I also subscribe to Jessica Valenti's excellent "Abortion Every Day" newsletter -- and she too is highlighting how DJT is trying to contort himself into appearing to care about women while also pandering to the Make America Gideon Already enthusiasts. I know we're in huge danger, but I don't believe women will forget any of this come November.

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"Make America Gideon Already" - I like that!

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Great post TC, you've said all there is to say. Presented us with the trumpster we know and despise.

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I wonder if his handlers can hold him together much longer?!?! Can’t wait for his collapse!

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No one has the ability to ‘ handle’ this abominable creature! Recall how he rendered both Sec of State useless!

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You folks MUST see this, the latest ad from Smokin' Joe's team in the White House.....just the first couple minutes..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XthszGiEm0w

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Thanks for sharing, Bruce! The most recent ad is so heartbreaking and reinforces that….abortion is reproductive health care.

📣 Republicans are trying to take away a woman’s right to health care.

They’ve already done so in Florida when DeSantis vetoed funding for long-term, hormonal contraceptives for low income women because they’re considered abortifacients by the Catholic Church.

On a + note for “Smokin’ Joe”, Florida has the highest number of ACA enrollees.So let’s bring it on in Roevember !!!

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Have they pulled the crap there like Texas has. “Election Integrity” will tip the scales for evil in more ways than I can count.

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Wow. Amanda is so eloquent and so brave.

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No coherent thoughts, just sputtering something similar to "wtaf" that fpotus is in any way, shape, or form a viable presidential candidate.

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A consummation devoutly to be wished

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Repubs have always known that he is a lying bastard. Just a useful one. Racists and misogynists know and don’t care. They are counting on immigration to even the score. It might in Texas. The nut faction will do what the Incas did once upon a time. Dress the dead bodies of their emperors and parade them around. Chump will be as useful a candidate. Hope somebody notices. I know TC will.

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All of these red state abortion laws are so invasive into women's health and doctors' practices that I demand a ballot initiative that requires prosecution and incarceration of any elected official who's ever paid for an abortion, traveled with a pregnant female who suddenly miscarried, or who has ever withdrawn or used a condom (which must be outlawed along with contraceptive meds). And all of these issues can be included in divorce filings as well as criminal proceedings. (This will become key when Melania decides to cash in on her amended pre-nup. And that would be a court case that could not be delayed in zygote loving Florida.)

Sadly, if the radical anti-abortionists prevail, the end result will be an explosion of online tabloids feeding the information/disinformation chaos that already exists and will have "those states" totally absorbed in watching and reporting on women's abdomens in order to collect bounties when an abdomen suddenly becomes unbloated. The notions of male-female trust and a private life will be all but gone.

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Heaven and hell is on the ballot, taken to the obvious conclusion…

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The amoral convicted fraud, sadly, is living proof why the abortion procedure is necessary in some cases for the greater good of humanity!

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Yes, way too bad the fetus that became Trump wasn't aborted.

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Love the column -- but I can't quite see Donald Trump as Victor Frankenstein. Could you elaborate? My take is that the GOP collectively is Victor and Trump is their creature -- until he's not. So I wouldn't be surprised if Mary Shelley's scenario plays out here. Victor, for all his hubris, was smart enough to create a human-like being. Trump is "Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV."

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He, like Victor, created a "monster" (MAGA) that will in the end destroy him.

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Is it MAGA that's most likely to destroy Trump? (At this point I'm not betting against self-destruction -- the guy seems to be unraveling before our very eyes.) And did Trump really *create* MAGA? My favorite image at the moment has Trump as the magnet and all the MAGAts as the iron filings: he attracted them into a coherent (in the literal sense of the word) whole. This is what most (all?) leaders do, not just fascist leaders: "E pluribus unum," after all, "out of many, one." And that whole can indeed do monstrous things at the behest of a monstrous leader/creator, but in general it seems an outside force is required to take such leader/creators down.

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Excellent analysis.

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Geniuses--I use the term incredibly loosely--like Nate Silver have played down the role of abortion in recent elections and in this election. I think it will be very important, although there are still women, People of Color, and religious and ethnic groups who are acting like the few Jews who collaborated with Hitler.

By the way, if you check David Simon, as in "The Wire," on Twitter, you will see that what he did to Nate Silver went beyond anything Hannibal Lecter might have done, and it was more fun.

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No longer being a David Simon fan, after he led the Bullshit Bolshevik Brigade in the WGA the past 4 years, fucking things up for the "never will be's" while claiming to campaign in their favor, I kind of like Nate Silver's parting shot at that overweening left wing version of the Moral Mojority.

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Granting all that, Silver has become--if he wasn't already--such an insufferable twit and twat that I really don't mind who rogers him.

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Oh yeah, so true. It's just that the two of them are a pair of insufferable twits.

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the thing that confuses me about ALL of this is why ANYONE can continue to take anything seriously that issues from TFF's mouth...a region unfamiliar with the taste of anything but lies.

there'd be more profit in reading tea leaves. actually, as someone who's (on two or three occasions) consulted animal communicators, I'd consider the time with the tea leaves time better spent.

but since he really does seem incapable of grasping the fact that these brainwashed scumbags aren't at all about any form of "political compromise" on this issue, he very well might be fucking himself. this first encounter with a willing orifice might be the thing that changes his life and I had a whole obscene thing worked out for right about now, but it got filthy enough quickly enough that I figured it was a much better idea to leave it up to The Collective Imagination...

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Animal communicators are amazing!!

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nice not to be alone in this! I thought so too.

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Years ago I met a woman who worked primarily with horses, and what she was able to discover through her perceptions and communications was life saving.

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it's good knowing that I'm not necessarily crazy.

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You are open minded, accepting and insightful! Just saw on a nature show how a whale could figure out what a human was thinking and visa versa. So cool!

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I am really struggling ro contain the anger I feel about the AZ decision...the height of idiocy is incredible. And yet .... Viagra.

I hope the Dems take over every branch of government this election and a diversity of women end up ruling the world for a spell. That would be justice.

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I found it very odd that right

after Trump made his

remarks about leaving

abortion up to the states,

Arizona SC came out with

that draconian ruling. Trump

will eat every word of this on

election day.

Now.. You'll love this, I just

got a text requesting a $25

donation, TODAY, so Arizona

can meet their 100 grand

necessary to get the ballot

measure for abortion rights

on the ballot. They have

exceeded the number of

signatures needed, so it's

pretty much a given it will

be on the ballot; the title

was approved before. Why

do they need a 100 grand?8

Do they have to pay in AZ?

Here in Arkansas, after

several go arounds with the

AG over ballot title and

getting the required

signatures, our measure will

be on the ballot. Any fund

raising was done before to

help defray costs for

volunteers while getting signatures. Not after the fact.

We have 50 counties that

have to be covered for ballot


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Begging emails have no connection with real need in many cases.

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