I resubscribed. I just wont read the comments (lie) and get in fights. Promise. Alberta and Saskatchewan have GOP style premiers and the sick and dying are piling up. The rest of Canada (TROC) is doing not bad

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I got my third shot two weeks ago, Moderna...due to chemo weakened immune system. Not sure how they did it before approval but not complaining at all. Loved walking along with you as you did your errands and had your experiences--fun! Still praying every night for you two. Thanks, TC.

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Thanks for the good news on employer vaccine mandates. As a retired nurse-midwife and public health professional, I do not understand the vaccine resistance among some health care workers. Unless they have a genuine medical reason to avoid the vaccine they should not work in a health care setting. I do not think that there should be any "religious" exceptions to vaccine mandates either.

My husband and I got our Pfizer boosters on Tuesday. We each had a sore arm for one day, but no other side effects. High-dose old-codger Flu shots next week.

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Loved all the great news. Loved the personal share of the travails and triumphs of your fave local hobby shop.

Will be getting third boost from Moderna when available. Meanwhile, there’s an annual flu shot to indulge in.

Love good health and science that supports robust discovery for the common good of earth and its creatures.

United! ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

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