Colonel Lawrence D. Wilkerson has keenly diagnosed the United States of America's failures of security, diplomacy and welfare with regard to its citizens. The prognosis for our country and the rest of the world is failure unless action, which includes immediate attention to the threat of climate collapse, begins now. Thank you Colonel Wilkerson for so lucidly spelling out the cost of increasing our enemies list, while ignoring the principles of democracy and maintaining a civil society. This editorial is a must read.
Thank you Tom Cleaver for presenting the Colonel’s editorial and suggesting how we may share his wise and alarming assessment of our country’s peril.
His having " been there" with Colin Powell lends such credibility to what he is saying. The slide back to a nuclear arms race is as existentially petrifying as our refusal to see that we are simultaneously torching and drowning our only habitat. Either way we end up destroying ourselves. I am crying for my grandchildren!!
Both as simple and as complex as that. We also can't overlook the internal enemies who pursue their own interests perhaps even more vigorously than do the external enemies, further complicating the structure. Then the entanglements between the internal and the external, as well as the entanglements between the enemies themselves, all layered atop and between one another, each interacting and evolving simultaneously, and "That's Another Fine Mess."
I share your admiration for Col. Wilkerson, though I don't know him, so I can't admire him in quite the same way! He makes a lot of sense, but I also think it's worth noting that the leaders in Russia and China don't exactly make it easy to stop ranking them among our enemies! Cuba, of course, is a great example of our own stupidity.
I'm reminded of a story Tip O'Neill told. He met with Deng Xiao Ping and said, "Why do you make so much noise about Taiwan? They're little and weak." He replied, "The same reason you guys do the same with Cuba. It's good politics." Well, Democrats aren't getting the votes of the Cuban immigrants who want to nuke the island, so ....
Awesome piece. Being Empire is a loosing position to be in. Being self-centered contributes to such as Empire deems which nations are enemies and deals with them as such. Our view of our accomplishments gives us a standing in our own mind greater and more secure than known by others (we believe our own press releases). Failures to anticipate and plan and then deal with the real problems facing the planet and its people makes Empire victim of those nations on the spearhead of the crises that come about and leave Empire not s leader but seen as cause and common protagonist. Empire that relies on the impressions of powerful and the toys and technology of a mighty force and gives low attention to diplomacy and the courtship of nations within and outside Empire creates opportunities for collapse from within and by lesser players. Empire, oh Empire, why do you continue to build your eventual demise surrounded by walls of mirrors you created? Empire, oh Empire, when will you appear above your own ramparts and look?
Well, Tom - THAT certainly should make clear to anyone who will actually listen - exactly what we humans should be concentrating on! He's sure right in all that he said. If we continue down the road we're on - hell, we dont have to be concerned about political parties, lack of clean water, air or the supposed goal of "30 x 30" because before much longer we wont be sitting on this planet arguing over who's right or who's wrong - we will have wiped out likely all other species - including our own. I wonder, has Colonel Wilkerson managed to find any person "in charge" or "in power" that has opened their eyes (and mind) enough to comprehend what he is saying? Certainly this issue doesnt come up with our sainted main stream media - or is being buried.
He reminds me of Eisenhower who - remember ? - warned about the military-industrial complex all those years ago. I imagine at that time - the climate was just dandy or at least thats what all those big oil companies told us.
Thanks for sharing. Colonel Wilkerson lays it out without flinching. This country excels in creating enemies. We have ravaged Central America with our destabilizing and other maneuvers---we overthrew democracy in Iran---we supported a dictator in Cuba---one could go on. Can we ratchet it back? The present does not look good. I'd like to hear his views on the Ukraine which to me is a war that needs to be fought, alas! There is no large, major forum for voices like Col Wilkerson, alas! End of my wandering prose.....danger on every hand, internal and external.....
Colonel Lawrence D. Wilkerson has keenly diagnosed the United States of America's failures of security, diplomacy and welfare with regard to its citizens. The prognosis for our country and the rest of the world is failure unless action, which includes immediate attention to the threat of climate collapse, begins now. Thank you Colonel Wilkerson for so lucidly spelling out the cost of increasing our enemies list, while ignoring the principles of democracy and maintaining a civil society. This editorial is a must read.
Thank you Tom Cleaver for presenting the Colonel’s editorial and suggesting how we may share his wise and alarming assessment of our country’s peril.
His having " been there" with Colin Powell lends such credibility to what he is saying. The slide back to a nuclear arms race is as existentially petrifying as our refusal to see that we are simultaneously torching and drowning our only habitat. Either way we end up destroying ourselves. I am crying for my grandchildren!!
I suppose it's too simple to ask how one 'un-enemies' an enemy ?
Maybe the way I have un-enemied my wife's sister, by finding a way to make my points and make sense to her in terms she understood and agreed with.
Both as simple and as complex as that. We also can't overlook the internal enemies who pursue their own interests perhaps even more vigorously than do the external enemies, further complicating the structure. Then the entanglements between the internal and the external, as well as the entanglements between the enemies themselves, all layered atop and between one another, each interacting and evolving simultaneously, and "That's Another Fine Mess."
I will think about that... and try to put it into my quiver..., thanks
I share your admiration for Col. Wilkerson, though I don't know him, so I can't admire him in quite the same way! He makes a lot of sense, but I also think it's worth noting that the leaders in Russia and China don't exactly make it easy to stop ranking them among our enemies! Cuba, of course, is a great example of our own stupidity.
I'm reminded of a story Tip O'Neill told. He met with Deng Xiao Ping and said, "Why do you make so much noise about Taiwan? They're little and weak." He replied, "The same reason you guys do the same with Cuba. It's good politics." Well, Democrats aren't getting the votes of the Cuban immigrants who want to nuke the island, so ....
Thank you for sharing this prescient message from Col Wilkerson. He knows of what he speaks.
Awesome piece. Being Empire is a loosing position to be in. Being self-centered contributes to such as Empire deems which nations are enemies and deals with them as such. Our view of our accomplishments gives us a standing in our own mind greater and more secure than known by others (we believe our own press releases). Failures to anticipate and plan and then deal with the real problems facing the planet and its people makes Empire victim of those nations on the spearhead of the crises that come about and leave Empire not s leader but seen as cause and common protagonist. Empire that relies on the impressions of powerful and the toys and technology of a mighty force and gives low attention to diplomacy and the courtship of nations within and outside Empire creates opportunities for collapse from within and by lesser players. Empire, oh Empire, why do you continue to build your eventual demise surrounded by walls of mirrors you created? Empire, oh Empire, when will you appear above your own ramparts and look?
Well, Tom - THAT certainly should make clear to anyone who will actually listen - exactly what we humans should be concentrating on! He's sure right in all that he said. If we continue down the road we're on - hell, we dont have to be concerned about political parties, lack of clean water, air or the supposed goal of "30 x 30" because before much longer we wont be sitting on this planet arguing over who's right or who's wrong - we will have wiped out likely all other species - including our own. I wonder, has Colonel Wilkerson managed to find any person "in charge" or "in power" that has opened their eyes (and mind) enough to comprehend what he is saying? Certainly this issue doesnt come up with our sainted main stream media - or is being buried.
He reminds me of Eisenhower who - remember ? - warned about the military-industrial complex all those years ago. I imagine at that time - the climate was just dandy or at least thats what all those big oil companies told us.
Thanks for sharing. Colonel Wilkerson lays it out without flinching. This country excels in creating enemies. We have ravaged Central America with our destabilizing and other maneuvers---we overthrew democracy in Iran---we supported a dictator in Cuba---one could go on. Can we ratchet it back? The present does not look good. I'd like to hear his views on the Ukraine which to me is a war that needs to be fought, alas! There is no large, major forum for voices like Col Wilkerson, alas! End of my wandering prose.....danger on every hand, internal and external.....
Thanks TC and Col. Wilkerson.
I need more coffee. Great read.
Was Wilkerson on staff for Powell at same time as Admiral Sandy Winfield?
I don't know - he was with Powell through all the JCS Chairman and SecState years.