Mary Trump, the psychologist niece, has regularly warned us of his all consuming need for vengeance. She knows him well. Given a second opportunity, he will come after every single person he perceives as a threat - including Biden. What I do not "get" is the willingness of McConnell and others to roll over and play dead. TFG is ONE man - they are many. They obviously do not have a bigger picture; it's just about power and control. They are willing to lose, not only their party, but the entire country. They are basically letting the schoolyard bully terrorize every kid on the playground...much like a an armed terrorist causing a school lockdown. ONE kid. ONE bully. ONE crazed, sick, drugged, angry fool.

A longer game would be to gang up on him, LOSE an election, lose four years. Rebuild their party without him. Get back into the game in four years on a somewhat level playing field again. But no. They cannot take even that chance.

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McConnell cares about one thing - maintaining his power and everything that comes with that power. He does not care what happens to the country and will soon be dead. It's pathological evil. If we do not change the system so that it prevents mentally ill fantasists from achieving political offices everyone will lose.

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Could it be that McConnell is deeply compromised and the only way of avoiding having to face judgement is to maintain power. I believe he may be "Riding the Tiger" as are more and more Republicans.

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He most certainly is deeply compromised.

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All Republicans should read your post.

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We very narrowly avoided catastrophe at the hands of a malignant narcissist. The real problem however, is the Republican "leadership" which is craven, power mad, and evil.

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And funded by craven, power mad, evil entities from within this country and without.

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Very true. Russians are not the only ones who benefit from Republicans clinging to power.

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TC, off topic. Yesterday in LFAA, I posted a comment "The net seems to be very slowly closing but if the Dems cannot get their act together in Washington to pass the infrastructure bills and the voting rights bills, it will likely all be for nothing. I never saw a group of people work so hard at throwing the next two elections and banishing Democracy from America. The GQP don't have to do anything. I worry for you guys."

I got this reply: "Actually, all the wrangling between Dems right now. Meetings with Pres Biden. Working up to the last minute. Getting compromise in the mix. Sounds like Democracy to me."

If this is America's idea of democracy, no wonder you are 200 years behind other developed countries and don't have nice things. I stewed over this all night and about 2:00 am my time ran into this article https://www.thedailybeast.com/mitch-mcconnell-talks-about-taking-down-joe-bidens-agendajoe-manchin-and-the-moderate-democrats-are-doing-it

Will you please yell at the complacent idiots on LFAA as you carry more weight than a Canadian expat who is scared of what will happen to Ukraine if Trump is reelected.

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It's hard to fix Stupid.

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No bueno, Allen. Seems to me a disagreement with a comment on LFAA needs to happen on that forum instead of asking another author to “yell” at your detractor. And quite frankly, printing MY reply here is not only inappropriate but inconclusive because you did not

print the second paragraph which illuminated the first.

If you are stewing all night about that reply which was actually a mild reply and did not carry any intention of dismissing or insulting you, I just suggest we all try to stir up the same pot with as many viewpoints as possible. Why divide the ranks?

And by the by, I’m the least of “complacent idiots” on LFAA.

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Chirstine - I think you over-reacted. There ARE a couple idiots over there and we both know them. I think Allen was venting here because it was as close to a "private" (non LFAA) comment as he could make. It's too bad Substack doesn't set up a PM service.

I think we all get frustrated with what we're seeing, and every once in awhile the pot "boils over" - which is what happened here.

All is OK Allen - at least from me.

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It was my comment to him on LFAA. I wrote that paragraph he cited. I do not agree as he took it out of context and labeled me as a complacent idiot. He did not reply to me at the post I made at LFAA. And brought it here asking you to “yell” at me.

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Consider yourself not yelled at, Christine. :-)

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Your second paragraph was irrelevant as I already said the GQP did not have to do anything. It clarified nothing. If you are the least complacent then there must be a great many of you on LFAA since you think that what is going on in Washington is "democracy" and others agreed. I hope you enjoy the next 100 years as the Republic of Gilead crossed with Oceania. I'm sure I shall enjoy Ukraine being back under the bootheel of Moscow.

I caught hell after refusing to worship Joe Biden for lying about the Afghan army not fighting and lost my temper. Too many good people on LFAA to do that again. TC might have been more diplomatic than I so I went for help. There is no law against cross referencing among Substack columns. I see it on many of them.

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You do not have call to reference a second paragraph as irrelevant as you are so sure to establish my intent. What is your deal? I have appreciated your comments often. I was making a distinction between the functioning of our two current parties in Washington.

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I am tired of being angry all the time. I give up. You win. I'm out.

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Thank you for this TC.

Absolutely Chilling.

Your best article to date, IMHO, at least of the ones I've read

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Perhaps your post could find its way to Alexander Vindman.

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