I agree. He should not be ignored. BUT ALSO, WTH? Any other citizen or military personnel, EVEN ranked personnel, would be incarcerated pending trial for sharing the Navy data that Trump shared. And I want to see the J6 congress creatures indicted. ASAP. I’ve had enough slow roll. They aren’t slow rolling their efforts to dismantle democracy. This is nauseating.

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Well, instead of complaining about the MSM we can complain TO the MSM. I have sent the following to the NYT and WaPo. It takes about 10 minutes. Needless to say, I've had no response, but I am just one voice. If a million voices joined in this sort of thing, maybe there would be some change. (I've posted this elsewhere so sorry if it is a repeat),

"Dear Editor

You have had many stories analyzing Biden’s “age problem.” One age problem is dementia. Why haven’t we seen headlines that say “Aging Republican presidential candidate claims shoplifters should be shot” or “Aging Republican presidential candidate accuses the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff Treason” or “Aging Republican Presidential Candidate promises Californians that he will water their forests to prevent forest fires”—this last in a state worrying about enough drinking water for its citizens.

Your story can go on to discuss how this kind of thing relates to the ability to function as a president—which is just as important as whether Biden wears tennis shoes to lessen stumbling."

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I write, rarely printed these days. Wonder why

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That's why we need thousands of us to commit to doing it. Make up a form letter. Watch for outrages--Substack will let us know if there is no MSM response, it's almost become a meme. Shoot off the letter after a quick search for the key terms on the website.

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Exactly. Dog bite stories? When I saw that pop up again I couldn’t believe my eyes. With all the pure evil spewing from Trump and a pack of chaos monkeys threatening to kneecap our government they decide to print a story about a dog bite? How is that news? It’s a f’in’ dog. Man bites dog--that’s a story. Dog bites man? WTF.

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It's a Presidential Dog.

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More to the point, at least for the "liberal lamestream media" (which it isn't and hasn't been for years), it's Biden's dog and they strive to highlight every possible flaw and mistake that Joe makes-whether it be midling or infintesimally small, because the media caters to and courts right-wing readers. It is, indeed, nauseating.

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the news has just gotten way worse for Trump. I think he's going to be in prison soon--they're not going to wait for any trials to happen after what's been revealed. He has put our nuclear subs at risk.


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Don't hold your breath - you won't look good when you turn blue.

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I can't imagine that they're going to leave him loose after this.

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Since he has SS protection, the question of how he is imprisoned is "interesting." Unfortunately.

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Maybe he should lose that protection if he is incarcerated. After all, what other former president has been incarcerated? New rules, folks, new rules.

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Totally agree. Let him get shanked walking to lunch.

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I enjoy imagining him being escorted to and from his training in auto mechanics (or basket weaving or license plate stamping), accompanied by the burly guys with those transparent earpieces.

in less than a week, they'd be playing drinking games to determine who gets the horrible "Jail Detail."

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No rage from the journalists at the major outlets. Their owners have a business to run, at least until Trump shuts them down

The consolidation of media sources into monopolies has crippled this once honorable institution

But then again, its all about the money and power

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Wish I had your optimism.

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It's a choice. I learned awhile back that I can be either optimistic or pessimistic. Absent absolute proof of a bad thing (like election night 2016) I choose to be optimistic when the data isn't final, because it allows my mind to think of ways to make that happen. Pessimism leads me into shutting down, which won't solve the problem, only insure it.

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I have a long-standing, non-specific optimism that has gotten me this far. I intend for it to see me through..

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I saw that letter and have shared it.

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TC, I would love to see this as a guest editorial in all newspapers.

Just don't understand why they blithely assume that their offices won’t be ransacked and that those in their employ won’t be beaten or killed by thugs, should he come to power again.

Where is their sense of obligation to uphold the unparalleled systems and freedoms we - and they - enjoy, due only to the sacrifices of those who've gone before us - even those of their own parents’ generation?

We’ve been sliding downhill for a long time now on someone else’s climb.

A teacher of mine once said, “After WWII, everyone started partying, and never stopped. They forgot how to raise children”. Didn’t fully understand what he was talking about at the time.

“That which does not consciously grow, degenerates” - G.I. Gurdjieff

Now there’s a good motto for a newspaper, rather than,

“All the the news that fits we print” - Mad Magazine

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Trumpscum are already publishing lists of journalists they will go after in 2025. One would think self-preservation if nothing else might wake these idiots up.

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this I didn't know.

now I wanna know the names...

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NBC and MSNBC, latest I heard. Chump will declare his own news source, like his “Truth Social.” “Truth” not coming from the horse’s mouth but from the other end. Chump’s verbiage and actions are so trite and banal, that I was sure no thinking American would fall for the joke. Silly me. He’s the MAGAt version of a scholar.

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every word true. thanks, Tom.

the most alarming thing I've seen (or heard) him say was from, an "interview" dated 9/27 , during which he repeated (only on those proverbial steroids) EVERYTHING he said about Mexicans during the 2016 campaign, except this time, it was about "migrants" in general. he said they were coming from "mental institutions," which he then redefined a little more loudly as "INSANE ASYLUMS" (for the exceptionally dense, I suppose). them in his following litany, I heard the phrases "they're poisoning our blood...they have diseases."

is that a little Zyklon-B I'm starting to smell, or is it just one of those "olfactory hallucinations?"

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The exact words Hitler used about your fellow tribe members.

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I noticed that.

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It has been noted that these words and threats mirror those of Hitler and Mussolini.

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well uhh...yeah.

more Hitler than Mussolini, who dug Jewish chicks.

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I noted it on FB and X before they banned me.

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Nicolle Wallace on her show yesterday was discussing whether it remains a good idea not to publicize Trump's threats and rash statements. As much as I and you wouldn't like to see and hear Trump even more, it might really be necessary to get across to the public that the man is extremely unhinged and dangerous to our country.

To change the subject, don't you think it's an odd coincidence that he just endorsed Gym Jordan to be the next Speaker of the House, the man to whom he mysteriously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in January of 2021?

"The Presidential Medal of Freedom, established by President John F. Kennedy, is meant to recognize those who have made an 'especially meritorious contribution' to national security, world peace or 'cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.'”


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I really liked the time Nicolle spent on that yesterday. She did have an influence on this today. Also, Josh Marshal at TPM asks today if the MSM is starting to wake up. One hopes they are!

I'm writing about Jordan as Speaker for a later post.

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I don't do Xitter anymore, but I would hope that someone would tweet this to Nicolle. She has been struggling with how best to handle this dangerous situation, and yesterday it appeared to me she had come to the same conclusion you have: it's not only necessary to amplify what he is doing, but also critical for the future of this country. He is a danger to ALL, whether the idiot MAGAts know it or not. He'd shoot THEM if given the opportunity. I hate what he says and does, but I am not going to turn a blind eye to it; I'm posting everything and begging my FB friends to share widely.

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good for you

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As am I, often with the request to pass it on.

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A thousand likes and more than a thousand % agreement!!

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I'd always sorta liked the idea of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, although of course it mostly exists as a way to reward people the president would like to make happy. but I liked it...until Bush started tossing it to assholes.

but when TFF gave one out to Jordan, it became forever tainted and now the whole ceremony tends to make me feel queasy.

the one good thing you can say about Jordan being Speaker is that he'll be continuing this really marvelous connection between the Speakership and the unwholesome treatment of young wrestlers...

that's one column I'm waiting for...

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I laughed out loud at that last.

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Yeah, at 4 am too

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well, SOMEBODY was supposed to...

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I thought it became not merely tainted but completely debased when Mango-mug awarded it to Rush Limbaugh. I damn near threw up.

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I saw many of those bizarre comments on ABC and CBS….only it was Kimmel and Colbert who thought they were newsworthy.

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TC, we ignore fpotus at our extreme peril. I had a chowder-headed idiot behind me in line. He commented on me wearing a mask (it was a pharmacy line) and more or less yelled that (and I paraphrase) “It’s Biden’s fault, all those diseased immigrants are killing us”. I simply turned my back to him rather than engage.

The rhetoric from fpotus needs to be challenged at all levels.

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Given that you have the knowledge to "engage" if he's as big a moron as he was acting, you should have said something. Think of the embarrassment! "I got beat up by a lesbian! Oh noes!" :-)

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I actually relayed that to a friend and have a great comeback line now:

Well, that is certainly an opinion.

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Wrong-headed, but still…

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Emphasis on the words "that" and "opinion" delivered with dripping sarcasm.

I have a hard time deciding whether profanity or sarcasm is my second language. Today, profanity is winning.

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Nip and tuck

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I plan to build a garden shrine to the first judge who has Trump picked up and finally jailed because it will show that the system is not as toothless in dealing with the connected as I've always assumed. There continues to be something utterly stinken about allowing this traitor to use media access to foment violence against his enemies while at the same time I see local homeless vet panhandlers being rousted, pummeled, and moved along by the cops because their existence offends the sensibilities of some of the citizens. I will continue to hope that the US will sober up and stop making pathetic fools of our collective selves but not putting any money on the table.

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Any of you familiar with Mike Davis? He's a part of the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025. They've reportedly been to Mar-a-Lardo and are backing

Trump. Mr. Lauro, Trump's

newest attorney who's been

very busy in DC & FL courts,

is a Federalist Society attorney, backed by the ever

infamous Leonard Leo and

Harlan Crow. They are also

involved with Heritage.

Mike Davis recently announced his List of 5.

These are the top 5 things,

as head of DoJ, he will accomplish his first week in

office. It's chilling and I don't

say that lightly.

For some reason, my Samsung Android won't let

me copy & paste anything,

but you can probably Google


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I think I mentioned him (or I was going to?)

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Probably going to. You've been reporting on a lot of

important things lately, Tom

and am sure you would get

him/this in your sights before

much longer.👍

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It was Lucian Truscott a few days ago. I copied & pasted it as an excerpt when I posted his substack item on FB. https://luciantruscott.substack.com/p/kevin-mccarthy-is-just-a-bump-in?publication_id=255301&post_id=137640083&isFreemail=false&r=712xe

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Probably going to. You've been reporting on a lot of

important things lately, Tom

and am sure you would get

him/this in your sights before

much longer.👍

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Mike Davis’ List of Five: during my three week reign of terror as Trump acting attorney general before I get chased out of town with my Trump pardon, I will rain hell on Washington, D.C. I have five lists, ready to go and they're growing. List number one, we're gonna fire. We're gonna fire a lot of people in the executive branch, in the deep state. Number two, we're gonna indict. We're gonna indict Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and James Biden and every other scumball, sleazeball, Biden, except for the five year old granddaughter who they refused to acknowledge for five years until the political pressure got to Joe Biden. Number three, we're gonna deport. We're gonna deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing - anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents. We're gonna put kids in cages. It's gonna be glorious. We're gonna detain a lot of people in the D.C. gulag and Gitmo. And list number five, I'm gonna recommend a lot of pardons. Every January 6th defendant is gonna get a pardon, especially my hero horn man. He is definitely at the top of the pardon list.

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Thank you!👍

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MAGAts love this, are there more non-cult citizens that MAGAts.

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I really don't know what to say, TC.

The 40% is what really scares me. How many of them don't even know the full story about Trump?

The media, for the most part, ignored most of what you wrote about in this column. These are beyond warning signs.

The press and media cannot have it both ways. One day he appears on Meet the Press and is treated as any candidate running for the office. The next day, no reporting about the outrageous statements mentioned above.

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If they actually DO know anything about the orange sadist, they don't believe it.

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But Martin Baron says the media must be objective, and he knows all. Really, though, they are inured to it, and all they care about are clicks and TV appearances--in that, by the way, Baron is right to be critical of journalists doing too much social media and TV.

Here's the thing: Yes, he has syphilitic dementia. But he also is doing something I realized I was guilty of on Facebook. From the day I got on there in 2008, I said the republican party was treasonous and had been for years. People quit paying attention to what I was saying, if they ever were paying attention, and I got stronger in my denunciations. He really is getting less attention, and this is his way of trying to get it. And the political media, being themselves treasonous or guilty of abetting treason (which I say as a fact, not for attention), will do as he wants.

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I have been saying that for years. One dear friend said to me. You sounds like some of my Fox friends. My reply. “That is the worst insult ever hurled at me.” People have quit paying attention… while some have strengthened their insane commitment.

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"He went on to reveal, though no one asked, his preference for dying from electrocution than by shark attack." I vote "YES" for that method of getting rid of this aching-to-be-Hitler.

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Yes here also

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TC, even though my stomach drops as I read your words, I so appreciate your warning, and I wish it were being shouted from the rooftops everywhere. We are in terrible danger.

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You can, you know, shout it from the rooftops. It is called a letter to the editor.

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They rarely get printed these days, maybe I shout too loud

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The aim isn't to get printed. The aim is to let the damn editors know how you feel.

That is why it has to be many many of us all doing it. Basically, a pixeled protest march.

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It has begun to seem like a fool's errand. Volume does count. Repubs know this well

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Excellent column. Thank you! I've been following Trump's stochastic terrorism and now escalating threats with direct calls for violence. It's horrible to listen to his voice, his lies. Sometimes I can't believe my ears. What do they say about a cornered rat? It's when they are at their most dangerous. After one of his threatening rants in NYC this week, he was asked by the press if he was going to lunch and what he was going to have to eat! Those were the only press questions! We who pay attention to media coverage are not surprised, but, still, it's shocking, sad, maddening, frustrating. WAKE UP. This is not politics as it once was, as you wish it to be.

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