My Canadian wife and in-laws are being insufferable about the stupidity of 51% of Americans (I hate when they are right.) Which brings me to—

Let’s get one thing straight—this isn’t a negotiation. This is a man-child stomping his feet and declaring victory because someone handed him a juice box. Mexico? Canada? They nodded, said, “Of course, Mr. President, whatever you say”, and then continued doing exactly what they were already doing. Meanwhile, the markets recoiled like they’d just been slapped with a wet fish, and the rest of us had to pretend we weren’t watching history’s dumbest trade war unfold in real time.

Picture it: He swaggers up to the podium, chest puffed out, announces tariffs like he’s just split the atom, and then—shock of all shocks—everyone with a functioning brain cell panics. Businesses scramble, investors reach for their smelling salts, and even Jamie Dimon, who generally treats economic disasters like a minor inconvenience, tries to soothe the masses. “Relax”, he says, as if explaining to a passenger that yes, the plane is hurtling toward the ground, but the in-flight snacks are still being served.

And then there’s the little Canadian curveball. Trudeau didn’t even have to break a sweat. He shuffled a few papers, made a big show of offering new security measures—measures that, surprise, had already been in the works—and boom! The so-called dealmaker walked away, convinced he had won. I imagine the Canadian government laughing into their Tim Hortons.

As for our favorite chaos entrepreneur up north—yes, the one with a penchant for naming his businesses after children’s toys and tanking their reputations just as fast—he responded to being banned from Ontario with a resounding “Oh well.” A man of deep, intellectual introspection, clearly.

And then we have Congress, watching this mess unfold like exhausted parents at a school play where their kid is the only one shouting his lines off-script. Even Ron Johnson, not exactly the brightest bulb in the marquee, is backing away slowly, muttering about Great Depression-era trade policies like he just now discovered what they are. If he’s worried, you know it’s bad.

And yet, here we are. The stock market tanked, businesses are left holding the bag, and Mr. “I Don’t Even Look at the Market” blinked, took the bad deal, and strutted away like he’d just pulled off a heist. The only question left is—who’s going to be the one to finally tell him he’s been outwitted by maple syrup diplomacy? Because I, for one, would pay to see that.

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49.9% voted for Wreck but 80-90 Million did not vote at all.

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Some of the non-voters were prevented by voter suppression laws. Some were not paying attention.

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I’d bet a LOT of the non-voters were prevented from voting by illegal and barely legal voter suppression efforts. A LOT.

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Less than 49.9%, possibly significantly less. The election was stolen, and Harris votes were flipped to become dump votes. The sooner we face this reality, the sooner we can do what we have to do to make sure future elections are protected from hacking.

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This gives me comfort! Outwitted by maple syrup diplomacy!

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This made my day.

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I’m married to a Canadian. This means I exist in a permanent state of delayed reaction. Canadians don’t insult you outright—no, that would be impolite. Instead, they drop something into conversation so smoothly, so politely, that you don’t even realize you’ve been skewered until three days later, usually in the shower, when suddenly you gasp and think, *Wait a second…*

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The DC judge is clear: "Judge Loren AliKhan also blocks agencies from implementing the order "under a different name." (Chris Geidner, Law Dork) If it walks like a fuck, and talks like a fuck...

DC was one of the plaintiffs in the Rhode Island case TRO'd last week. So no issue of "is this a nationwide injunction." It applies directly to DC.

USAID is specifically an independent entity, by statute. The really FUN thing is that the statues involved with it include this one: 22 U.S. Code § 2151–2 - Actions to improve the international gender policy of the United States Agency for International Development (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/2151-2). It is worth reading. Let's see agencies remove references to gender in a statute.

Someone, I've lost track of where, gives this site for complaining about Cybercrime https://www.ic3.gov/ I have filed mine, with subject both Musk and all the tech babies, complaining about unwarranted access to, most important, my bank info. NOW the White House is claiming that Musk is a "Special Government Employee." THAT position has restrictions and ALSO involves conflict of interest rules and financial disclosure rules. Query whether the tech babies have this hallowed appointment. See Wikipedia on the subject.


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OMG, TC! You rock! Thanks for staying on top of this and keeping us informed.

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It appears to me that the congressional delegation of democratic representatives and senators mtg and speaking today outside the USAID bldg did not succeed in getting access into the building?

I think we need a similar demonstration outside Treasur and FBI locations.

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Treasury tomorrow (Tues) at 5, as publicized by Indivisible

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Also publicized tonight by Rachel Maddow. I'm sure the word is being spread.

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That's correct Marilee. USAID employees' USAID platform was shut down.

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Thank you for all the great writing, ranting, and reporting🤗!

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"... they may not take any steps to implement, give effect to, or reinstate under a different name the directives in OMB Memorandum M-25-13 ..." Thank you, Judge, even if it's not (yet) a permanent injunction.

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Thanks Tom, but I'm not surprised this is exactly what they said they would do. trump's announcement that he intends to demolish a whole bunch of government agencies was exactly what he intends to do. He and muck, have also decided to ignore the court orders to stay Mump's plan cut payments already approved and signed into law. Why not? After all his dear 6 buddies pretending to be REAL justices on the Supreme Court told him in July he was free to do anything his dim little brain wanted. Up to and including ordering a SEAL team to murder his political rivals.

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Buford P. Shitweasel? You made me spit out my coffee!

I hope House Democrats follow through and find a way to shutdown Shitweasel’s shutdown.

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Good stuff man ! Thank you so much for bringing us with you to the front lines. Love me some ‘truth and sensibility’ to buffer the enormous load of bullshit !

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Tom, you will always have my full support and love. I am going through a bit of personal hell right now, but as always, I am greatful. Gratitude is my mantra. I have lost everything. I saved what makes me feel like myself. The history. The 100 years of photograph negatives that were long forgotten and not my resonibility are gone. I carried only what would keep me whole. I know and understand what is going on out there and went hoarse years ago screaming about the coming Facist Coup. Just like the failed 1939 one. They have it down this time and we must put our bodies on the line. The t-Rump is only their newest face. This is 1858 on mega steroids. The plan is 175 years old. They might pull it off this time. IT IS UP TO US!!

Gaza?!? Ethiopia!?!?! Ukraine!?!?!..... I am greatful.

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