'...it is also proof of how terrified he is, that justice is coming and he is finally to be brought to account for a lifetime of criminal behavior that began at age six when he punched a teacher, through being caught at age 10 throwing rocks at a toddler in a playpen next door, through every other crime he has committed in front of us since.'

TC, Yes, you have echoed what a majority of Americans have been waiting to happen for years!

If he gets what he deserves, how many centuries of imprisonment could make up for the lives he has cost us, his treasonous acts, the millions of awakened white supremacists and the misery he continues to deliver?

Some of us would like to see punishment for those who keep promising that he's going to get his. REMEMBER, T.C., we have been waiting a long time, and WE ARE ANGRY! VERY ANGRY! Those promise keepers have not delivered, yet!

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Just when I think residents of this state couldn't sink further, the bottom seems to drop from their chosen toilet. They must be halfway to China by now.

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…or Russia!

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Da, da ('yes', in Russian)

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Don't count on the police and some state militia not joining the protests.

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That is my fear.

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I think I know why you don't like my comment.

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Sorry, Fern, I actually have a life off the net, so I hadn't read your comment yet. :-)

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I feel misunderstood. What was meant as a wink was taken as a nudge. So sad.

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Don't worry. The problem is we humans don't do well in interpreting communication without sound and the look on the speaker's face. Which explains the intertoobz.

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Oh, speak for yourself. (pointed tongue appears to be directed at you) Such immature behavior.

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The next Civil War, if it happens, will be much worse than the last because, in a very real way, the enemy we'll meet is us.

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I need a sad face emoji for that as you are so right

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The face Walt Kelly drew on Pogo when that strip first ran is priceless.

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Hear here. We'll done TC, now all we need is warrants so that, at the earliest opportunity, he can be locked up and held awaiting trial.

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"He committed treason, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice right in front of us, and read it from a written script."

Yes, yes, yes, and yes!! And yet, he soars through without a blemish!! It is horrific and horrifying!

The script means that Miller, Flynn and Bannon are scribbling and spinning their vicious rhetoric for him.

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Just got back home in the very wee hours from traveling internationally. Was at a very joyous family wedding occasion. Similar to last January when I traveled for similar occasion. Had my antenna set high because I once again knew the gathering included many different cultures and viewpoints. I will tell you that for me, in this inclusive personal experience this year, there was zero animosity or argument… from the guests and the many people of the host country that I met. The overwhelming sentiment was a sense of relief that we could be together and the tone of political opposition was not only muted, but absent. It was odd. Almost as if people were once again trying to be collective in disagreement as well as agreement. We were not foes tiptoeing around issues. Truly we were all there with a sense of gratefulness I have not felt for awhile.

It may be a small respite from bitter stance, but it was as welcome to me as the breezes and sights and smells that enveloped us. At one point, I thought to myself, “what is this feeling you keep noticing as odd within yourself?” Then I figured it out. It was “normalcy”.

We are all in this together. There is enough to go around.

Glad to be home and felt like I was even when I was away.

Love and Light!

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I think it is important, for strategic reasons, to keep tabs on what tfg is doing and saying but I cannot stand seeing him or hearing his voice. So, I am glad you tell us about his desperation rallies here. Thanks.

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If Dr. Mabuse had gotten his start in Hooterville, he would have been Donald Trump …

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Herr tRump was so dangerous before, but now that he's scared schitless...

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And even more dangerous!!

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