TC , Herschel Walker is going to run against Rev. Warnock for his senate seat here in GA. It’s a match made in heaven. An ex football player with a history of violence against women who is on record as having threatened to kill his wife and had to have a restraining order to keep him away from her, against a man who has a divinity degree, preaches at Ebenezer, and has a heart of gold. Herschel was the insipid clown’s idea, perfect, we got rid of Perdue and this should be a cake walk for Senator Warnock. πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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From your lips to god's ear, but Ally (below) has a cogent point.

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One hopes so. After all, Alabama elected the coach with name recognition...

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I hope you're right. I plan to throw whatever $ I can afford to help the good Reverend.

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Here’s the only poll that matters to me.

People are aghast at the atrocities committed against the populace of Ukraine in areas temporarily controlled by Russian military inundated with barbarians. There is one man controlling the war crimes. He is short…both in stature and moral fortitude. He is hated.

Some people are not aghast at atrocities committed against the populace of Ukraine. They admire Putin, they admire their very own modern orange Hitler, and admire even more outdoing their neighbor in being the biggest fan. They are craven nihilists occupying dark spaces.

The first group is the majority of human beings on this planet.

The second group are traitors and criminals and hedonists and deserve no mercy when the Light comes calling.

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"Those who hope to see deviancy defeated this fall had best get out and get three others to come vote against it with you."

I'm on it!

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We are gathering so many people intent on voting. Especially being motivated by some local elections. I will not be satisfied until I get promises of voting from hundreds.

Salud dear Rowshan! United.

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I saw a piece several years ago, on CNN I think, about a guy who had a side hustle running a little website that generated conspiracy theories. He would literally make up an off the wall conspiracy idea that he thought sounded totally crazy and unbelievable. Then he would post it out on the internet and watch to see how many times it got pushed from person to person on social media platforms. He was intentionally creating click bait, and people were believing it. Even he was amazed by how gullible and stupid people are. The Qanon crap sounds like one of that guy’s crazy conspiracy theories. The ideas are intended to be so bizarre that surely sane people would not believe them. You just can’t make some s?&@ up, or maybe you can.

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I think you're making reference to Texas resident Herschel Walker who is running for Senate in Georgia. Although he could well be heir to the Green name...

The Republiqan party is off the rails nuts.

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You're right. I'll edit.

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Leave it TC. The simile is apt and everyone who reads this knows who Herschel is. He's at least as nutty as the Congresscrazy.

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Whenever the name Daniel Patrick Moynihan pops up, I long for his return from the hereafter to take up his seat again in the Senate. Can you even imagine what he would have to say about the likes of Mitch McConnell - to say nothing of the deviants you listed? And, I am also devastated at news of the sudden death of Eric Boehlert of Press Run and other efforts calling out MSM. Make sure nothing happens to you, TCinLA! You’re a remaining voice that I turn to for support, as we fight in our individual trenches. β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™

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My doctor still calls me "My most boring patient." :-)

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Is there a tendency with time in democracies that voters rather vote against the most recent policy than for a new policy? And in that case how is that? Laziness, ignorance, lack of responsibility for the common, dissatisfaction with the power of only one vote, "new policy" has previously not emerged...?

Ignorance and laziness seem to be the case where the former policy is not even known, or properly connected to what happened. Lack of interest in the common was in ancient Greece referred to as 'idiota'. As individuals we mostly don't have power over others, and taking a shortcut to that, over the state, must be connected to responsibility. Anyone making promises in election campaigns should have to "cut them in stone," by hand.

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Hear, hear TC!!! It is so freaking frustrating to read of the apathy and indifference that so many people--most of whom are beneficiaries of Democratic domestic policy--have toward elections. This isn't just about the importance of the election results this fall...it's about a CRUCIAL POINT in our country's history...do we continue our existence as a democratic republic or do we turn to (or "RETURN to" as some would say) a oligarchical facism as "the answer"????

The only thing that will stir the dem/indie apathy is the infusion of new young blood into the DNC...but their grip seems unbreakable. They are watching their own party die of anemia and they do nothing! No wonder so many of us grind our teeth in our sleep!

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Well, that's the best news I've had today! :-)

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