Americans who have been propagandized up the kazoo! The lies are not going to stop. Do we know how to tell the truth? C'mon. Gonna let the Republicans win with a proven record against the people, dirty money and filthy intentions? 📣'
Differing opinions can be the spice of life, which is my intention and not a personal attack.
No personal attack observed. You are among my top ten commentators in these forums :) I think it is healthy that we can toss these ideas around.
I applaud Joe Biden. I think he will be viewed as one of the most effective and important Presidents ever. I don't know why there is so little discussion of how he had to pull us out of the wreckage of the worst, most destructive administration in our history. TFG ran the ship of state onto the rocks. He gutted the government of qualified professionals. Joe brought them back. Joe re-floated the vessel. He surrounded himself with a diverse crew of experts. Kudos, big time.
But in my humble opinion, it is time for the next generation to take the helm. The most likely candidate on the dark side will be DeathSantis. He is 44. His oratory is strong. His appeal is growing exponentially.
The quote you have used demonstrates Joe's forthright condemnation of the falsehoods and dark money and deserves more kudos. I love the guy. But here is the thing, he used the word "kazoo".
It is time for some youthful charisma. As much as I respect and admire Joe Biden, we are losing the young vote to apathy. We have the majority of them in philosophy - tolerance, a love of diversity, support of women's rights. But someone Joe Biden's age (anyone) is not going to get them to vote. "Respect for elders" is not big value in our society.
I have no particular fondness for Gavin Newsom. But listen to his presentation. Amy Klobuchar comes across as a fighter. Pete Buttigieg may be the best and brightest speaker of them all. Stacey Abrams leaves everyone on the stage in the dust. We have a really big stable of fiery racehorses. I say open the gates and see who runs the best race.
My intuition is that Joe Biden will not run again. I think he will put country over his ego. He puts on a good show and today is no time to show weakness. I think he will decide to leave on top in terms of his accomplishments - he beat Trump and reassembled the nation. He is amazing.
If I am wrong (not unusual) and he runs, I will slap a Biden bumper sticker on my forehead.
It's more fun agreeing with you than with you, Bill, than with most because you and I have strong opinions when we have them and often a bit at odds. So, we are a good sparring pair and, I think, excellent teammates as well.
President Biden has been a steady hand at the helm since taking over the shit storm left behind by TFG (including a lack of normal transition between administrations). He's kept his eye on domestic concerns, while dealing with the aggression against Ukraine. I'd be happy to vote for him for a second term. America needs him if we are to survive the threats against Democracy.
📣 I do not agree that voters who seem to have switched from voting for Democrats to favoring Republicans in the midterm elections '...have their heads up their asses'. You and many subscribers liked a comment on THE JUMP SHOT GETS JUMPIER, which strongly stated that opinion. So, you think those voters know what Biden and the Democratic party have done to improve the lives of Americans, thereby, their economic security? The problem is they have their heads up their asses! BULL SHIT. Do these voters and others know what Biden plans are for the future? Do they know what the Republicans have done to them and what more they have it store for our SS, Medicare, Inflation, economic security? Don't blame this all on the 'media'? What about the messaging and campaigning by the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party?? Who has their heads of their asses? If Biden and the Democrats cannot reach the American voters, what's the future like for Democracy?📢
I'm liking because you have made some good points, Fern. We elect
them and it's up to us, the people,
to hold them all accountable. We
just can't vote and think our duty
to our country and democracy is
done. We have to speak up louder
and hold each candidate to every
one of their promises, whether it
bucks the system or not.
📢Who is going to reach the public that they serve? Who is going to speak with heart in plain, strong language; who is for the people and can prove it? Stop blaming Americans who have been propagandized up the kazoo! The lies are not going to stop. Do we know how to tell the truth? C'mon. Gonna let the Republicans win with a proven record against the people, dirty money and filthy intentions? 📣
Well Fern...what do you suggest?
📣Message the Future! What we've done and will do! I was clear and compare that to Republican Senator Scott's 12 Point Rescue Plan, for instance:
'Eliminate federal programs that can be done locally. Any government function that can be handled locally should be.
Move most Government agencies out of Washington and into the real world.
Sell off all non-essential government assets, buildings, and land, and use the proceeds to pay down our national debt.
All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.
We will immediately cut the IRS funding and workforce by 50%.
Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.
There must be no same-day registration, as this does not allow election officials to verify the validity and accuracy of voter information.
No one should be automatically registered without their consent or knowledge, as this opens the way for multiple registrations by the same individual and registration of ineligible voters.
Unmanned or unmonitored ballot boxes in public areas to collect unlimited ballots must be prohibited.
Families are crucial in raising young men and women of character and responsible members of society. The best form of governing our society is not government, it is family.
Abortions are a tragedy. We must make adoption accessible and affordable.
We will help low-income single women who are considering abortion choose life instead, by paying all costs associated with carrying the child to term and placing the child for adoption.
We will STOP Democrat Party efforts to discriminate against faith-based adoption agencies. We will do just the opposite. Most faith-based groups provide far superior service than government agencies do. We will utilize and empower them.
I live in Arkansas and I
see quite clearly just how well this state, ranked 4th worst state to live in, takes care of its low income
single women and elderly. The 12 point
plan to rescue America? Tear it up and try better next time. A lot better.
Who are you addressing Victoria -- it is the 12 Point plan of Republican Senator Rick Scott (Fl)?
If I were a Democratic strategist I would be portraying Rick Scott as the crook he is. You can't be the CEO of a healthcare company that was convicted of the greatest Medicare Fraud in history and just skate away. Regardless of his level of involvement, it happened under his watch. If he really didn't know that his company was stealing from the American Taxpayer...why not?
At best, Scott demonstrated total incompetence. At worst, he deserved a long term in a Federal slammer. Why are we letting that event slide? If the roles were reversed, millions of dark money dollars would be endlessly dedicated to portraying Scott as the thief he really is. I don't get it. The enemy hands us a campaign weapon and we don't use it.
Oh, yes, you can. Quoting Bill, 'You can't be the CEO of a healthcare company that was convicted of the greatest Medicare Fraud in history and just skate away.' This is the USA, of course, you can. He did. How many crimes has Trump gotten away with and how many other richies have, too.? That's thanks to our Rule of Law. It knows who not to weight on that scale of, what's its name again?
Dems guilty of “blah” messaging. No doubt, but Fox is not. Main reason my idiot brother has jumped on the hate train, after having been an Obama voter. But don’t mess with his Medicare.
Same here, about to go watch that segment.
Please can we wait til after mid terms this November to speak about '24.
This does nothing but gives the msn to launch into overdrive and fuck other things happening.
Just, chill, Joe Cool. Just chill.