Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by TCinLA

I had almost given up. But he was too polite, "semi-fascist" should have been just plain fascist. But he will get to that likely. And Hillary was too polite when she said half of them were deplorables. More like 95% and deplorables doesn't begin to cover it. Despicables, more like.

Things are really looking up in Ukraine and in America too. I guess a small Scotch is in order.

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Biden and his twitter account have made the shift: short, pithy, rememberable; the GOP stooges (or whatever they are) are getting it thrown back in their faces. You bet: Give 'em Hell. Joe. And TC, keep dishing up the good stuff! Peace and Courage to all!

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I can only hope that the Democrats are going to sweep Republicans out of the way. There is no room left for moderates. We need to be willing to fight, and fight harder than those on the right. It's not semi-fascism, it's full blown fascism for morons, led by a cabal of white Christian nationalists who will harness any useful idiot to achieve their goals. There are useful idiots galore on the right.

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I've seen Joe Biden when he is on fire on the stump, first in 2008 then again in 2012. It is something to see. He's never been a soaring orator but he connects at a deeply human level many politicians don't achieve. I am feeling better every day about our chances in the fall election, at least nationally. Florida, where I live, is unfortunately looking more and more like a wasteland.

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Joe is angry; women are angry!

Lots of energy going into the races ahead.

It is finally hopeful.

Ty, TC.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by TCinLA


It inspired me to imagine ANTI-TRUMP demonstrations at all of his rallies.

'Donald Trump isn’t just a former president. He is a defeated former president.' (TC) Can't you hear the demonstrators shouting:


Loads of women mixed with men:

'It's Our Fight, Let's Do it Right', 'We are unstoppable! Another world is possible! '

TC wrote that Truman ' relentlessly accused' and that is exactly what midterm Democratic Party candidates, Biden and Harris need to do until the Fascists go down, down, down to burn in HELL!

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Give 'em hell TC.

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Oh, yeah!!! Give ‘em hell, indeed!

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by TCinLA

We have been bullied by the Republicans for too long! And like a bully that finally got punched in the nose, they’re in shock and disbelief.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by TCinLA

One of your best, TC. Going to be called out as a fan, at this rate. When I ran across the WaPo comments thread on Mr Biden's gaff and all the hostility raised by the outraged and outrageous right I had me a TC moment, so I'll share here my miff.:

Loving on all that anger 'cause Joe said the semi-F-word. Snowflakes among the crowd that's been using pretty nasty words and slogans to describe my tribe. Remember tfg and his 45,000 lies and hateful messages? Whoee! Ride 'em Joe. Doesn't feel so good now does it, Bucko? Always thought you looked real interesting when you shared your hate; the way your faces twist up and eyes are all aglow. But you, have a nice day.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by TCinLA

It's about fucking time that dog decided to hunt.

Fuck the MAGATs, and every fucking republican. And double fuck Lindsay Graham for dog whistling there will be "riots" if pus is indicted. All He needs is a brown shirt and an armband.

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TC, great post. I kinda like “neo-fascist” myself. (Cannot take credit for the term; I got if from another reader on LFAA). If they can call me “socialist” as an epithet then I can jolly well call them a neo-fascist .

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I wonder what would have transpired if Truman ran with the vote-meddling laws and gerrymandering that the Republicans have put in place around the country in the past two years?

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This exciting letter reminds me of how much I enjoyed "Truman" by David McCullough. Think about facing the decision whether or not to drop nuclear bombs on the cities of an unrelenting enemy. Harry was not just a "simple guy". He was good at simple speeches that moved Americans in the heartland. But he was a complicated person who lived a fascinating life of personal growth and rising to the challenge over and over.

Another really good one, TC.

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in 1960, my father decided that I was old enough to start learning about politics, so he walked me through the entire Democratic Convention (in those days, every network had "gavel to gavel" coverage), then took me to a bunch of campaign events, one of them at CCNY, in which the main speaker was Harry Truman. I'll never forget it. he used his hands and arms a lot for emphasis and ended up with something like "...and if they vote against for that rotten party, they deserve the worst they can get." wild applause, of course. so yes, I can personally attest that in that sort of crowd, he was enormously effective.

and also yes, it's been a much better week to be on our side.

and slightly off-topic, in today's NYT, the horrifyingly neoliberal Bret Stephens said one of those very occasional things with which I find myself agreeing. this was his utter disbelief that TFF had it in him to "personally" go through all of those documents. I also have no idea why he would have said that (or authorized someone else to), since all it does is to dig himself into an even deeper hole.

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What I especially liked about this one, TC, was putting in context the old "deplorables" with those of today by attaching political affiliation, political stance and even political labels. Thanks!

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