This reads like the Republicans/Christian Nationalists wet dream for the United States. We need to fight them with everything we have.

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All is not at all rosy in Modi's India.....there are some dark clouds on the horizon.....from Foreign Affairs:

The rampant environmental degradation across the country further threatens the sustainability of economic growth. Even in the absence of climate change, India would be an environmental disaster zone. Its cities have the highest rates of air pollution in the world. Many of its rivers are ecologically dead, killed by untreated industrial effluents and domestic sewage. Its underground aquifers are depleting rapidly. Much of its soil is contaminated with chemicals. Its forests are despoiled and in the process of becoming much less biodiverse, thanks to invasive nonnative weeds.

This degradation has been enabled by an antiquated economic ideology that adheres to the mistaken belief that only rich countries need to behave responsibly toward nature. India, it is said, is too poor to be green. In fact, countries such as India, with their higher population densities and more fragile tropical ecologies, need to care as much, or more, about how to use natural resources wisely. But regimes led by both the Congress and the BJP have granted a free license to coal and petroleum extraction and other polluting industries. No government has so actively promoted destructive practices as Modi’s. It has eased environmental clearances for polluting industries and watered down various regulations. The environmental scholar Rohan D’ Souza has written that by 2018, “the slash and burn attitude of gutting and weakening existing environmental institutions, laws, and norms was extended to forests, coasts, wildlife, air, and even waste management.” When Modi came to power in 2014, India ranked 155 out of 178 countries assessed by the Environmental Performance Index, which estimates the sustainability of a country’s development in terms of the state of its air, water, soils, natural habitats, and so on. By 2022, India ranked last, 180 out of 180.

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India now ranks 161st out of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index, that many of the best Indian journalists have been hounded out of the mainstream media and that journalists could soon be subjected to a censorial regulatory regime in which a government-appointed body will have the power to decide whether media reports and commentary about the government are fake or misleading.

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It would seem that Modi is sad that Communist China is facing serious demographic and economic troubles and will be losing geopolitical influence, and so he is stepping up to the plate for autocratic billion-population countries, to keep the flame alive..... Welcome to the new Communist China 2.0.

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It’s a conundrum no doubt. We all hate the idea that a democracy can be subverted to such ends. But we may have no alternative to aligning ourselves with a theocratic fascist regime. For now India and China are opposed to one another. But if China wakes up to the reality of an authoritarian regime in India, and voluntarily gives up a little inaccessible territory on the border between the two nations, those two nations could easily find common cause against the liberal West. And then watch out.

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India’s ties with Russia and China are deep, wide and old. An estimated 90 percent of India’s army equipment and around 70 percent of its air force equipment, including fighter jets, are of Russian origin. With 2.2 million barrels a day in June 2023, and in open defiance of U.S.-led sanctions on Russia, India is among the biggest importers of Russian crude oil, some of which it refines and sells overseas, including to Europe and the United States. Not surprisingly, Mr. Modi has kept India neutral on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Nor can Modi truly stand up to China, which is India’s biggest source of imports. India is no match for China — not economically, not militarily. For years, China has occupied thousands of square miles of land in Ladakh in the Himalayas, which India considers its sovereign territory. Chinese troops are camped on it. Bridges, roads and other infrastructure are being built to connect it with China. Other than banning TikTok, Mr. Modi’s government has responded with timidity and denial.

From a NYT article in July 2023 by Arundhati Roy on the illusion of the US-India "partnership"

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So they are effectively captured. I am out of date.

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Ahhh, what power we humans have when we can exclude. It's a power we all have, which is why we keep exercising it, I suppose. And it starts early in life when we can keep a kid off our team because he's a lousy player, can't afford a uniform, or smells funny. Sadly, most of mankind seems all too happy to remain at this pre-adolescent plateau of human evolution because it's an easy place to be with no real striving or adapting required. Religions seem to nurture the exclusionary mindset rather than encourage mankind to transcend it. (Look at our own right wingers yowling insistently that America is a Christian nation.) And take another look at that joyless place called the Middle East where Shia, Sunnis, Jews and Christians can't unclench their fists.) Modi is doing the easy thing, excluding, which will only perpetuate tensions within India and with other governments. We are not an evolved species.

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Yes, Judith exclusion seems to be the easy thing. We are a deeply flawed species, all power, little wisdom.

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I am as suspicious of missionaries as I am exclusion. They want all to follow their way, no questions asked. I will quote David Sedaris when he said “ I worried people thought I was a missionary. I would rather be mistaken for a pedophile than a missionary.” I tend to agree, sort of…

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So true, I tend to separate from people who have caused me pain. Hopefully, not because I “lord” over them.

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Thank you for this TC. I have many friends in the Indian community here, Both Hindi and Muslim. In the field of my last occupation consultant for the implementation of computer programs in social services, I frequently worked with majority Indian, a few Pakistani, and Iraqi. So I was aware when Modi took over. Nothing seems as overwhelming as religious infighting which is why I so love the first Amendment. As an atheist, I try to stay clear of religious discussions. But Modi is clearly out of control. It is odd that religion and authoritarianism in all it's many apparitions seem like the many headed hydra.

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When the entity you pray to is called "Lord," you're long gone from simple republicanism.

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Agreed! One of the many reasons I have no god. Cats maybe, god no.

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Cats remember that they were once worshiped as gods. :-)

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You'd better believe LOL Callie reminds me every day that she is both a goddess and empress and I'd better improve my service to her if I don't want to be clawed.

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Indifferent gods, as it were.

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One does, one doesn’t. He only remembered being tortured by a human.

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Messianic religious states will be our downfall.

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As our own "messianic religious states" will be!!!

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Just what the world needs: another country fully enforcing My Way is the Only True Way.

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India has basically been a

hotbed of a hot mess, since

the Rajas, going back well

over 200 yrs ago. The Brits

certainly didn't help.

At one point, Afghanistan was

in the mix - The Khyber Pass

slaughter of British and

Indian. That was Russia in

the mix. You can generally

find Russia in the mix of all

instability today.

Isn't China involved in their

Belt and Road initiative there

now? I know there's been a

lot of physical unrest on the

Northern border/China.

I've seen reports of India

being a democracy. I don't

buy that. Especially with Modi


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Religion continues to be the driver for oppression and anti-democratic efforts all over our beautiful earth. Sounds like the Modi crowd have been implementing a long-term plan like our repubs have. Seems every religion (and cult) has their missionaries who aren’t happy to just practice their religion, but to force it upon as many as they can. Just another power play. Why are religious people not happy to just do their own thing. POWER. Send those missionaries, convert or die. Yep, evil on steroids. Glad to know this. We fight, but we must know first.

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