Yes indeed. The definition fits. We have several of these oligarchs in Michigan. One giant one is the DeVos clan which includes Betsy of course and her brother Erik Prince (Prince!) and his organization of mercenaries which likely rival the Wagner Group and others of their ilk around the world. There's money to be made in war and mayhem. Betsy and her hubby who head the fabulous sleight of hand game called Amway, buy Michigan politicians, exclusively gop folks, and run the state from behind closed doors. They are big supporters of the A.L.E.C. which if you don't know about this group, which was born along with so many other right wing outfits during Saint Ray Gun's reign, develops legislation which then gets carried to states throughout the union to be peddled on unsuspecting, unknowing citizens. The state senator who crashed Michigan's auto no fault law which was in place for 40 plus years, was one of their water boys when he was a rep in the state house. He's in their pipeline and he likes it all too much. A graduate of Hillsdale College another right wing outfit. DeVos acts philanthropically but what they give with one hand they take back in bulk by going after public dollars for private for profit charter schools - that is because they are not sure that all people matter - only the ones they deem worthy, who fit their mold. They are behind several petition campaigns currently that would "tighten" up access to voting. Yes - they've got their names on all kinds of building in Grand Rapids. They are deep pockets that fund Calvin College (now University). Calvin - meaning Calvinist. So in this state we have a highly connected family that puts money in organizations that are run by Koch and so many more. No. This crowd likes having all their money, and they want yours too, or access to it through the public purse. Getting behind all of that web of connections is really a challenge which our current batch of media reporters is not quite up to - why? They don't have time to read, explore or even ask the right questions. The United States needs a report like the Panama Papers for our own group of robber barons known as "self-made" billionaires.

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all I know is that, when I was working for the NYC Board of Education, the DAY (I am in no way being at all hyperbolic...it was that DAY) Bloomberg took office here, the entire public education edifice began to crumble. the old "districts" created after the Ocean Hill-Brownsville kerfluffle in '68 were known to be highly corrupt, but at least we knew where to go when there was trouble. Bloomberg killed them immediately, but there was nothing put in its place but years of "experimenting" with new kinds of unresponsive administrative dithers during which a whole cadre of incompetent, occasionally very evil "people" (with a few wonderful ones, but not many) becoming "administrators" (including the woman who spent three years coming after me until the doctor told me to split, forfeiting about a thousand bucks a month in my pension, but that's another story). this is not even mentioning Bloomberg's passionate love for charter schools of every description draining funds from all the other public schools without the necessity for niceties like teachers' unions, living wages, etc. I realize that this is only one aspect of urban life here, but I can't think of anything else that got any better either. so yeah: oligarch. one minor quibble: I read that Damien Lewis left because his wife (the great Helen McCrory) had just died and that his final scenes were actually shot in England.

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TC, one thing I especially enjoy about your essays is your rather sardonic (that's my interpretation) use of capitals to illustrate the preposterous nature of individuals, concepts, and entities.

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022Liked by TCinLA

What an essay on a sizzlin’ topic TC. Here’s my long held recurring opinion. Used to be the BIG (brothers in greed) oligarchs were measured in $millions. Now $billions so that pretty much

outlines their underlying creed… make more money. Until a political party in the majority has the cajones to carry out a simple strategy of taxing them properly to feed Democracy and not autocracy, the only change will be the yardstick moving to gadzillionaire status.

My concern are the wannabe incompetent white male politicians designated by the BIGs to govern with no reference other than dominance. That yardstick is moving to the right rapidly and involving nationalism and racist white evangelical principles of “keeping’ it white and male”, baby. It is seeping into the common good of public education and marginalizing anything that is not white and male.

No bueno. That’s a lot of people that the BIGs are either worried about or….not.

Arrogance and greed in public service and governance is so ignorant of peace and well being. I detest how arrogant it makes me in response. I’m a fan of homeostasis in world existence. This other game is an existential threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Which can only exist if it is truly for all. It’s the original download to the human mind. We are all in this together. There is enough to go around. A simple mantra which endures as the solution to the balance sheet that I refer to.

Thank you, TC. You are a marvelous author.

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Wealthy people do not give away money for free. They want something in return. Power, influence, public office. Which often is used to help them make more money as they want to influence policies that impact their businesses. These rich people are described as being “effective altruists.I think “altruist” is incorrectly applied in that altruism is the unselfish concern for others, often at the expense to one’s self. They might do some good things that do not immediately appear to benefit them, but they are playing a longer game than anyone realizes. By the time people realize what’s actually going on, damage has been done like closing mental hospitals in favor of nonexistent “community mental health centers.”

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

Hi David. I’m too tired to do Bloomberg v. Public Housing. Good job on Bloomberg v. Public Education. There’s more … Should we work on a Bloomberg plaque or a song? My nephew plays the tuba and so does Ally. What about a tuba duet?

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Hi TC in LA I really like this explanation about the state of the world after all these well meaning rich guys go for the power grab. I talked to our Wall Street investment son last night and he said NYC is falling apart. He lives on upper East side and is finally back at the office but he couldn’t find a train, bus or taxi to get him home. He says the trains aren’t getting enough maintenance. I did subscribe to you once—I’ll keep it going. Unfortunately these are the dark days we’re in and it takes a lot of effort to find some light and true goodness. But with persistence it can be found.,

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