The judicial system has been failing for decades, but many straight, white, middle-class-and-up people didn't realize it. It took Trump -- the classic bull in a china shop who was incapable of being subtle, aka "on message" -- to wake many people up. I hope we manage to stay woke.
Yes, I have been known to say we owe him a vote of thanks for ringing the alarm bell loud enough to wake us from our slumber and belief that "it can't happen here."
Lol, same here, but I can't *quite* bring myself to say out loud that he did us a favor. Maybe when I know for sure that we've run these rapids and lived to tell the tale . . .
Yet, I can pull up articles with MAGAt politicians calling for violence…even trump himself—calling for violence against people like ME, and that’s considered “acceptable political speech”? At some point, you have to draw a line and I’m not taking it anymore. I. Have. Had. Enough.
No one should take this crap anymore, and if tRump doesn’t like it, he should quit shelling it out.
He has condemned people LIKE ME as “unpatriotic,” “vermin,” “bad Jews,” “losers.” Well, trump and his trumpanzees can go fuck themselves to hell. Or as we used to say—they can all go eat shit and die.
And if they come around looking to round me up, don’t expect “Passive Gramma.”
Some days I just want to give up, then I realize there a still some good people around me. Millionaires are running many of us out. Funny how they hate Biden yet the airport is full of private jets and everybody has a new boat. Either JVL or Tim Miller had a chuckle at the proliferation.
Junior doesn't have the chops his old man does--nor is he gifted in the con/gaslighting manipulation that Don Sr can work so well. Junior is a lightweight in everyway--I can't see him being "bigly" supported by the MAGA crowd.
UH, James indicted trump in Sept 22, which was BEFORE trump declared his candidacy for 2024 (November 22.) So all suits against anyone have to stop once they declare candidacy? Note that Section 595 also applies to Congressional Candidates, so you don't have to spend a lot of MONEY to make the campaign seem "legit"
I have often and often heard it said that election interference ISN'T that Trump has 91's that Trump decided to run for office in the middle of all his court trials.
Yes and no. Some of the indictments I think came down after he'd made the announcements--don't have time to look up the dates. But if simply announcing that one is running for office stopped a criminal INDICTMENT, then think of the number of fraudster and assaulters and murderers who could simply say that they have decided to run for the House of Representatives, or for President for that matter.
In any event, until he's nominated he isn't really "running" for office. Just hoping to.
Oh, I totally agree. He's just setting up a way to moan and bitch and contest the results (when he loses) that "wah-wah-wah", he was done out of winning by all the court trials that he had to deal with.
He's full of shyte, of course, but I'm sure we'll have to deal with him and his minions trying to coup or steal or whatever they have planned.
Do you remember in the old westerns of our youth, how a cowboy about to die of thirst came upon a well that inexplicably had a bucket of water next to it, he could drink the water but that was the end of it, or he could pour it down the pump shaft to swell the seals at the bottom and he would be able to pump as much as he needed, it's called priming the pump. The scum that are attracted to the insipid clown are drawn to him like the cowboy was drawn to the well head, they need him desperately, without him they might have to go back to chasing ambulances. The ABA needs to go after all of them and take their law licenses like they did with rudi. They didn't do that here in Atlanta, they let those that plead guilty off the real hook which was loss of their licenses, I think that was a huge mistake, they should be looking for jobs that entail pushing a broom not one where billable hours start in the multiple hundreds. So too the clowns making their pilgrimage to mar a lardo to kiss the ring or ass of the insipid one, I'm sure the SS keeps a log of who visits him, that visit needs to become very expensive after they clean his crap off of their noses.
Those toadies with visions of working for Poorcorleone, apparently aspire to work for a mob boss. I guess their vision of this country is to threaten and bully all the rest of us "marks" on behalf of their dear leader. If they want to be in a gang, they should move to Russia and sign up for the mafia there.
Rolling Stone. Another magazine that's seen better days and had more money. I stopped subscribing when Penske's kid brought it, raised the price to $100/year and turned it into a monthly. I see now that the new owners finally told Jann to beat it (and kicked him off the R&R HOF board), the mag has finally got some respectability back.
As someone who has cordially hoped Jann would fall in a well head-first for 54 years (I worked for him, long enough to see the assholery), last year's comeuppance was wonderful. I'm subscribing to it this year for the political coverage, which is solid.
I dealt with him once, when he was in Detroit for some media event about the movie with Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis. I turned to my friend and said, 'that's the gayest straight guy I've ever seen.' Plus, I'd heard he was a dick even back 40 years ago.
What many people still don't get is that there's a chasm between what Trump says and what he's capable of doing. Does Tim Parlatore really believe that the reason Trump didn't try to get DOJ to prosecute Hillary Clinton was "because we shouldn’t be abusing the criminal justice system to lock up political opponents"? If he didn't at least float the idea before Sessions or Barr, it has nothing to do with his (non-existent) respect for the judicial system. It has everything to do with the roars of approval that greeted "Lock her up!" every time he yelled it at a rally. His White House staff never roared like that.
Infuriating as Trump is, I'm more afraid of (1) his unhinged and well-armed followers, and (2) Project 2025. Project 2025 is terrifying, but it's not going anywhere unless Trump gets elected. The Project 2025 guys probably think they can keep Trump on a short leash while they go about transforming the U.S. into a white Christian nationalist/capitalist utopia, but I'm not sure about that, or about what they'll do if it doesn't work according to plan.
Apparently this new fleet of hangers-on failed to learn the lessons in 45's dumping, stiffing, and shunning of Pillow Guy, Guiliani, Powell, Pence, et. al. Why do they think they too won't become expendable? These plotters and schemers are playing with the kind of fire that seems to result in self-immolation.
And I totally agree that there's no decent bone in Trump's head that would have led him to conclude that it's not nice to abuse the justice system.
The toadies giving Trump advice about this -- or anything else at this point -- are absolutely jot at the top of the legal (or any other) profession; they're as corrupt and authoritarian as he is, or worse. You are, though, right about the remarkable profusion of True Assholes in the legal profession (cue the old joke about how 99% of the lawyers give the rest of us a bad name).
He will do everything he promises. He learned from the first go around. There will be no stopping him unless the arses that have helped him take him down after he is more of a liability than an asset - to them
I do know a number of highly principled attorneys who work with integrity for their clients and with an eye to their impact on society at large. None of those attributes apply to DJT's legal lizards.
Oh yes, I have numerous friends in the profession. So long as a significant part of the law is about how to protect the rich and make them richer, the kind of lawyer I can't stand will always be around.
If the judicial system fails in the face of the RNC Crime Syndicate, we won’t be able to sustain a democracy.
And you know what? I SO want tRump dead at this point.
Line forms over there, lady. :-)
The judicial system has been failing for decades, but many straight, white, middle-class-and-up people didn't realize it. It took Trump -- the classic bull in a china shop who was incapable of being subtle, aka "on message" -- to wake many people up. I hope we manage to stay woke.
Yes, I have been known to say we owe him a vote of thanks for ringing the alarm bell loud enough to wake us from our slumber and belief that "it can't happen here."
Lol, same here, but I can't *quite* bring myself to say out loud that he did us a favor. Maybe when I know for sure that we've run these rapids and lived to tell the tale . . .
"I SO want tRump..."
I've gotten in trouble for posting my desire for that to happen more than once, but the fact remains.
I know.
Yet, I can pull up articles with MAGAt politicians calling for violence…even trump himself—calling for violence against people like ME, and that’s considered “acceptable political speech”? At some point, you have to draw a line and I’m not taking it anymore. I. Have. Had. Enough.
No one should take this crap anymore, and if tRump doesn’t like it, he should quit shelling it out.
He has condemned people LIKE ME as “unpatriotic,” “vermin,” “bad Jews,” “losers.” Well, trump and his trumpanzees can go fuck themselves to hell. Or as we used to say—they can all go eat shit and die.
And if they come around looking to round me up, don’t expect “Passive Gramma.”
No one would ever expect "Passive Gramma" from you, Dawna. On anything. :-)
This old grandma ain’t passive either.
We actually have an insane Stand Your Ground law here, so....
I understand . . . . But don’t you get fed up being squelched?
It won’t matter. No chin Jr. is waiting in the wings.
With his level of incompetency, even the Ultra MAGAs will take a pass
I wish. My neighbors think he’s the ace in the hole. And yes, my eyeballs hit the back of my head.
I don't know how good people manage to keep surviving there in Floridumb.
Some days I just want to give up, then I realize there a still some good people around me. Millionaires are running many of us out. Funny how they hate Biden yet the airport is full of private jets and everybody has a new boat. Either JVL or Tim Miller had a chuckle at the proliferation.
Texarses close second
Junior? Nah, It'll be the daughter/wife or her cuckold husband.
I think Ivanka just wants to end her social pariah status. 😂
Yes, like that'll happen.
$2 Billion buys a lot of acceptance in those circles
Junior doesn't have the chops his old man does--nor is he gifted in the con/gaslighting manipulation that Don Sr can work so well. Junior is a lightweight in everyway--I can't see him being "bigly" supported by the MAGA crowd.
the Chinless Wonder! Homo Erectus on drugs!
UH, James indicted trump in Sept 22, which was BEFORE trump declared his candidacy for 2024 (November 22.) So all suits against anyone have to stop once they declare candidacy? Note that Section 595 also applies to Congressional Candidates, so you don't have to spend a lot of MONEY to make the campaign seem "legit"
I have often and often heard it said that election interference ISN'T that Trump has 91's that Trump decided to run for office in the middle of all his court trials.
Yes and no. Some of the indictments I think came down after he'd made the announcements--don't have time to look up the dates. But if simply announcing that one is running for office stopped a criminal INDICTMENT, then think of the number of fraudster and assaulters and murderers who could simply say that they have decided to run for the House of Representatives, or for President for that matter.
In any event, until he's nominated he isn't really "running" for office. Just hoping to.
Oh, I totally agree. He's just setting up a way to moan and bitch and contest the results (when he loses) that "wah-wah-wah", he was done out of winning by all the court trials that he had to deal with.
He's full of shyte, of course, but I'm sure we'll have to deal with him and his minions trying to coup or steal or whatever they have planned.
sadly, yep
Nice catch.
I read and copied this: "He's not getting tried during his campaign. He's campaigning during his trials. Keep that straight."
Do you remember in the old westerns of our youth, how a cowboy about to die of thirst came upon a well that inexplicably had a bucket of water next to it, he could drink the water but that was the end of it, or he could pour it down the pump shaft to swell the seals at the bottom and he would be able to pump as much as he needed, it's called priming the pump. The scum that are attracted to the insipid clown are drawn to him like the cowboy was drawn to the well head, they need him desperately, without him they might have to go back to chasing ambulances. The ABA needs to go after all of them and take their law licenses like they did with rudi. They didn't do that here in Atlanta, they let those that plead guilty off the real hook which was loss of their licenses, I think that was a huge mistake, they should be looking for jobs that entail pushing a broom not one where billable hours start in the multiple hundreds. So too the clowns making their pilgrimage to mar a lardo to kiss the ring or ass of the insipid one, I'm sure the SS keeps a log of who visits him, that visit needs to become very expensive after they clean his crap off of their noses.
Those toadies with visions of working for Poorcorleone, apparently aspire to work for a mob boss. I guess their vision of this country is to threaten and bully all the rest of us "marks" on behalf of their dear leader. If they want to be in a gang, they should move to Russia and sign up for the mafia there.
Rolling Stone. Another magazine that's seen better days and had more money. I stopped subscribing when Penske's kid brought it, raised the price to $100/year and turned it into a monthly. I see now that the new owners finally told Jann to beat it (and kicked him off the R&R HOF board), the mag has finally got some respectability back.
As someone who has cordially hoped Jann would fall in a well head-first for 54 years (I worked for him, long enough to see the assholery), last year's comeuppance was wonderful. I'm subscribing to it this year for the political coverage, which is solid.
I dealt with him once, when he was in Detroit for some media event about the movie with Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis. I turned to my friend and said, 'that's the gayest straight guy I've ever seen.' Plus, I'd heard he was a dick even back 40 years ago.
Let them keep bragging
about what they're going to
do. All out in the open.
35% of the population = Maga. We're still more than them. They're brain dead, I
swear, including the bloated
yam and his toady lawyers.
We need to share and restack
these interviews.
I've gotten used to the noise. I'm enjoying the justice system grinding Trump (their god) down and exposing his fraudulent facade.
He becomes president, or he's on trial til (a he's in jail, or (b he dies.
What many people still don't get is that there's a chasm between what Trump says and what he's capable of doing. Does Tim Parlatore really believe that the reason Trump didn't try to get DOJ to prosecute Hillary Clinton was "because we shouldn’t be abusing the criminal justice system to lock up political opponents"? If he didn't at least float the idea before Sessions or Barr, it has nothing to do with his (non-existent) respect for the judicial system. It has everything to do with the roars of approval that greeted "Lock her up!" every time he yelled it at a rally. His White House staff never roared like that.
Infuriating as Trump is, I'm more afraid of (1) his unhinged and well-armed followers, and (2) Project 2025. Project 2025 is terrifying, but it's not going anywhere unless Trump gets elected. The Project 2025 guys probably think they can keep Trump on a short leash while they go about transforming the U.S. into a white Christian nationalist/capitalist utopia, but I'm not sure about that, or about what they'll do if it doesn't work according to plan.
Apparently this new fleet of hangers-on failed to learn the lessons in 45's dumping, stiffing, and shunning of Pillow Guy, Guiliani, Powell, Pence, et. al. Why do they think they too won't become expendable? These plotters and schemers are playing with the kind of fire that seems to result in self-immolation.
And I totally agree that there's no decent bone in Trump's head that would have led him to conclude that it's not nice to abuse the justice system.
The toadies giving Trump advice about this -- or anything else at this point -- are absolutely jot at the top of the legal (or any other) profession; they're as corrupt and authoritarian as he is, or worse. You are, though, right about the remarkable profusion of True Assholes in the legal profession (cue the old joke about how 99% of the lawyers give the rest of us a bad name).
I read Parlatore's comment three times and I'm still muttering "WTF is he kidding?"
He will do everything he promises. He learned from the first go around. There will be no stopping him unless the arses that have helped him take him down after he is more of a liability than an asset - to them
Shark head in bed.😉
Couldn’t agree more
Has anyone kept Putin on
leash? It's not Trump I'm so
concerned about, it's the
really scary people like
Stephen Miller and Cheung
who worry me and some of
the others in his mob. Trump
might wake some morning
with a shark head in his bed.
We still have no idea who his
VP pick will be, IF he chooses
one. Wouldn't that be something?
If the Leo picks one, they will dump chump pretty quick.
I do know a number of highly principled attorneys who work with integrity for their clients and with an eye to their impact on society at large. None of those attributes apply to DJT's legal lizards.
Oh yes, I have numerous friends in the profession. So long as a significant part of the law is about how to protect the rich and make them richer, the kind of lawyer I can't stand will always be around.
Hope they don’t expect to be paid . . .