I hate being the one to rain on the victory parade, but all the celebrations by Democrats regarding the victory last night of Judge Janet Protasiewicz in the election to decide the majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which was rightly called “the most important election on the ballot in 2023.”
I would encourage Tony Evers to check the Wisconsin constitution. During the Civil War, Governors Oliver Morton of Indiana and Richard Yates of Illinois were Republicans, and Democrats took over the state legislatures. They decided not to appropriate funds to go toward the military and opposed the draft. So they did something that the US Constitution allows presidents to do to the legislature: They prorogued it, meaning they declared it out of session and wouldn't let it meet, and governed without them.
I really do not see much of a difference between today's republicans and what was going on during the Civil War. And I would encourage Democrats to think and act accordingly.
It depends on the state. But suppose they have it. I'm with Andrew Jackson on one thing: John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it. In civil war, we have to adjust. We're in a civil war.
They will impeach her. Doesn’t matter why. Doesn’t matter what the voters may think. They will do it because it’s the only avenue left to continue the gerrymander and their maintenance of power. And power is everything to those people. Evers could nominate Christ himself and the Republicans would impeach him too for healing the sick, i.e., practicing medicine without a license.
of course, the REALLY ironic part of your Jesus metaphor is that, true to form, when it comes to vax-denying and other conspiracy theories around Covid, etc., practicing medicine without a license is precisely what THEY do all the time.
This looks like another Democratic disaster---caused by not looking at the details or forgetting about the GOP long game over time----sort of like the stupidity of not realizing what the Federalist Society and allies were up to until it was too late. Many more examples, as well. And now the newer battle fronts open up in the elections for School Boards, Town Councils, and other local races. The GOP is cunning, dishonest, and at its core, immoral---but they have the long game.....ALAS. On the other hand, in some other theaters of war (let's call it what it is) things are looking up.......
Thanks for all that you are doing. What a time this is going to be---the good and the bad...... Perhaps if T* runs his mouth enough, he'll get in trouble with the judge. But where in the hell are the few (I assume there are a few hiding in the bushes) GOP reps or senators who have a moral conscience of some sort----maybe I hope for too much. My representative is Jim Jordan---I once called his office to complain about an issue and when I said I lived in Oberlin, I heard a chuckle on the other end of the phone line. My district is a "masterful' gerrymandered district. Oberlin buried in the surrounding bright red countryside.
Well, in NC, Tillis is the lying senior senator and Budd is lying seditious senator. My congress critter is David Rouzer, who has never had an independent thought in his life and hopped on the sedition caucus. The General Assembly has a Reputation majority, which grossly gerrymanders districts. It will take forever to get those cretins out.
As an NC voter, I often feel frustrated with the Democrats. The Republicans have been gaming the system for years to get to where they are. Phil Berger and Tim Moore are two reprehensible men, whose only interest are power and money. NC is the home of districts gerrymandered with surgical precision.
Given the R's determination to suppress voters, I can't see how Cotham is going to help people have a voice. She flat out lied to her constituents.
I believe the Rs have been planting so-called "moderate" Dems in races all over the country for the specific purpose of giving them the vote majority if not the name majority. Sinema, for instance, has been a poser on the national level. Dems must vet the daylights out of all their candidates at every level because this tactic is becoming more and more apparent.
If the repugnants impeach Protasiewics, wouldn’t it be Governor Evers that would appoint her replacement? If that’s true and I’m not sure if it is, he could appoint another Democrat.
Should we take the threat seriously? Of course, we would be fools not to! Should we live in fear of that prospect? Absolutely not! In the immortal words of Brendan Sullivan, “We are not potted plants.” If the Wisconsin GOP decides to disenfranchise the one million plus citizens of Wisconsin who voted for Justice Janet Protasiewicz, those one million voters will have something to say about that development—and it will not be good for Republicans. Indeed, it would be electoral suicide for Wisconsin Republicans.
And then there is this: Imagine for a moment that the Wisconsin GOP decides to overturn the mandate of the people by removing Justice Janet Protasiewicz. Would those voters “go gently into that good night?” Or would they, for example, call for a general strike? Or walk out of state, county, and municipal offices to shut down the government? Or hold continuous massive demonstrations in front of the state Capitol? Or all the above?
I completely agree, but those who are not alarmed - and thus preparing - are the ones who are going to be picking themselves up off the pavement saying "did you get the number of that truck that just ran me over?" The failure to push as hard in that Senate District 8 (he won by less than 1,000 votes) to maximize the vote is unconscionable. It is political incompetence of the First Order. Another case of the Dimmycraps taking their eye off the damn ball.
Anyone who doubts these words is a fool. Democracy is dead in Wisconsin, sad to say. How many more times do repubs have to prove their evil before Dems finally get it. Way past time. Still pissed about all the money I flushed for Barnes. Is there any way to stop them since money and votes don’t seem to do it???
I will be interested to find what Democratic and/or fair-minded attorneys who are experts in the Wisconsin State Constitution and state laws say about all this.
I have cancelled my subscription to Hopium and no longer recommend that group. I advise anyone who subscribed on the basis of my recommendtion to cancel your subscription. That guy is a fucking moron who perhaps once got one guess right.
I saw this earlier in the day and got sick and mad again... and now North Carolina is threatened... and Tennessee... authoritarians must never sleep ... how can we ever be United with divergent states? They don’t even try. I’m throwing my hands up and going to bed.
Nobody hopes for "tinkle" more than me. But it's my experience that if you prepare for the worst and it doesn't happen because you prepared, you can then celebrate.
exactly my philosophy about pretty much everything. and certainly EVERYTHING in the world of American politics.
I fondly remember that time when someone prank-called Scott Walker claiming to be one of the Koch brothers and he spent at least a few minutes sounding like someone approaching the "money shot" during phone sex. the frightening part of this episode is how unembarrassed Walker was about the whole thing.
I seem to be finding myself saying "whatta dick" with increasing frequency.
My comment more of sadness and a sense of, here we go again. Will this never end? Why did the dems try to play cutsey in the primary with, wink, wink, by trying to get the weakest repub candidate as competition, and hearing Kelly would not concede victory to a lesser candidate. Some noise now about repub legislators not wanting to play the impeachment card for ... political reasons. They really do believe that are at war with us and the fight to win or vanquish is necessary. $42 million spent on the nonpartisan judgship. Tortured reasoning about the character of a judge that couldn't hold up in a bar full of wife beaters. Your reporting is spot on. Just hate it when loss gets pulled from the jaws of victory ... or something like that.
Yes, TC, I read about the impeachment possibility for Janet Protasiewicz. I thought her election was being celebrated too soon. The radical Republicans will never stop trying to steal power. Independents and Democrats can never, never, never, ever be distracted from the goal of strengthening democracy. The Republicans will steal the rest of us blind.
I would encourage Tony Evers to check the Wisconsin constitution. During the Civil War, Governors Oliver Morton of Indiana and Richard Yates of Illinois were Republicans, and Democrats took over the state legislatures. They decided not to appropriate funds to go toward the military and opposed the draft. So they did something that the US Constitution allows presidents to do to the legislature: They prorogued it, meaning they declared it out of session and wouldn't let it meet, and governed without them.
I really do not see much of a difference between today's republicans and what was going on during the Civil War. And I would encourage Democrats to think and act accordingly.
Michael, don't state legislatures
have an "emergency meeting "
clause or something like it that
prevents governors from shutting them down? Didn't Cuomo try this at some point?
Maybe it was some other governor. Am too tired, off to
It depends on the state. But suppose they have it. I'm with Andrew Jackson on one thing: John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it. In civil war, we have to adjust. We're in a civil war.
They will impeach her. Doesn’t matter why. Doesn’t matter what the voters may think. They will do it because it’s the only avenue left to continue the gerrymander and their maintenance of power. And power is everything to those people. Evers could nominate Christ himself and the Republicans would impeach him too for healing the sick, i.e., practicing medicine without a license.
Exactly right.
of course, the REALLY ironic part of your Jesus metaphor is that, true to form, when it comes to vax-denying and other conspiracy theories around Covid, etc., practicing medicine without a license is precisely what THEY do all the time.
so true to form, those scumbags.
This looks like another Democratic disaster---caused by not looking at the details or forgetting about the GOP long game over time----sort of like the stupidity of not realizing what the Federalist Society and allies were up to until it was too late. Many more examples, as well. And now the newer battle fronts open up in the elections for School Boards, Town Councils, and other local races. The GOP is cunning, dishonest, and at its core, immoral---but they have the long game.....ALAS. On the other hand, in some other theaters of war (let's call it what it is) things are looking up.......
My point exactly Grover.
Thanks for all that you are doing. What a time this is going to be---the good and the bad...... Perhaps if T* runs his mouth enough, he'll get in trouble with the judge. But where in the hell are the few (I assume there are a few hiding in the bushes) GOP reps or senators who have a moral conscience of some sort----maybe I hope for too much. My representative is Jim Jordan---I once called his office to complain about an issue and when I said I lived in Oberlin, I heard a chuckle on the other end of the phone line. My district is a "masterful' gerrymandered district. Oberlin buried in the surrounding bright red countryside.
Oh you poor thing, as bad as being represented by Ted Cruz, the sleeze of Tx and Kay Granger, the Putin puppet
Well, in NC, Tillis is the lying senior senator and Budd is lying seditious senator. My congress critter is David Rouzer, who has never had an independent thought in his life and hopped on the sedition caucus. The General Assembly has a Reputation majority, which grossly gerrymanders districts. It will take forever to get those cretins out.
I hear you. I have corrupt idiot Scott and useless idiot Rubio. Why would anyone vote for people like that???
I want to know why Dems dropped the ball on Dist. 8.
I got a gazillion requests from
all but God, to donate to Protasiewics and nothing for
the candidate in 8. It's called
CYA. You don't spend millions
to elect 1 and leave your flank
unprotected just to lose to an
major FY bomb.
That's what they did. They saw the district is "red" and decided not to fight - the morons.
So totally stupid. And didn't
they see the defection of the
DINO in NC coming? They
better wake the hell up and
mighty fast or they can kiss
2024 goodbye.
As an NC voter, I often feel frustrated with the Democrats. The Republicans have been gaming the system for years to get to where they are. Phil Berger and Tim Moore are two reprehensible men, whose only interest are power and money. NC is the home of districts gerrymandered with surgical precision.
Given the R's determination to suppress voters, I can't see how Cotham is going to help people have a voice. She flat out lied to her constituents.
The Sinema of North Carolina. she got upset because someone sent he email with "bad' emojis. What a stupid piece of something to scrape off your shoe.
I believe the Rs have been planting so-called "moderate" Dems in races all over the country for the specific purpose of giving them the vote majority if not the name majority. Sinema, for instance, has been a poser on the national level. Dems must vet the daylights out of all their candidates at every level because this tactic is becoming more and more apparent.
More blind Dems, more Machiavellian repubs, duh
If the repugnants impeach Protasiewics, wouldn’t it be Governor Evers that would appoint her replacement? If that’s true and I’m not sure if it is, he could appoint another Democrat.
A lot of hand-wringing here. I was nonplussed when I first saw it. Then I saw Robert Hubbell's substack item on the same topic (https://open.substack.com/pub/roberthubbell/p/we-cannot-live-in-fear?r=20rw5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) and I was much encouraged.
Here's an excerpt from Hubbell's piece:
Should we take the threat seriously? Of course, we would be fools not to! Should we live in fear of that prospect? Absolutely not! In the immortal words of Brendan Sullivan, “We are not potted plants.” If the Wisconsin GOP decides to disenfranchise the one million plus citizens of Wisconsin who voted for Justice Janet Protasiewicz, those one million voters will have something to say about that development—and it will not be good for Republicans. Indeed, it would be electoral suicide for Wisconsin Republicans.
Justice Janet Protasiewicz’s election demonstrated that Republicans in Wisconsin are hemorrhaging support in major suburbs, a previous GOP stronghold. See this discussion by Steve Kornacki on MSNBC [https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/-a-huge-defeat-for-republicans-liberals-gain-control-of-wisconsin-supreme-court-168160837913]. Disenfranchising the voters in the suburbs of Madison and Milwaukee will do nothing to bolster GOP prospects in those former strongholds.
And then there is this: Imagine for a moment that the Wisconsin GOP decides to overturn the mandate of the people by removing Justice Janet Protasiewicz. Would those voters “go gently into that good night?” Or would they, for example, call for a general strike? Or walk out of state, county, and municipal offices to shut down the government? Or hold continuous massive demonstrations in front of the state Capitol? Or all the above?
(Hint to Wisconsin Republicans about your future if you remove Justice Janet Protasiewicz: Look at ongoing protests in Tennessee [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2023/04/05/white-station-crosstown-students-walk-out-support-gun-reform/70081738007/] over the GOP legislature’s callous and underwhelming response to the mass shooting in Tallahassee last week.)
Alarm is in order, but not panic. WE ARE NOT POTTED PLANTS.
I completely agree, but those who are not alarmed - and thus preparing - are the ones who are going to be picking themselves up off the pavement saying "did you get the number of that truck that just ran me over?" The failure to push as hard in that Senate District 8 (he won by less than 1,000 votes) to maximize the vote is unconscionable. It is political incompetence of the First Order. Another case of the Dimmycraps taking their eye off the damn ball.
You hit that nail on the head, TC
Anyone who doubts these words is a fool. Democracy is dead in Wisconsin, sad to say. How many more times do repubs have to prove their evil before Dems finally get it. Way past time. Still pissed about all the money I flushed for Barnes. Is there any way to stop them since money and votes don’t seem to do it???
I will be interested to find what Democratic and/or fair-minded attorneys who are experts in the Wisconsin State Constitution and state laws say about all this.
I laid out the law as it exists. That's the entirety that deals with this.
What about the prorogue question? Could Governor Evers do that?
What’s to stop them from doing it again???
I hope so!
Good grief people! Don't bring this
up on the Hopium blog if you belong.
I made the mistake of doing that this
morning and got royally trashed for
my "tone" and "sentiment" which was
not needed there. This came up over
a push to elect...are you ready...a mayor in fascist red state Florida in
Jacksonville and all the $$$ that will
be needed. I stated I thought it might
be a good idea to make sure she's
protected and all back doors are
closed, so there's no repeat of Dist. 8
in Wis. Whoa! I was told to delete my
posts, when I questioned host Simon
about my tone and sentiment. He then said he'd delete them. I was
banned from posting. No free speech
there and I never once used a profanity, although I wanted to. I
CX'd myself from that blog. Jeepers
I have cancelled my subscription to Hopium and no longer recommend that group. I advise anyone who subscribed on the basis of my recommendtion to cancel your subscription. That guy is a fucking moron who perhaps once got one guess right.
Sad behavior for a sub stack---at least in my opinion.
I saw this earlier in the day and got sick and mad again... and now North Carolina is threatened... and Tennessee... authoritarians must never sleep ... how can we ever be United with divergent states? They don’t even try. I’m throwing my hands up and going to bed.
They NEVER sleep
Just read 42 million bucks spent on
the WI Judicial election. For a judge
that is now in jeopardy and a possible
state senate seat lost.
The Republicans are doing the same fascist crap in North Carolina.
You defined a big parade rain. Let's see how this tinkles out.
Nobody hopes for "tinkle" more than me. But it's my experience that if you prepare for the worst and it doesn't happen because you prepared, you can then celebrate.
exactly my philosophy about pretty much everything. and certainly EVERYTHING in the world of American politics.
I fondly remember that time when someone prank-called Scott Walker claiming to be one of the Koch brothers and he spent at least a few minutes sounding like someone approaching the "money shot" during phone sex. the frightening part of this episode is how unembarrassed Walker was about the whole thing.
I seem to be finding myself saying "whatta dick" with increasing frequency.
whatta dick.
My comment more of sadness and a sense of, here we go again. Will this never end? Why did the dems try to play cutsey in the primary with, wink, wink, by trying to get the weakest repub candidate as competition, and hearing Kelly would not concede victory to a lesser candidate. Some noise now about repub legislators not wanting to play the impeachment card for ... political reasons. They really do believe that are at war with us and the fight to win or vanquish is necessary. $42 million spent on the nonpartisan judgship. Tortured reasoning about the character of a judge that couldn't hold up in a bar full of wife beaters. Your reporting is spot on. Just hate it when loss gets pulled from the jaws of victory ... or something like that.
Yes, TC, I read about the impeachment possibility for Janet Protasiewicz. I thought her election was being celebrated too soon. The radical Republicans will never stop trying to steal power. Independents and Democrats can never, never, never, ever be distracted from the goal of strengthening democracy. The Republicans will steal the rest of us blind.
I hope so Fred. Really. But they
already laid their cards on the
table. District 8 was a distinct
failure Dems shave seen coming
miles away.🥺
Certainly changes the whole ball game! Not the impression I had regarding the Judges race.
Unfortunately, as Tom Cleaver has pointed out, the GQP already has s plan to prevent Judge Protaseiwicz from taking her seat on the state supreme Court. https://open.substack.com/pub/tcinla757/p/i-hate-to-harsh-your-mellow-but?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android
I’m going into business selling “I’m not a potted plant!”