I don’t know where he gets the energy, but I’m glad to hear this. Now we just must give him a Congress he can work with.

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As for the age issue, consider what I know about people over 80 years old. I am 76 years old, and I live in a senior living community. We have about 300+ residents; most of us are in independent living accommodations. I have my Precious Penelope (my cat) and my car. I come and go as I please. The point I make is that many, many residents are in their 80s and 90s. At least one is 98 years old. I am a writer and editor for The Crier, our community newspaper. Our stalwart manager of The Crier is 94 years old, he still drives to shopping, appointments, etc. Any one of the nonagenarians I have met are sharp, coherent, intelligent, and eager to participate in life. They come here from all walks of life: teachers, engineers, physicists, doctors, nurses, researchers. The 81 year old man who lives in the apartment next to mine works full-time on a research project for the government. He gives talks and seminars about his work at a few universities. I believe our standard of living in America results in long-lived citizens. So, President Biden is on the leading edge of this generation of octogenarians and nonagenarians capable of contributing to the welfare of our nation. VOTE BIDEN. VOTE FOR CAPABLE DEMOCRATS, respecting the advantages of their ages.

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Good news. I see nothing failing or slipping from good ol' Joe, either mentally or physically. His rare stutter has always been there, and is rather endearing. And we've yet to see him board the steps of AF 1 oblivious to the toilet paper stuck to his shoe.

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I'm just home from a fundraiser. If Joe's in, so am I. Time to elevate Harris to a more substantial role.

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Leave it to President Biden to end the

week on a good note, especially after the

totally shoot yourself in the head move by rethuglicans to stop Student Loan

Forgiveness, after the website went live

and thousands probably applied. Goes to

show they don't want their people to move forward and get out of debt.

TC...on another totally different topic,

what type aircraft does Trump own? Has

it finished being updated?

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I like the news because it shuts down lesser Democrats from trying to find differences among themselves in order to create differentiation and thus dividing our base by creating the impression of separate interest groups in competition with one another. Joe is a good man. If he can keep it going, I’m there with him.

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Personally, I am also very glad to hear this.


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Oct 22, 2022Liked by TCinLA


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Welcome news.

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Resumes solicited for the most complex and difficult positions in many fields, frequently require “30+ years experience.” He is the whole package. 30+ years, 4 years on the job, 8 years on-the-job training. Of all the weighty positions an administration has to fill with cabinet members, national security professionals, diplomatic corp, DOJ, armed services and more, President Biden hits a grand slam. Would be grateful to vote for him again.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Me too! Grandpa Joe has exceeded my expectations. He’s the first president since Eisenhower that rejects the Reagan Revolutionary ideology-even Clinton and Obama adhered to it. I think it’s because they thought that’s what people wanted; the Reagan Revolution was huge and extremely damaging to our country.

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Sad to say, Biden is the best horse that the Dems have in their stable right now. No one else has his presence and charisma that I can think of. I just hope he has the stamina…and the stomach to withstand all the crap he’ll have to endure from the GOP and trump.

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If Joe Biden announces formally that he is running for re-election then I know he has put his ego ahead of his country.

I love the guy. I will be eternally grateful for his service. He has been exemplary as a leader and one who has righted the ship of state. He has cleaned up TFGs mess, restored our international relationships and fought for democracy as it has been assaulted by Putin the Putz.

But Joe should not run. Not because he couldn't govern well if reelected. Not because he doesn't deserve it.

He should not run because he is too fucking old! I am about his age. I think I am quite together. But I AM NOT THE GUY I WAS five or ten years ago.

It is about mental agility. And it's about presentation. I love Joe. When he speaks, I listen and appreciate him. But millions of potential Democratic voters are turned off by his stumbling speech. They want a JFK! They want a fresh inspiring leader. And frankly, many of us want a woman!

Thank you Joe. But time to put the country over personal ambition. Time for a new younger voice. The bench is deep. Let it go, Joe.

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President Biden has been a steady hand at the helm since taking over the shit storm left behind by TFG (including a lack of normal transition between administrations). He's kept his eye on domestic concerns, while dealing with the aggression against Ukraine. I'd be happy to vote for him for a second term. America needs him if we are to survive the threats against Democracy.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

📣 I do not agree that voters who seem to have switched from voting for Democrats to favoring Republicans in the midterm elections '...have their heads up their asses'. You and many subscribers liked a comment on THE JUMP SHOT GETS JUMPIER, which strongly stated that opinion. So, you think those voters know what Biden and the Democratic party have done to improve the lives of Americans, thereby, their economic security? The problem is they have their heads up their asses! BULL SHIT. Do these voters and others know what Biden plans are for the future? Do they know what the Republicans have done to them and what more they have it store for our SS, Medicare, Inflation, economic security? Don't blame this all on the 'media'? What about the messaging and campaigning by the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party?? Who has their heads of their asses? If Biden and the Democrats cannot reach the American voters, what's the future like for Democracy?📢

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Same here, about to go watch that segment.

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