Musk is a very dangerous

man. He's meddling not only

in our country's Constitutional

Democracy, but Germany's

and Great Britain's too There

has got to be some way to

neutralize him. And I don't

mean by violence.

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As TC says, if they tank this whole thing, they going to take all of us with them. That's what scares us most. Thankfully, we have a bit of a nest egg, but we still rely on SocSec to pay our mortgage and bills. Musk and his cronies are drooling on the sidelines, waiting to swoop in at the fire sale and buy everything for pennies on the dollar.....

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Fortunatyely Social Security is considered essential and operates during the shutdown.

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The pediatric cancer funds are not in this bill. The Senate did not add their vote in favor of the funding to the bill, which would require a second House vote.

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Shutdowns are nothing more than the pouty kid taking his ball and going home so the rest of the kids can't play. If Dems every get back majorities they must address their own dysfunction and pass a law that penalizes them heavily for not doing their jobs, say, giving up half their salaries for each shutdown. No room for hung juries when it comes to running a nation of over 330,00,000 people.

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I understand what you are getting at Judith, but all the shutdowns to date have been due to the outrageous anti majority of citizens, proposals. Had the Democrats voted for them or for eliminating the debt ceiling at this time (it's sole purpose was to allow the musk-trump-jd team to give most of OUR paltry income to the top 10% (with most going to the top 0.1%).

Yes, they will do it anyway by cutting such programs as Medicare, Medicaid, and lowering Social Security payments (probably by eliminating COLA increases). But the rethuglican must shoulder the entire blame (as it is exclusively their idea)

We can weed out some of the greedier Democrats when we are no longer in danger of losing our whole Democracy.

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The Senate just unanimously passed the pediatric cancer funds for $190 million.

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Not 1 in the house or senate

deserve a pay raise, either

side. I'm sure that didn't get

cut out. I thinks that was

pretty galling. 1547 pgs of


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It was cut.

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They did something right.👍

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It was not included in the bill that was just passed. Debt ceiling was left out and the bill was just funding the government until March and 100 billion in disaster aid and 30 billion in farm aid plus extending current ag policies for one year.

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Here’s hoping that “the rich pile of fundamentalist shit” is ousted from the Speakers chair and never allowed to ride in the clowncar again...

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And let's further hope that the idiots in the clown car don't decide that Elon should fill the Speaker's Chair.

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I know they passed it even though I wished they hadn’t. Maybe when people are not going to be forced to work with delayed paychecks will be a better time to stand on principals, there will be other opportunities, still it really bothered me that they broke a deal and were ok with it. I wonder how many of them have made a deal to say buy a house, made arrangements with the mortgage company and maybe a bank, a place to sign all of the multiple documents witnessed by a lawyer only to have the other parties decide to change the deal, not many I would think. Never forget, and the idiots removed funding for childhood cancer research which had strong support from both sides, 22 minutes ago it ran out. I saw a woman on MSNBC tonight who has been shepherding that bill for the last 4 years, there were 5 different bills dealing with childhood cancer which thankfully is rare but also because it’s rare doesn’t get a lot of funding from the pharmaceutical industry, that’s where the government can help tilt the balance. One woman has been shepherding her bill for 8 years, none of them are pros, most of them have lost a child which is why they are so motivated. And the insipid fuckers killed that part of the bill, since I peck I have plenty of time to think about what I’m saying. Words don’t exist that can convey how much I loathe those bastards 🤬

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The pediatric cancer funding had been passed in the house as a stand-alone bill ck in March. The Senate finally voted unanimously (the Republican filibuster killed by their fear of an aroused public on the topic) tonight and that separate bill went to President Biden, who signed it.

Elmo lost big time.

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Thanks again Tom, for keeping us updated on the rethuglican shenanigans (what passes for governing) Lets hope to hell it passes this time so we can forget about president elmo muck and his sidekick trumpscum for a whole week.

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Wouldn't that be lovely. We could just enjoy the holidays with a hopeful heart. Sigh.

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So the money for pediatric cancer is still out?

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Yes - all gone.

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Let's contrast that loss with Muck's military contract subsidies. Start the clock on the Maga Midnight.

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I don't know Tom that would be a deal breaker for me, killing cancer research for children ranks ahead of farm subsidies. And don't even start on muck.......

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Yes. Defund Elmo!

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That is beyond cruel. These folks need to be exposed for the cowards and greedy guts they are. This is not right. But Musk, who never missed a meal in his life, nor appears to spend much time with his children, wouldn't understand the pain of having a sick child and not being able to afford care for them.

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A few minutes ago the Senate unanimously passed the pediatric cancer funds.

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WOW. I didn't know that was included in the bill. I could weep--I have a friend who lost a granddaughter to a brain tumor. Also, I used to work in a major metropolitan medical complex that housed a huge pediatric oncology clinic, and as a medical technologist, we rotated into their satellite lab and also assisted on bone marrows. I have many memories, not all good, but those nurses and docs nearly walk on water. The best of the best.

This is really sad.

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Agreed. This is heartbreak upon heartbreak. If the Republicans ever open their mouths about being pro-life again, we should collectively rub their noses in this act of abject cruelty.

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All of that is likely out - after all, why would Repubs want to do anything for children with cancer - obviously - if it was something Democrats wanted?

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Then I wouldn't vote for it, and I would yell that MAGA hates kids with cancer from the highest mountain.

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Good thinking. Let us rub their noses in their hypocrisy and cruelty. What a bunch of selfish losers.

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There is no way that can be excluded and get democratic votes, Fuck those assholes. This is the shit that just under 50% voted for.

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I keep trying to remember that everyone who voted for Trump the second time is not a monster. But the more Trump/Musk starts steamrolling over everyone's lives, the harder it is to believe normal people would freely choose this lying bastard and his despicable band of henchpeople.

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Congress averts government shutdown as Senate passes funding bill

Popcorn, anyone? Get your hot popcorn right hr.. maybe there...

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