It's interesting that, of course, our wildest dreams of Trump going down in flames could be realized here, but it isn't that easy, I think. One way or another, Donald Trump will be gone, but the path of destruction especially in the courts all the way to the SC will take generations to repair, along with the guns and racism that are out of the bottle. And, all around the world for a very long time America will be known as the nation that elected this man to the highest office in the land as the leader of the free world. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. And dammit.

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unfortunately, everything you just said is true, but it feels easier to deal with if you try (I'm TRYING) to separate the political reality (dire) from the anticipated satisfaction of watching him suffer (delightful). this won't help the dire situation, but a consolation prize might possibly (listen to me compulsively QUALIFYING) be better than nothing. possibly.

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Is there something wrong with me that I'm not delighting in his suffering? I have anticipated the pleasure of just such a moment as this, when he finally made such a fool of himself that all his miserable, infantile, greedy, grabbing ugliness would just be hanging out there so clear that even his 'homies' would start jumping ship. And, with the caveat that this might not be IT at all, that he might slide through again, it seems to me that--shit, I don't quite know what I want to say--there are some real villains in this insane show, there is a substantial cast of pure evil. Is it the Federalist Society or Opus Dei or, now that their names are out there, is it someone whose names we don't know? I sound to myself like some crazy conspiracy theorist but look how long those two groups operated under the radar. And now we have these people on the Supreme Court who are definitely not crazy. I just can't believe that Trump planned all that.

Would someone jump in here and tell me I'm wrong, please.

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oh there are plenty of villains, and (as I think is always the case) most of them are working under the radar. so no, you don't sound at all paranoid. there are certainly real conspiracies. and again, you're right that TFF didn't dream all--or most--of this up, since he's functionally a moron. so no, his downfall will finally make very little difference to this ongoing nightmare. but my delight in watching him flail is, I'll admit, purely sadistic. those of us living in NYC (not sure where you're stationed, Dean) have had to read about his endless bullshit for more than forty years. it's nothing more or less than payback. the satisfaction I hope to feel is purely personal.

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I have spent enough time in Manhattan over the years to know that Trump has been a running joke (with the shark brain that only swims and eats) for a very long time. These cards he's hawking are so perfect a part of the final curtain that it truly is delicious.

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Mitch, before that Reagan (Meese said so), Murdoch, Gingrich and God knows how many greedy bastards…

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And then along came Trump, their dream come true, only he got a bit out of control. Probably no matter since a lot of their agenda got locked into place during the Trump years. I still have a sick in my stomach feeling that, in spite of the roster of flamboyantly dreadful Republicans, there is a quiet and deadly danger in Mike Pence.

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oh yeah, Pence is for sure dangerous, and a horrible guy. but, as a national candidate, I feel like his appeal is very, very limited. I hope I'm right. what's really pathetic is that, although he tried hard to sleaze his way out of it (why the call to Dan Quayle?...his story changes to suit his ambition), he ended up doing his job. period. for which people shouldn't get outrageously praised. but I have plenty of hatred and loathing on tap for him. not that said hatred and loathing have the power to "disturb the universe."

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My thought processes exactly, what a Schitt show.

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It’s embarrassing to be an American today.

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Ummmmm, no. It’s embarrassing continuing to be a Trump supporter.

I’ve never been embarrassed for a moment by anything the jackass has ever done.

It would be a different story for me if I were a Russian trying to explain Vlad’s moves.

Or better yet, closer to embarrassment for me explaining why the people of Florida continue to smarm up to the chief smarm worm.



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Exactly Christine, now maybe they will be embarrassed, if Bannon is, anything is possible

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I'd actually date the existential shame thing back twenty or so years.

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Doesnt this sound familiar - remember Guiliani's attempt at being a paid celebrity for special occasions? How far TFG has fallen! (well, actually, he couldnt fall far enough to change my opinion of him)

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He hasn’t fallen so much as oozed. Like a big blob of gravy on the Thanksgiving table cloth. It just keeps spreading and spreading and spreading.

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Yes. But I think it was an earlier Trump scam, maybe that time for campaign funding--which doesn't matter since the idiot steals from his own campaign. Beam me up, Scottie.

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It’s all so hilarious. Especially the MAGAts finally starting to realize they’ve been playing Three Card Monte. Im sure it’s just a fantasy on my part, but is it possible they may start to question the whole GOP effort since 1967 to play them for fools?

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It's a fantasy I share. Boys can dream!

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I hope McCarthy is having the worst nightmare ever

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Star Trek conventions, Comi-Con and now Trump-Con ( see what I did there?

Annual Geek Conventions that will have ztrumpsters meeting at Mari Lagoon to trade “Limited Edition, VERY RARE, digital tokens. He lives in Infamy!!!

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I really, really needed this laugh today. In fact, I can't stop.

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No more sleep for me tonight, I’ll be cracking up til dawn, and way beyond

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TC, your posts are the highlight of my day. Trading cards, eh? How old

is he.😄😄😄

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😗 "Five and two hundred eighty four quarters."

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Lordy, mixed emotions???

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That this clown show continues. Will there be a prequel to the madness, done as comedy? I'm gripping the arms of my paid-up seat in this traveling tent show. The cruelty done with elephants, baboons, and chimpanzees. Every town played, the tent get festooned with local indignataries playing clowns in the armour-plated clowncar.

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A new meaning to “Garbage In, Garbage Out. ” Repugs adhere to “Let the Buyer Beware,” so tough luck to the suckers who throw their money away on tRump.

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My favorite, no refunds, just tough Schitt suckers

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Omg- he’s gone totally Veg-O-matic!

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This surely took place in a time warp somewhere. crazy, crazy, crazy. I liike the quotes you assembled at the end. This could never be sold as a plot for a short story (or maybe I'm wrong :-) )

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Stephen King!👍😁

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Bet even Stephen would be scratching his head, fact v. Fiction?? What will Rupert nuts say. They are the best purveyors of fiction anywhere

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Why would I need to buy his picture when I already have it on every sheet of toilet paper with his mouth in his signature O ready to receive the next donation, my guests including my grandchildren think it’s hysterical, so yes I did buy it, but I doubt he was involved in any way. Maybe the NRA will turn them into targets now that the repugnantkins are starting to distance themselves from the most lunatic of our fringes🤷‍♂️😎

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I thought he was trying out for a gig as the new age Peewee Herman.

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I told my husband 2 years ago that Trump would use the "crazy as the Mafia boss who walked around little Italy to stay out of jail" card. Remember that guy, shuffling arou d in his slippers and bathrobe. The Donald learned well.

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Did it work?

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Yes, they never sent him to jail.

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I erred...he did finally get put into jail, after many years of the ruse. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-dec-20-me-gigante20-story.html

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I especially like the thing about "trading cards" replacing "jump the shark." there was some talk about his possibly announcing that he was officially "running" for Speaker. I thought something like "wow...the moment of Reckoning for what was once called the 'Republican Party.' " but it wouldn't have been the first such occasion, and on previous occasions, it didn't work out too well for them. I then played out in my head what that would look like, and thought it might make a swell political sitcom (think "Veep," but with terrible writers), but it would be a nightmare in reality.

I grew up a few miles from him (my sister had a house about two blocks from his "family home) and at around the same time, so I know exactly what he spent his early childhood watching on television. it had a profound influence on me...much more profound than most of it deserved. but I like to think I managed to move a little beyond it. all of us KNOW he did not. not such a great influence, live drama and "Omnibus" notwithstanding. and in his announcement, he betrayed the fact that he never collected trading cards because if he had, he'd know how IMPORTANT collecting was to collectors and wouldn't be so quick to say his cards were somehow better (actually, there aren't even any cards) more and more, it seems obvious that he doesn't actually know ANYTHING, except that you can't be a LOSER. joke's on The Fat Fuck.

it's gonna be fun watching him drown in his own effluvia. I hope that saying this won't jinx it.

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