A week ago today, no one who didn’t know Justin Jones, Justin Pearson and Gloria Johnson personally, knew who they were when Jones and Pearson were expelled from the Tennessee Legislature for “violating decorum” and Johnson remained in office by a single vote, for having demonstrated in the well of the legislature for gun control.
Very cool story Tom, as well as inspiring. The cruel and bigoted repugs have awakened the sleeping giant of activism. And it’s not going to work out very well for them.
Wow! Great story! I lived in Killeen, TX for a short time, but by the time all of this happened I was in Cincinnati in college, wondering wtf was going on in the world? Keep pushing. The Gov of MI just signed some reasonable gun safety legislation into law today and ERPO passed the state house. So I think it will be headed to her desk soon. There are unfortunately some yahoos in the law enforcement branch who are saying they won't enforce any of it because of being 2nd amendment nuts. (well they didn't say that exactly). So...the world is nuts and we need all the Justin's and Justines we can get! Thanks for the story! But especially for being there in the flesh and blood of history then and now.
That's another great story, TC! How are the plans going to put all your stories into a book, with photographs? (For anyone else reading this, TC has never said he was doing this. I'm lobbying him anyway. :-)
Re: the TN House, I *love* it when karma, or at least karma stage 1, happens so fast it's like the snap-back of an overstretched rubber band. Snap! Owww....
You have me beat Ally. I thought I was young at 14 when I went to my first anti-war protest. April, 1967 I marched against the Viet Nam war in San Francisco. It was quite a powerful experience.
fabulous story. but, more importantly, it provides a superb analysis/explanation of why those Tennessee scumbags were so vehement in their scumbaggery that they failed to account for the possibility that their "zeal" could rebound so completely.
1968, one of the best/worst years of my life. Thanks for the reminder, not as exciting as yours but memorable none the less…. Thanks to all who put their lives on the line, literally…
Tom, if you haven't seen it, check out the story in WaPo about the planned third party candidacy by the group "No Labels", who have raised $70 million to fund an alternate candidate slate to oppose both Trump and Biden, in all 50 states. I wonder if they are a stalking horse for the Republicans, since this kind of candidacy will almost guarantee a Republican win since they are trolling for Democrats and independents..... Just when we thought it might be safe to go back into the water.....
Sweet Jeebus, we're screwed..... I was going to say the Dems could threaten these fools with political death if they went ahead with this idiot plan, but Lieberman has no future in elective office anyway..... Crap!
Let us hope this continues - maybe enough of their desired candidates are smart enough to know what will happen if this misbegotten adventure continues.....
I hope this summer and next see both sexes in the streets every time the wingers over react on any issue and that there will be a notable number of itinerant activists to backstop them, as opposed to lead them, in the street. Of course the right will dismissively call everyone Antifa, but it will be a harder sell with crowds of unarmed women. And all participants need to have a high level of situational awareness, taking special note of what people have in their hands, something we have to do anyway whenever we go out into public settings in these days of public bullet urination.
I enjoyed and appreciate your accounts of the risks taken by those saying no-way. Honestly, I was expecting to learn that there was a pot plant on Josh by a cop who had access to the vehicle with all its passengers outside the car and unable to see what the cop was doing. That happened a lot in those days, didn't it?
Oh my mercy TC! I really appreciate reading your personal stories. They are history on a personal level. When the church ladies are won over, the opposite side won't stand a chance long term. Plus, karma's a bitch, ain't she?!
My surgery Monday but I’ll have 24/7 nurses and they are all close friends who will read your words to me and even respond for me too✅please know how I
Very cool story Tom, as well as inspiring. The cruel and bigoted repugs have awakened the sleeping giant of activism. And it’s not going to work out very well for them.
I really hope so!
Agreed on all counts!
Wow! Great story! I lived in Killeen, TX for a short time, but by the time all of this happened I was in Cincinnati in college, wondering wtf was going on in the world? Keep pushing. The Gov of MI just signed some reasonable gun safety legislation into law today and ERPO passed the state house. So I think it will be headed to her desk soon. There are unfortunately some yahoos in the law enforcement branch who are saying they won't enforce any of it because of being 2nd amendment nuts. (well they didn't say that exactly). So...the world is nuts and we need all the Justin's and Justines we can get! Thanks for the story! But especially for being there in the flesh and blood of history then and now.
That's another great story, TC! How are the plans going to put all your stories into a book, with photographs? (For anyone else reading this, TC has never said he was doing this. I'm lobbying him anyway. :-)
Re: the TN House, I *love* it when karma, or at least karma stage 1, happens so fast it's like the snap-back of an overstretched rubber band. Snap! Owww....
I made the same suggestion after he wrote about his San Fran memories. There’s a book here.
Great karma in TN! Yes, indeed!
Ditto on the book idea.
TC, I was 10 in August of 1968. I went to my first anti-war protest in March of 1968. Thanks for sharing your story here.
You have me beat Ally. I thought I was young at 14 when I went to my first anti-war protest. April, 1967 I marched against the Viet Nam war in San Francisco. It was quite a powerful experience.
I reminded of the line at the end of "Tora Tora Tora": all we have done is rouse a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
fabulous story. but, more importantly, it provides a superb analysis/explanation of why those Tennessee scumbags were so vehement in their scumbaggery that they failed to account for the possibility that their "zeal" could rebound so completely.
💙Great story TC! Thank you for all you've done...and continue to do as insanity prevails.And how appropriate you had a lawyer named Bragg!
1968, one of the best/worst years of my life. Thanks for the reminder, not as exciting as yours but memorable none the less…. Thanks to all who put their lives on the line, literally…
I've always thought of 1968 as the year of the Great National Nervous Breakdown. (Of course, that was before 2016 and since.)
2016 The Year of the Great Relapse.
Fascinating story. So well told, Tom.
What a great story!!!
Tom, if you haven't seen it, check out the story in WaPo about the planned third party candidacy by the group "No Labels", who have raised $70 million to fund an alternate candidate slate to oppose both Trump and Biden, in all 50 states. I wonder if they are a stalking horse for the Republicans, since this kind of candidacy will almost guarantee a Republican win since they are trolling for Democrats and independents..... Just when we thought it might be safe to go back into the water.....
If they were 100x smartr, they might be stalking horses. They're just idiots. Joe Lie-berman is one of the top people.
Sweet Jeebus, we're screwed..... I was going to say the Dems could threaten these fools with political death if they went ahead with this idiot plan, but Lieberman has no future in elective office anyway..... Crap!
They haven't been able to find anyone to run for office, so they have nothing. They're also not in all 50 states.
Let us hope this continues - maybe enough of their desired candidates are smart enough to know what will happen if this misbegotten adventure continues.....
I hope this summer and next see both sexes in the streets every time the wingers over react on any issue and that there will be a notable number of itinerant activists to backstop them, as opposed to lead them, in the street. Of course the right will dismissively call everyone Antifa, but it will be a harder sell with crowds of unarmed women. And all participants need to have a high level of situational awareness, taking special note of what people have in their hands, something we have to do anyway whenever we go out into public settings in these days of public bullet urination.
I enjoyed and appreciate your accounts of the risks taken by those saying no-way. Honestly, I was expecting to learn that there was a pot plant on Josh by a cop who had access to the vehicle with all its passengers outside the car and unable to see what the cop was doing. That happened a lot in those days, didn't it?
A lot more than people think. Of course, those of us who complained about Our Wonderful Police were just "trouble makers." (/snark)
"Public bullet urination."
Wow. Big story. There's a screenplay in there, for sure. The mayor's wife... that really put it over the bar for me.
I want to see that movie!
Oh my mercy TC! I really appreciate reading your personal stories. They are history on a personal level. When the church ladies are won over, the opposite side won't stand a chance long term. Plus, karma's a bitch, ain't she?!
Exactly right. Thanks.
TCinLA please send you postings each day
My surgery Monday but I’ll have 24/7 nurses and they are all close friends who will read your words to me and even respond for me too✅please know how I
Truly am touched by hugs& care,marsha
Take your laptop with you, and it will be in your email.
LOL I’ll have my iPhone and the emails will show up …god bless your sweet
Soul ❤️marsha
Thank you.