Great analysis. The power bosses went overboard. Obama showed no empathy. Garland was timid as a mouse. Remember when Hillary was inevitable until she wasn't. The pros don't seem very professional. Or grateful. And they seem very short sighted. And they should never have publicized their dirty laundry. Imho.

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Amen. You explained a bit why some of the politicians are being idiots - they are being pressured by large donors. I will probably never understand why the large donors are being idiots, unless they actually prefer Trump to Biden, in which case why are they Democrats?

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My perception (uninformed, because I don't know any of these people) is that Big Money tends to be nervous about protecting its perks, and it could be that Democratic-leaning Big Money is more nervous than the other kind because Democrats notoriously don't "fall in line" the way Republicans notoriously do.

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Damn right, Democrats don't fall in line. That situation is good and bad, as sometimes we cannot get out of our own way. HOWEVER, those rich folks don't have crystal balls and have no concrete plan, PLUS their timing for wanting a different candidate is way off. They don't have any more of a vote than ordinary people. They ate also not in the trenches.

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Amen! The timing and the lack of a plan are so glaring -- WTH didn't the Times and the Post and the rest of the punditocracy notice this??

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All I can figure is dumbassery abounds.

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Alas, the mega donors and the political pundit classes (ahem, The Bulwark, I am glaring directly at you and Stuart Stevens) have significantly weakened Biden, and damages what is the most important benefit in an election, incumbency.

They may get their prophetic wish, and prove that Biden is unelectable, but that will be largely due to their fuckery. A self fulfilling prophesy, and like Susan "shitbird" Sarandon, they will then gloat after the tangerine turd resumes his catbird perch atop the levers of Government saying "see, we were right".

All you traitorous wads of fuck need to be kneecapped.

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I hope others have been doing this - I've been writing messages to President Biden via the government website. These messages will be counted and are stored in the archives. These messages encourage him to stay the course. I have no respect for the spineless in Congress who are kowtowing to donors instead of listening to their constituents. Looking at you Schiff, Raskin and others. The donors are the reason we're in this mess to begin with. If they had just kept their mouths and their pocketbooks shut after the second impeachment, PERHAPS the Senate would have done what the country (excepting the fascist cultists) wanted and needed it to do.

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I should have voted for Porter.

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I sent them both money, but I regret not sending her more. SHE would not have caved to donors.

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Awesome, Ellen! I'm doing the same thing plus leaving messages on various comment lines.

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This just in from Scott Dworkin!

“Democratic State Party Chairs in AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA and WI reaffirmed their full support for Biden in a joint letter released today: "As we enter the final 100-day stretch, President Biden has proven he can beat Donald Trump if we all do the work.”

“We understand the anxiety. But the best antidote to political anxiety is taking action,” the letter reads.

“When we all lend our voices to contrasting the Democratic vision—from Biden-Harris straight down the ticket—with the MAGA nightmare, we win.”

The letter is signed by Democratic Party chairs Ben Wikler of Wisconsin, Lavora Barnes of Michigan, Sharif Street of Pennsylvania, Anderson Clayton of North Carolina, Nikema Williams of Georgia, Yolanda Bejarano of Arizona and Daniele Monroe-Moreno of Nevada.

“We know tough races…We’ve all experienced the 'poll-er coaster,' the ups and downs, the moments that supposedly change everything only to be superseded by another moment that changes everything a month later.”

Let’s be sure to spread this far and wide today, to make things clear that President Biden is staying in the race. And that the party leaders are behind him.”

Full letter at the bottom of link.


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I read all of this after learning that President Biden has now retracted his candidacy. At this point, there hundreds of hundreds of thousands of disappointed voter. One thing that Scott Dworkin wrote particularly caught my attention: "But the best antidote to political anxiety is taking action".

Every one of us must continue working as hard as we have been on behalf of Joe Biden, to get whoever the Democratic candidate on the ballot may be. Joe has nominated Kamala Harris for the presidency. I believe she would/will be an excellent president.

I'm as concerned as many may be about American misogyny and racism, even on the "left", but it's essential to get through to every voter the ramifications if they don't all vote Blue, Trump is elected and Project 2025 is implemented.

I will continue posting links about Project 2025 on my FB page, just did this one: https://people.com/what-is-project-2025-inside-far-right-plan-trump-presidency-8622964

I will also continue to write Letters to Voters using lists for registered voters under the age of 35. Votefwd.org Others are writing massive amounts of postcards to voters. These are among the easiest ways, for some of us, to GOTV.

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Thanks Judith. Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky is mentioned as a possible VP candidate, and that sounds like a dynamite ticket to me.

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If not VP Harris, and I understand the difficulties inherent in her candidacy, I also think Josh Shapiro (PA) is a good alternative.

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Gov. Shapiro is my governor. He'd be a great president/veep candidate. As much as I'd miss him as governor, I'd be happy to see him serve on the national level.

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Alas, Biden has caved.

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I bet there's bottles of champaign popping at the Bulwark offices too.

Fuck them sideways.

I hope that Obergefell is reversed and Sarah and Tim are shocked to find that they are no longer married.

Sorry, I am just fucking pissed at those gloating fuckers

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I’ve been hearing it from people here for about 10 days that they weren’t going to vote for president but would still be voting down ballot since our senator is also on the ballot this year.

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Agreed. Reminds me of when Biden was pushed aside in 2016 and Hillary was the nominee. How did that work out.

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THANK YOU BusyBusyBee!!! Will share everywhere!

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My inbox cheered when Scott's latest arrived in it. <g>

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It will never happen, but the best thing that *could* happen to our politics is if citizens united (yes, that's an intentional play on words) to get Big Money the fuck out of our politics. Getting rid of the carried interest loophole wouldn't be a half bad idea either. Actually, getting rid of all the shit in the IRS code that makes citizens like us the subsidizers and enablers of the Billionaire Boys' Club would be an even better idea. And then the damned thing could be published in a single volume no bigger than the CliffsNotes on Moby Dick.

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Indeed we do subsidize them. Those tax breaks they get from the GOP are merely money laundering wherein the dough lands back in GOP campaign coffers. We peons send whatever is left over after paying the water bill.

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I am one of the 56% who will vote for Biden- I see him as the best president of my lifetime. I am done with the MSM. Just upgraded to this and other Substack articles and will only be reading them from now. on. Thak you so much for your insights!!

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Thanks TC, for reminding folks that it is "we the people" who vote. Great message.

I just ran across this article. Once upon a time the NYT wasn’t in the same class as a British tabloid. Now they are well beneath that standard.

A clear example of media manipulation.

The Dem's need to come together on this. We need to focus on beating Trump at the ballot box, and we're gonna’ need everyone. Can we all just row the boat in the same direction please.

I’m not asking for people to like Biden (I do), I just want them to vote against Trump and Project 2025. That’s all.


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Methinks Mr. Seth reads or knows TC and has reiterated and built upon the basic premises about Jetlag and punishing schedules somewhat succinctly explained a short while back in TC’s post on the topic, recounting effects on history (key events!) caused by a failed meeting between Kennedy and Khrushchev, short circuited due to the effects of Jetlag, a concept at that point in time little known and therefore not understood.

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I agree, TC has indeed been outspoken, criticizing the media's hit pieces on Biden. I value his insight (and I lived in LA for 30 years).

The post from Seth is dated 10 July, so it's not a recent revelation of his.

I just stumbled across it, and I thought I would let others know of it.

Another source that agrees with TC, as do many others I have read.

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I noticed the date… Somehow edit function on Substack is touch and go, and I had already posted (but here I am again… Lol). I think I’ll subscribe to Mr. Abramson because it all helps one’s keep a finger on the pulse, a factor in thought turned into action.

I’m so glad you posted. TC’s column on the topic held huge impact, I felt and feel, particularly because of the historical context he provided.

What another fine mess this became, but I’d like to think in the end we’ll be able to say it has not weakened, but strengthened us to stop falling for all of these layers and dynamics, especially because, this time around in particular, it’s very very simple: democracy versus autocracy, actually, fascism.

KISS comes to mind. (Keep it simple…!!!)

The role of the out of whack media has become frightful.

Substack has become a significant, impactful forum!

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I read Project 2025 in March. I have spent my time since then trying to raise the public's awareness of its content.

I'm heartened to see this effort being taken up by legal expert Joyce Vance, and experienced journalist Thom Hartman.

The Dem's need to come together on this. We need to focus on beating Trump at the ballot box, and we're gonna’ need everyone.

I'm not asking anyone to support Biden (I do). I'm asking for them to vote against Trump and Project 2025.

That's all.

For those reading P25, this will help:


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Joyce Vance is a regular of mine, as well as Rob Hubbell, HCR, of course… Thank you for the helpful links, your research and significant action spreading the word. Let’s hope to see a ground swell of events like Big Tent, Red Wine and Blue and the like, so it becomes nigh impossible to be oblivious and certainly not indifferent! Thank you again.

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1115 PDT 21 July. Live Updates: Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race, Bowing to Intense Pressure From Democrats

President Biden wrote on social media that he was ending his campaign for re-election. He subsequently endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him atop the Democratic ticket.

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And here we are less than 3 hours after this post hearing Joe Biden has halted his campaign. This is painful for many of us. I’m heartbroken for him and eternally grateful for his leadership these last tumultuous years. Now we must unite and move forward quickly. We have no time for in fighting.

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This is excellent! I spent some time yesterday leaving messages on House members comments lines. Only one I couldn't was Sherrod Brown. It was "full". Gee, wonder what everyone was saying. I also used the WH contact message form and sent messages to President Biden and Kamala Harris. I've sent so many to Biden, I may be on a watch list. I sent this yesterday. A woman had shared it because she was mad at all the media including MSNBC for their treatment of Joe. It's from FDR:

"We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who will clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests."

FDR was talking about neutrality during WW2 but this fits today. People like Sherrod Brown, Adam Schiff, et al are so worried about feathering their own nests they've put themselves over country. WE are the ones who have the power, and we MUST let these people know they have screwed up. Being quiet does nothing.

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Golly gee, I wonder which constituents of these congresspeople were making those calls to get Biden to drop out of the race. It’s not hard to SAY you’re a Democrat when you make a call.

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Well…this post aged very quickly. 😢

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Breaking News: President Biden just dropped out. I will never forgive these people for what they've done.

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I know... but now we pivot. And hopefully we can all support Harris and keep our focus on the issues. Biden is still our hero!

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Harris doesn't have the nomination yet. Now it's going to be nonstop speculation on who the VP would be instead of hitting back at Trump. The Dem elites pushed Biden aside in 2016 for Hillary. That sure worked out. Now just a few months before the election they pushed out the most successful incumbent President of my lifetime for Harris. The fact is Kamala Harris could have strongly supported Biden when all this started. She didn't and part of me feels like this was calculated on her part. Beyond that do people really believe the majority of this country is going to vote for a Black woman? In focus groups Black women didn't think she had a chance. I'll vote for whomever the D candidate is because I despise Trump but Democrats as a whole are weak, and they just got rid of of a successful, beloved incumbent.

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True... but maybe the 2 extremes will show us what we're all made of? I remember in 2016 liberal friends of mine telling me they thought Trump and Hillary were the same. How bonkers is that?! If this doesn't get people to vote, then we're kind of hopeless.

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I think our whole country is hopeless at this point. Trump is a convicted felon, rapist, pathological liar and wants a dictatorship. Rather than report that the media focused on Biden. They literally don't get it. And instead of fighting for a Biden/Harris ticket, wealthy Dems and elites stabbed Biden in the back.

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But it isn't over yet... dizzying changes afoot. Biden can concentrate on being president without having to please the elite class and Kamala can put her energy into campaigning without being in the backseat. This could energize the next generation and make the rest of us surprised. Have hope?

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Of course. Just have to mourn first.

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I guess my Biden-Harris t shirt is a collector’s item now.

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Yeah. I donated more last week because the President said he wasn't quitting. Hope the media and elite D's are happy

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The fever is broken. Now we must thank a great POTUS for saving democracy in 2020 and improving the lives of most Americans. We must say it loud and proud and with profuse sincerity. We can further honor him by lifting up his endorsed candidate and whomever she selects as a running mate. The hard work lies before us. God bless Joe. And Kamala should definitely pardon Hunter as she comes through the door of the White House on her first day in office.

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And then it didn't. Or, at least, the President decided that resigning from the race and supporting VP Harris was the best move to unite the party in the general interest of ensuring that the failed insurrectionist doesn't get back to the White House. It's up to us now, based on the reasoning you presented, to work our collective a** off to make sure his move is worth it.

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