An extraterrestrial race arrived on Earth with seemingly good intentions, only to slowly reveal their true machinations the more ingrained into society they became. Their leader was a beautiful woman named Anna. She was capable of casting a spell on all humans. It was called "bliss". They became subservient and acquiesced. However, if you missed being blissed and rebeled, she would thrust her previously hidden very sharp tail into your entrails.
I have heard politics described as the business of compromise and also that, in order to succeed, one must learn to swallow the occasional dead one. Metaphorically. One side of the political divide has been rather gluttonous in that regard lately.
I remember prime minister Olof Palme commenting this TV series: "This is the first time we see humanity save itself by the use of biological weapons" (or were they chemical?)
BLAST THOSE ATTEMPTING TO RESTRICT COVERAGE. DO IT NOW. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING FROM THE PEOPLE? This is tricky because MAGA and many others are against the press. The Fascists' campaign headed by Trump made the press THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, and it worked.
Can the disparate companies that operate and or own media companies come to an agreement to maintain control?
The News Media Alliance is a trade association representing approximately 2000 newspapers in the United States and Canada. Member newspapers represented by the Alliance include large daily papers, non-daily and small-market publications, as well as digital and multiplatform products. (I do not think this is it -- but is there an organization for such an organizing effort?)
Another path would be to organize the major outlets from which the politicians and Republican Party want coverage -- start there.
The rules need to be set by the press in order to maintain control. HOW CAN IT BE DONE?
This was the prescription in The Daily Maverick, South Africa in May this year:
"Carry the message of the importance of journalism when it hangs by a thread in this country;
Change the regulations that protect whistle-blowers from financial and physical assault; and
Improve the mechanisms by which journalism can be supported by the public and, importantly, by the business community that benefits from our work. "
Not the same situation, and the same medicine, of course. The MAGA movement turned these points backwards. Right, making them tricky to turn back. - TC is not blowing a whistle, but a horn.; safe I hope.
Thank you, Olof, for getting to the crucial role journalism plays in civil society and the people knowing the facts.
From Historian Timothy Snyder:
‘What reporters do in our daily lives is create the field in which we can have conversations and make decisions. Reporters make something. They make the factual world. The world we can agree on. The world that is solid enough to stand on. Reporters are not the same thing as this vague, broad morass that we call the media. On the contrary, 99.9 percent of this thing we call the media has nothing to do with investigation and nothing to do with factuality. We participate in this thing called the media by paying a lot of attention to things that don’t have a lot to do with the factual world, that don’t have to do with journalism, that don’t have to do with investigation. Investigative reporting is a tiny microscopic sliver of the thing we call the media.’
‘When we talk about the media and complain about the media, it’s easy to forget that within the media are a tiny group of individuals doing what’s hard; they are actually trying to find things out.’
'Why is that so important?
‘Everything good that we take for granted in a free society depends on factuality. And without reporters we don’t have factuality.’
‘So consider the rule of law. The rule of law is impossible without factuality. If we don’t believe that there are facts out there, that facts can be discovered, then it’s impossible to have trials. Trials depend on the idea that there are facts to be gathered and to which law can then be applied. Without reporters you also can’t have investigations of corrupt companies or corrupt politicians. So, the rule of law, the predictability and fairness that we would like to take for granted — that depends on factuality and that depends on reporters.’ (gijn) See link below
When an event sponsored by an organization founded by a looney-tune features two other looney-tunes why would one expect other than crazy rules? Your question to the press about calling a fascist a fascist is the crux of the whole matter. We got the failed insurrectionist in the White House because the press treated him as a serious candidate instead of calling him out as the kooky con man he is. The 4th Estate is supposed to be the protective pillar of the governance structure that performs its function by exposing flaws wherever they are found. What passes as professional journalism, with very few exceptions, fails miserably at that task.
There was not the “ban” in place as there is now for the Turning Point summits in Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania being held over this long August weekend. You can read from the article that the shit hit the fan in Tampa. This was a student summit and summit attendees were student activists. Turning Point has become a driving force in the indoctrination of students and takeover of public education. You name it, rewriting history, banning books, a new Civics curriculum written by fascist leaning idiots….Turning Point and Hillsdale College have its mitts in the mix. These summits have DeSantis traveling and promoting right wing candidates for school boards. In Tampa, there were Nazi materials being distributed and the white supremacist presence was overt and lauded. The speeches and what was promoted as student leadership had nothing to do with student council and civics training of the past. These are Students for Trump who have become a young voice for the right wing. There was so much bad press generated that DeSantis and Charlie Kirk have cooked up their scheme to make it a closed session with friendly coverage only. And you all know what that means.
What I do know is that many voters, especially independent voters that can still be persuaded, turned quickly on Desantis and the Commissioner of Educ. The common good of public education is still an inviolate concept to most people and bristles rise up when it is threatened. It’s beyond a threat in Florida. The attack is visceral. And many are aware of what Desantis’s goal is. I mean, really?
So yes….FUCK YOU, Guv. FUCK YOU, Charlie Kirk, you idiot. And….f*ck off. You have underestimated who is waiting for you on the playground. And a strong arm against the press and public is not going to fly. I swear. The woodshed is too good for these groomers.
Thank you, TC, for your usual pithy update. Sizzlin’.
🥂 to the weekend. It’s a busy one for sure. Primary next week in Florida.
To my precious concern of free publicity, it is a forgone conclusion that 95.7% of the gop candidates are pro authoritarian regime and mentally unstable (I refrain from labeling them bat-ship crazy!)
I don’t need to read, see or hear any of their campaigning.
Agreed, media outlets need to tell them to stick it!
DeSantis is consistent. This happened in Carlsbad, New Mexico, where he appeared at a campaign rally for Republican candidate for governor, Mark Ronchetti (a former TV weatherman with no experience in politics, other than a failed run for the US Senate)>
"SANTA FE – Shaun Griswold – a veteran reporter who’s worked in Colorado and New Mexico for a decade – drove hours to Carlsbad this week to cover Republican Mark Ronchetti’s political rally, one of the largest campaign events of the year.
He didn’t see a minute of the speeches.
The campaign denied him a press credential. It also barred him from entry as a member of the public after he had obtained a ticket the same way anyone else would."
Ah. Next is editorial review prior to release. Followed by required coauthorship when approved and a 2-week cooling off period when the sponsor and press/media organization don't agree on content or spin or denouncement.
This is some very disturbing shit. Fascist to the core led by De Santis the Mussolini wannabe. Yes, I agree TC, my words to them....Fuck You and FUCK YOU
And yet, if the press absolutely boycotts their events and does not mention them at all, then they will claim they are being "cancelled".....(as well they should be.....)
the only available conclusion is that they're counting on the fact that, increasingly in this country, citizens have very short memories. and that only applies to the increasingly low numbers of people who ever actually learned that this kind of bullshit behavior is straight up-and-down fascism...not proto- or crypto- or neo-...just plain, old fashioned fascism. and your absolutely correct point seems to be that most people in a position to "matter" are overpaid ivy league assholes in our "newspapers of record" who'll register some sort of mild "general disapproval" and go along with these insane "rules." after all, they'll get those "waivers."
Have to add this as a postscript to the debacle that is the Desantis Turning Point student summit tour this weekend. This is from the one held in Arizona. With Kari Lake, Repub candidate for gov. Former news anchor. Endorsed by trump. Mouthpiece for bullshit. Here is what she promoted at a “closed to the press except for our faves”. No wonder. She has the gall to talk about “dicks”. What a sterling platform. Watch the imbedded video in this link.
Can you say "airheaded bimbo"? I knew you could. In her case, it's descriptive. One of those people who are a legendary genius in their own mind, but a moron in the actual world. No wonder she loves Trump.
As a working journalist, my answer simply would be; “Fuck you very much.
You get to see my material when my paper publishes it and puts it on the web. If you want to kick me out of your garden party, I’ll be out on the sidewalk on a public right of way, or I’ll be in the parts of this fine facility that you couldn’t afford to rent, doing my job which happens to be covering you stupid fucking Nazis. Have a fucking good day.”
Deplorable. "Democracy Dies in the Dark" and democracy dies in the editting room when the edits are being controlled by the subjects of a story.
Still, all that passes as journalism today is far from it. The issue of who gets reporter credentials and press passes has been a new bone of contention in this world of social media with its many iterations. Then, of course, there is freedom of speech. But what does it mean to have a public event today? Aren't all campaign events by their very nature public? Open?
One thought though. I DO NOT want DeSantis getting all this free campaign air time. He is ostensibly stumping for others but he is really stumping for hinself, for his run for Presidency. Getting national name recognition from all he does in or out of Florida.
You warned me, TC. This page is not a happy one! Crucial, but not happy. TY
There was a TV show called "V". (2009)
An extraterrestrial race arrived on Earth with seemingly good intentions, only to slowly reveal their true machinations the more ingrained into society they became. Their leader was a beautiful woman named Anna. She was capable of casting a spell on all humans. It was called "bliss". They became subservient and acquiesced. However, if you missed being blissed and rebeled, she would thrust her previously hidden very sharp tail into your entrails.
Keep an eye on the GQP women.
Good analogy.
Excellent analogy!
I well remember the Visitors with their habit of swallowing rats whole and alive. However, I'm recalling the 1980s TV series.
I forgot that part. In terms of the now, is that an analogy?
I have heard politics described as the business of compromise and also that, in order to succeed, one must learn to swallow the occasional dead one. Metaphorically. One side of the political divide has been rather gluttonous in that regard lately.
I remember prime minister Olof Palme commenting this TV series: "This is the first time we see humanity save itself by the use of biological weapons" (or were they chemical?)
BLAST THOSE ATTEMPTING TO RESTRICT COVERAGE. DO IT NOW. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING FROM THE PEOPLE? This is tricky because MAGA and many others are against the press. The Fascists' campaign headed by Trump made the press THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, and it worked.
Can the disparate companies that operate and or own media companies come to an agreement to maintain control?
The News Media Alliance is a trade association representing approximately 2000 newspapers in the United States and Canada. Member newspapers represented by the Alliance include large daily papers, non-daily and small-market publications, as well as digital and multiplatform products. (I do not think this is it -- but is there an organization for such an organizing effort?)
Another path would be to organize the major outlets from which the politicians and Republican Party want coverage -- start there.
The rules need to be set by the press in order to maintain control. HOW CAN IT BE DONE?
This was the prescription in The Daily Maverick, South Africa in May this year:
"Carry the message of the importance of journalism when it hangs by a thread in this country;
Change the regulations that protect whistle-blowers from financial and physical assault; and
Improve the mechanisms by which journalism can be supported by the public and, importantly, by the business community that benefits from our work. "
Not the same situation, and the same medicine, of course. The MAGA movement turned these points backwards. Right, making them tricky to turn back. - TC is not blowing a whistle, but a horn.; safe I hope.
Thank you, Olof, for getting to the crucial role journalism plays in civil society and the people knowing the facts.
From Historian Timothy Snyder:
‘What reporters do in our daily lives is create the field in which we can have conversations and make decisions. Reporters make something. They make the factual world. The world we can agree on. The world that is solid enough to stand on. Reporters are not the same thing as this vague, broad morass that we call the media. On the contrary, 99.9 percent of this thing we call the media has nothing to do with investigation and nothing to do with factuality. We participate in this thing called the media by paying a lot of attention to things that don’t have a lot to do with the factual world, that don’t have to do with journalism, that don’t have to do with investigation. Investigative reporting is a tiny microscopic sliver of the thing we call the media.’
‘When we talk about the media and complain about the media, it’s easy to forget that within the media are a tiny group of individuals doing what’s hard; they are actually trying to find things out.’
'Why is that so important?
‘Everything good that we take for granted in a free society depends on factuality. And without reporters we don’t have factuality.’
‘So consider the rule of law. The rule of law is impossible without factuality. If we don’t believe that there are facts out there, that facts can be discovered, then it’s impossible to have trials. Trials depend on the idea that there are facts to be gathered and to which law can then be applied. Without reporters you also can’t have investigations of corrupt companies or corrupt politicians. So, the rule of law, the predictability and fairness that we would like to take for granted — that depends on factuality and that depends on reporters.’ (gijn) See link below
When an event sponsored by an organization founded by a looney-tune features two other looney-tunes why would one expect other than crazy rules? Your question to the press about calling a fascist a fascist is the crux of the whole matter. We got the failed insurrectionist in the White House because the press treated him as a serious candidate instead of calling him out as the kooky con man he is. The 4th Estate is supposed to be the protective pillar of the governance structure that performs its function by exposing flaws wherever they are found. What passes as professional journalism, with very few exceptions, fails miserably at that task.
Your headline says it all.
Ellen, TC's "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is icing on the cake.
I’m able to tell you why this is happening. Here is a link to article reporting on the first Turning Point Student Action Summit held in Tampa, FL approx during last week in July.
There was not the “ban” in place as there is now for the Turning Point summits in Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania being held over this long August weekend. You can read from the article that the shit hit the fan in Tampa. This was a student summit and summit attendees were student activists. Turning Point has become a driving force in the indoctrination of students and takeover of public education. You name it, rewriting history, banning books, a new Civics curriculum written by fascist leaning idiots….Turning Point and Hillsdale College have its mitts in the mix. These summits have DeSantis traveling and promoting right wing candidates for school boards. In Tampa, there were Nazi materials being distributed and the white supremacist presence was overt and lauded. The speeches and what was promoted as student leadership had nothing to do with student council and civics training of the past. These are Students for Trump who have become a young voice for the right wing. There was so much bad press generated that DeSantis and Charlie Kirk have cooked up their scheme to make it a closed session with friendly coverage only. And you all know what that means.
What I do know is that many voters, especially independent voters that can still be persuaded, turned quickly on Desantis and the Commissioner of Educ. The common good of public education is still an inviolate concept to most people and bristles rise up when it is threatened. It’s beyond a threat in Florida. The attack is visceral. And many are aware of what Desantis’s goal is. I mean, really?
So yes….FUCK YOU, Guv. FUCK YOU, Charlie Kirk, you idiot. And….f*ck off. You have underestimated who is waiting for you on the playground. And a strong arm against the press and public is not going to fly. I swear. The woodshed is too good for these groomers.
Thank you, TC, for your usual pithy update. Sizzlin’.
🥂 to the weekend. It’s a busy one for sure. Primary next week in Florida.
I read about this yesterday and wondered why the press wasn't staging a loud, vocal boycott. I'm with you TC. This is just nuts.
To my precious concern of free publicity, it is a forgone conclusion that 95.7% of the gop candidates are pro authoritarian regime and mentally unstable (I refrain from labeling them bat-ship crazy!)
I don’t need to read, see or hear any of their campaigning.
Agreed, media outlets need to tell them to stick it!
DeSantis is consistent. This happened in Carlsbad, New Mexico, where he appeared at a campaign rally for Republican candidate for governor, Mark Ronchetti (a former TV weatherman with no experience in politics, other than a failed run for the US Senate)>
"SANTA FE – Shaun Griswold – a veteran reporter who’s worked in Colorado and New Mexico for a decade – drove hours to Carlsbad this week to cover Republican Mark Ronchetti’s political rally, one of the largest campaign events of the year.
He didn’t see a minute of the speeches.
The campaign denied him a press credential. It also barred him from entry as a member of the public after he had obtained a ticket the same way anyone else would."
Ah. Next is editorial review prior to release. Followed by required coauthorship when approved and a 2-week cooling off period when the sponsor and press/media organization don't agree on content or spin or denouncement.
Fascists to the core!
This is some very disturbing shit. Fascist to the core led by De Santis the Mussolini wannabe. Yes, I agree TC, my words to them....Fuck You and FUCK YOU
And yet, if the press absolutely boycotts their events and does not mention them at all, then they will claim they are being "cancelled".....(as well they should be.....)
the only available conclusion is that they're counting on the fact that, increasingly in this country, citizens have very short memories. and that only applies to the increasingly low numbers of people who ever actually learned that this kind of bullshit behavior is straight up-and-down fascism...not proto- or crypto- or neo-...just plain, old fashioned fascism. and your absolutely correct point seems to be that most people in a position to "matter" are overpaid ivy league assholes in our "newspapers of record" who'll register some sort of mild "general disapproval" and go along with these insane "rules." after all, they'll get those "waivers."
so fucking pathetic....
Have to add this as a postscript to the debacle that is the Desantis Turning Point student summit tour this weekend. This is from the one held in Arizona. With Kari Lake, Repub candidate for gov. Former news anchor. Endorsed by trump. Mouthpiece for bullshit. Here is what she promoted at a “closed to the press except for our faves”. No wonder. She has the gall to talk about “dicks”. What a sterling platform. Watch the imbedded video in this link.
I ran to my phone and donated to Katie Hobbs campaign. Dem candidate for governor.
Can you say "airheaded bimbo"? I knew you could. In her case, it's descriptive. One of those people who are a legendary genius in their own mind, but a moron in the actual world. No wonder she loves Trump.
As a working journalist, my answer simply would be; “Fuck you very much.
You get to see my material when my paper publishes it and puts it on the web. If you want to kick me out of your garden party, I’ll be out on the sidewalk on a public right of way, or I’ll be in the parts of this fine facility that you couldn’t afford to rent, doing my job which happens to be covering you stupid fucking Nazis. Have a fucking good day.”
Deplorable. "Democracy Dies in the Dark" and democracy dies in the editting room when the edits are being controlled by the subjects of a story.
Still, all that passes as journalism today is far from it. The issue of who gets reporter credentials and press passes has been a new bone of contention in this world of social media with its many iterations. Then, of course, there is freedom of speech. But what does it mean to have a public event today? Aren't all campaign events by their very nature public? Open?
One thought though. I DO NOT want DeSantis getting all this free campaign air time. He is ostensibly stumping for others but he is really stumping for hinself, for his run for Presidency. Getting national name recognition from all he does in or out of Florida.
You warned me, TC. This page is not a happy one! Crucial, but not happy. TY