This was fascinating. Thanks for putting the chronology together for us.

I first became aware of the absolute insanity of QAnon when the two "ladies" who helped me clean my house verbally attacked me and a friend with their crazed notions about Soros and Democrats who eat babies. Interestingly, both are ardent Lutherans. They no longer are allowed into my home. I consider them dangerous. I'll live with cat hair and dust, but I won't tolerate threats of violence and that's essentially what those two QAnon followers espouse, along with their Alice in Wonderland foolishness!

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Our house remodel is stalled because I dread the return of 'our' handyman. I don't think he's full blown Q, but definitely done with hearing his daily 'truths' and 'I listen to both sides' bullshit. Same demonizing of Biden, Fauci, librawls'.

Next point, he is a 50 year old Lithuanian born US citizen of 20 years. Remember when people used to say moderate Muslims should speak out against the terrorists re 911? Let's see if Eastern European immigrants with nationalist leanings lean in towards Putin. Or speak out against him. If they lean towards democracy or the authoritarianism many fled.

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Do you ever feel as though you are caught in some kind of horror film? Wingnuts for sure. Problem is these folks are all connected and feed off each other, then they push the poison on the rest of the world. Putin keeps reaching for "reasons" when there are none except his own paranoid madness, wanting his legacy to be that of the man (and I do mean man) who rebuilt the Russian empire from the ruin of the late 1980's to early 90's. We are all caught in his own private nightmare. The problem is, how to escape? The first thing to do is wake up! Keep resisting the madness. Give to good, reputable causes. Stand up with others publicly to defend democracy and those who are seeking to uphold democracy through their own work in the public sphere. They are there and they need to know you and I have their backs.

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Remember Hillary talking about the "vast right wing conspiracy" 30 years ago - it was real then and only moreso now.

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We should have smelled this growing when Kellyanne Conway informed us they had alternative facts… I’ve pretty much been living in disbelief since the election of 2016. I remember going to the gas station the next morning after working 3rd shift and the poor guy at the register couldn’t stop crying… I felt it, but shock and disbelief were the order of the day. I listened to The Edge of Allegiance by Timbuk 3 for 6 weeks, full blast. Then decided I should change it up for Christmas so it was Neil Simon So Beautiful So What … really, I haven’t been “myself” since. But maybe this is just what an older transformed me is now. Always informative TC. I appreciate your thoughts.

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I hoped once trump was turned out of office things would get better. I was wrong. They have actually gotten worse, except trump no longer has the power of the presidency available to him.

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Wowzilla, there isn’t any end to their wingnuttyism, so sad!

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