Wonder if they’re trying to claw back the many who unsubscribed as of late.

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Shame on you for thinking that this fine act of political and moral integrity might be driven by concerns of mere money-grubbing.

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Cynical me, that's what crossed my mind, too.

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Same here!

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My thoughts exactly!!

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Hahahaaa I thought the exact same thing! Because I want to take one piece of small credit for having unsubscribed last week!!!

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Thank you for your service!

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First thing that came to mind when I read Politico this AM.

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Cynical me thinks it more likely the screams of despair from the bean counters in charge of advertising account balance sheets. Those advertisers can smell bullshit and vote with their wallets too, but their dollars count more. Still, every financial slap the clickbaiters feel, they earned.

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So I was about to post this trending meme, but maybe I should retract…?

“Maybe it’s time that the New York Times should step aside for a younger, fitter,

more coherent newspaper.”

What was it from yesterday, that we never know the future until it arrives?

Gob. Officially. Smacked. Indeed.

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Gloria's meme is great. Keep posting it.

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No retraction called for. It's a lure and it's not worth letting up the pressure.

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LOVE it!!

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Only took them 7+ years to recognize the obvious. Probably due to the bleach rx.

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🤣🤣🤣 This is most likely

due to all the many lost

subscribers of late. They

made a big mistake the other

day when they closed down

all the rebuttal comments on

some Biden article. And

there's been a big grass roots

campaign to write letters to

all the NYT editors for their

lousy coverage of the red

king and Project 2025.

WaPo's in trouble too.😉

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I've been doing my bit in the WaPo comments sections, but I dumped the NYT after 2016.

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Ditto! They put CFDT in office in 2016. But they still keep sending me links to articles they hope will claw me back. Hardly.

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Oh I do Hope WaPo's in trouble too...

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What the actual fuck? And what the actual fuck does it matter at this point? The NYT made their bed long ago, kicked democracy to the floor and threw back the sheets And patted the mattress for Trump.

And now they’re gonna sling a few “too little too late” breadcrumbs at former subscribers, trying to entice them back with niceties…and actual… truth about Dictator-on-day- one-Don (DODOD).

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Let's take the win! Now, preach it to the multitudes: a vote for Biden is not a valentine card to him, it's a strategic strike at the enemy from within.

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Well, well, well. I hope Joe gets to wave their paper over his head like Truman did another newspaper on the day after Election Day.

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Watch the magic show folks, smoke and mirrors, nothing fundamental has changed at the NYT, just trying to claw back readership, they will be back to same old same old closer to the election, they started their attacks too soon.

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It’s about damn time. It still doesn’t excuse repeatedly kneecapping Biden who may yet end up being the Democratic nominee.

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They can't resist sneaking a bit of kneecapping into this article too. Somehow when they're reporting negatively on Biden they manage to ignore 45 to the extent where he doesn't even come up, but when they're finally reporting on Trump they just can't resist fitting in at least one swipe at how everything is all Biden's fault.

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I see why you thought you were having an acid flashback. This is almost unbelievable. All I can say is, it’s about effing time.

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It is the most left-handed, once-removed, side-eyed and side-ways, secondary, incidental, marginal, and tangential endorsement of a sitting president I have ever read.

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Nah. Down where they mention Biden they basically say he should go. They aren't endorsing the sitting president, they're endorsing... chaos? Peter Pan? Whoever pays them the most?

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"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," but the NYT evidently did. This should have been a no-brainer, but oh no, Biden didn't give the big honcho an exclusive interview so he's gotta pay. And with all their dump-Biden caterwauling, they still haven't come up with a plausible alternative ticket.

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As I told someone recently, these yellow journalism rags throw in a few decent articles now and then just to keep the rest of their swill in front of reader's faces until the transformation to MAGA pig is complete. Circe had her wiles, too.

One trouble with these "journalistic sources" is that if you don't know when to believe them and when to turn away, you do get tainted and confused and your sense of reality wobbles. Which is the point. Notice they use the opportunity to blame Biden. Trump is a pig already, but it's Biden's fault that he might end up elected, not their fault - heavens no even though they have been shooting his opponent in the foot for a long time now - it's his opponent's fault for being hobbled, and for no alternative super man or woman to have sprung forth.

I'm thoroughly disgusted with the lot of them. The whole paper is no longer fit for my dead fish.

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Thanks, Tom, it's about time. I still disagree with their summation on Biden. Joe is a 'late bloomer' He has been at his very best these last four years. So, NYT feels that having a sore throat and a weak voice ONE FREAKING night should nullify three years of being the best President we have had for nearly 60 years - and personally, I'll take whatever Joe has left to give us over any other candidate they've mentioned.

Kudos for NYT's belated editorial telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth on the trumpter/dumpster. It's time somebody, besides us, got sufficient courage to tell i like it is.

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If the Democrats dump Biden, they will lose, based on previous historical results..... Allan Lichtman, of the "key" approach to election prediction, said as much on Youtube yesterday - if the Democrats do this, Trump likely will win in November.....forewarned is forearmed.

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It is not just Allan Lichtman, Heather Cox Richardson, the historian, has stated so in her Letters from an American.

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The ONLY way Biden could pass the torch to Kamala Harris would be to resign as president, making Harris the new president, and pledging all his delegates to her at the Democratic convention. That would provide the only reasonable way to change horses in mid-stream without drowning..... Joe would never resign without real cause.....

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Hope the NYT factors in all those subscription cancellations into all their future polling. A mass exodus from the poll pool delegitimizes them.

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Gee, we’ve had people voting already. Great result, no need for another one. HA

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