The rest of the news today may be awful (which I will post about later), but there’s always some good news somewhere.
This morning, the copy editor I work with at my publisher emailed me to tell me that the First Edition of “Going Downtown” has sold out. The publisher is really happy, since the book was only released in May. As a result, they are going to do a second edition hardback print run. That’s never happened to one of my books before, and doesn’t often happen to books in my “genre.”
So, if you’ve been thinking of picking it up, you might want to do so now, if you want to have a First Edition. In bookworld, the fact there will be a Second Edition means a First Edition becomes valuable all on its own.
I’m frankly amazed that both of my Vietnam books have been the best sellers they are, since I actually wrote them as personal therapy.
UPDATE: I drove past my Amazon page, and it turns out that ALL the books are priced nice - Amazon “best seller” bargain prices. So if any of you bargain-hunting bookfolk are interested in picking them up, now’s the time. It appears TC has been “discovered” and become an overnight success after only 40 years.
Fantastic, TC! Sometimes exercises in therapy for us turn out to help others also. I gave my husband “I Will Run Wild” for Father’s Day. He’s a fan of military history, and I was sure your book would interest him. I was right! I love it when that happens. I also appreciate being able to read and respond to such a concise, cogent writer. I sure appreciate the pithy comments you post on LFAA. Keep on keeping on.