We are leaving for Lviv and Poland in the next couple of days. When my wife is terrified it is time to go. We have read what Putin has in mind for Ukraine and it mirrors Stalin. It is hard to leave everything but if we are dead or the house is destroyed, it amounts to the same thing.

Do not hate the Russian people.

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I am so sad to think you are absolutely right.

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Thank you TC, for such a thoughtful and informative post ( they usually are ); I hope more people reading this will subscribe.

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Never give the opposition a quotable moment. Or, don't go on television or the internet and show the shallow end of your personal gene pool, Lindsay.

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Punishing regular Russians does nothing to address the deficiencies in their systems of governance that allowed Putin to gather the power he has gathered and will do nothing to stop the next megalomaniac from appearing on the world stage to wreak havoc.

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I am with Tom Nichols: “In my rage, I want someone somewhere to do something."

But military not fighting their heart out in Ukraine are stopped at borders, paralyzed by the fear of starting a nuclear war. Someone called Putin's war a "strategy of slow annihilation." Hope the sanctions are hurting but it is terrible to see the suffering people, especially the kids, in Ukraine as the madman slowly annihilates them. I don't know who the "someone somewhere" is who can stop him........

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Thank you TC for this excellent information....except at the very end, I was flummoxed by your last sentence: "Having the footage of Senator Huckleberry Weathervane shown on Russian state TV will only strengthen the power of the horse shit." ???? You can do better than that.

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