Jul 8Liked by TCinLA

I do follow Prof. Snyder. He's great. I'm almost through Bloodlands and it is an essential book. We do not want to go there. This is not a joke. Don't minimize the threat MAGA and Co. pose to our democracy. We have to keep our collective wits together and fight this together.

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Jul 8Liked by TCinLA

I think Prof. Snyder has hit upon it. Fear is driving compliance with fascism. On Sunday, James Fallows on his blog published a speech for Biden to use to withdraw from the race. Fallows is generally a sensible guy and self aware of the foibles of the media. But he has succumbed to fear. It was disappointing to see. The media needs an intervention.

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Fallows?! Damn.

Damn. Them. All.

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I agree, Fallows should know better but he's also in the prime freakout demographic: older white guys with political experience. None of these fearful pundits have come up with a plausible "what next" scenario. Is this because pundits think their job stops at punditry and someone else has to come up with the follow-through?

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Good at blather, not so good with the tough choices.

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Yep. Pontificating is easy. Policy-making is hard.

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Spot on. And thank you, TC, for pointing me toward Dr. Snyder's Substack.

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Thank you for this TC. Sadly I am paying as much as I can for truth tellers. (Guess I could get a passel of substacks for what I pay for two area print newspapers.). Seems to me that anyone with a thinking brain could arrive at the conclusions of Timothy Snyder and others who see the mountains clearly. There is fog everywhere, most of it spewed by right wing nuts, profit-centered entertainment entities, and self-righteous christians. However, there is plenty of fog that needs to be reported. It’s not in Joe’s brain, but it’s in brains all over the land. Sort of a miasma that has descended and clouded the thinking of people who have forgotten how America stood tall against fascism and are repeating the inane blather that is attacking our brains as Putin is attacking every facet of our lives. Every Facet of our Lives. Think about that.

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Havent read the mornings post from here or anywhere else BUT if you would like to hear an actual Democrat speak up for Biden and say what all should be saying,watch Jasmine Crockett's interview on Inside Texas Politics - I think it was recorded yesterday. She is great - what everyone's Repres. should be!!! Check it out


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A sane voice in Texas. Hear Hear

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Yes. It's not you, Joe. It's those gd nazis. The fear is that decency and good policy are not enough of a bombat to swing at the advancing wingers. It worked last time, but the Project 2025 Panzer Division is rolling. We need A-10 Warthogs.

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Fascism and fear, as Dr. Snyder points out, comprise the two-pronged platform the MAGAs are counting on to carry Trump back to Washington where they believe he will be crowned King by the illegitimate members of their coalition of hate and retribution. Meanwhile, we the people, the unwashed rabble they hate so much, have framed our resistance and composition of democratic governance on a tripod of Truth, Justice (the rule of law), and Liberty. The strength and integrity of our platform and the portrait of a just society it supports is founded on “the consent of the governed.” In the end, using history as our prognosticator of how this struggle will turn out, I think it’s clear that Trump and his miscreant enablers will roast in Hell with all the other fascists that have darkened the corridors of political history before them.

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Jul 10Liked by TCinLA

Thank you. I wish everyone would read this.

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Simon Rosenberg is now calling for “new post-debate neurological tests”. A physician made several excellent comments, one in which he said not trusting Biden’s physician undermines trust in the system and adds to fear + facsim.He linked to this/Snyder’s post.

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Jul 9Liked by TCinLA

Biden’s personal physician wasn’t the one administering the extensive tests, as I understand it. There is a desire to see if something has changed since February. But it’s a good point about the necessity of trusting medical experts. It’s sad that it has been so easy to spread distrust of experts like Dr. Fauci.

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Thank You, TC. Sharing, because we MUST.

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Thanks, Tom I subscribe to Dr, Snyder, this is a great post

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