Thank you Tom. We definitely needed this. She is beautiful and I love her face. I will be cuddling up with my kitties for sure. Some wine might be in order too.

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"Play with the doggies, stroke the kitties, breathe deep. Check the supply of Scotch." (chocolate, in my case) Thank you for the photos of your precious kitty. Thank you for not trying to go any deeper today. Thank you for the advice from Marguerite Higgins.

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Hoping for a Blue wave on Red Beach!

Thank you for feline Friday. I’m going radio silent on news till next week. I’ve postcarded and voted and posted voter information. Now we wait (and probably drink..)

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💙💙💙💙💙💙 Blue hearts and many thanks Tom. We had a cat with the same color pattern as your dear sweetie! His name was Beau. He was a Lover Boy...our kids could place him across their shoulders around their necks, and there he would rev up his motor, deeply satisfied. He was a leaper of great heights...from the floor to high above landing on top of the cage housing 2 parakeets. What a dear little wacky buddy he was. He was born in a barn, had an eye infection as a little tyke and had to have his left eye removed and everything sewed up. That disability never stopped him. A lesson for all of us. A toast to Beau, your sweetie, and all those creatures that make life the wonder it is. Now...for that Scotch!

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"Check the supply of scotch."

Not clear whether I should be laying in more good stuff or more cheap stuff...

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Thanks for the actual laugh out loud.

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The single malt from Scotland.

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I’m partyin’ with YOU!

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Won't know until Wednesday, but you can always use the cheap stuff in BBQ sauce.

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Love it!

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She's beautiful.

I just brought leftover Halloween candy over to the poll workers on this, the last day of early voting in Georgia. I got a nice hug after thanking them for their service.

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She also serves who delivers the candy and hugs.

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Very sweet photos - just what I needed going into these next few days! Creampuff is gorgeous - I'm so glad she decided to make herself available for us.

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Thank you, Miss Creampuff; much needed this weekend. And every cat should have such a glorious hand-crocheted blankie upon which to display their allure.

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Sadly, I am allergic to cats, but I love enjoying Creampuff from afar.

Just bought the wine today. And chocolate for my husband.

Working to get our precinct poll greeter shifts covered and then I think I will have done what I am able to do at this point.

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Miss Creampuff, in the true feline tradition, has chosen a really cool backdrop for her gorgeousness. Is that an afghan?

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Yes it is, made by Jurate.

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It’s beautiful, and so is Creampuff💙

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Love it!

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Thanks. We need all the normal happiness we can find this weekend. Here in Maryland the autumn color is warm and the sky is blue. And my cats are watching the leaves flutter down.

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Being a proud, fiery childless cat lady, I am overjoyed by your kitty cat extravaganza today. Thank you for the joy.

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Those last 2 pics of miss Cpuffy still have me smiling. And it's not even because one of my cats is named mama puff. So damn cute!

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Thank you, Tom. Very definitely needed this. Am checking my supply of margaritas and chocolate!

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Thank you for this. Much needed. Deep breaths.

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Thanks Tom. Preparing myself mentally for a huge Tuesday at the polls. Wine is ready, it's just down to waiting. Creampuff is gorgeous, Fox and Ollie are jealous.

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