Our MSM already fears the result of taking on a chump administration. They caved long before it seemed remotely possible. They have even helped bring it about. Some truth serum badly needed. Nothing, and I include Ukraine or Gaza, is important enough to abandon Joe…

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Pinning my hopes on the decision making of the voting populous is heart stopping. Faith in Human Empathy is in essence FAITH Alone. Yet, we have 308 days to save America from the Deja Vu of Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Gulags

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He wants to indemnify the police and shoot shoplifters. He wants to shut down the internet and arrest those who disagree with him. One Trump lackey has told many at MSNBC and CNN, they will be thrown into a kangaroo court and convicted. He wants to go after the networks as well. Watch "Leave The World Behind" on Netflix. A very plausible scenario.

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What he really wants to do is foment a second American civil war. He'll end like Gaddafi.

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And hopefully we don't end like Libya. Civil wars are hardly ever like what we call a civil war from our history.

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They're brutal and I would personally put one in the head of a single human if that would avoid the loss of millions. COVID lunacy comes to mind.

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I understand your passion and thinking, which I share. The day I can ever find a historical proof than an assassination ever worked as planned/hoped, I'll change my mind.

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It worked for about 20 years and today in Chile the right is still defensive over the dictatorship and the center/left now in charge are far more diligent in keeping potential fascist idiots away from the levers of power. It would be difficult for another Chilean general to be bought by another Kissinger-wannabe and do the same. It would also be more difficult for that dictator to not get sanctioned by the US congress.

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Trump is ineligible to run for public office based on Section 3 of our Constitution's 14th Amendment. He participated in an insurrection and is therefore rendered ineligible to run. Period. All of these "lovely" things that he has promised for us cannot come to fruition since he needs be removed from all states ballots.He will never accept the decisions made by any of our courts unless they say he won. He will never accept the results at the ballot box unless they also reflect that he won.He clearly expects his horrid "base" to come to his aid in any of these circumstances. I say, let the chips fall where they may. Keep him off the ballot and weather whatever storm comes about. We cannot let fear of the bully stop us from doing the right thing by following the letters of our Constitution.I am frankly so sickened by this man and his sh*tshow and want this to end quickly. That being said, let's not kowtow another minute to this grifting, traitorous bully.He need to be 14th Amendmented off of the ballot. Full stop.

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Not likely to happen, but I agree. Damn, we saw it with our own eyes. But the propaganda cretin pr say it was just a tour of the capital, duh

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It may not be likely to happen but it is what absolutely needs to happen.I know that he is still getting preferential treatment and this time it goes against our Constitution.If he is on the ballot and loses again, the same thing is going to happen.Witch hunt ad infinitum.Gag!

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I agree, he is so obvious, same script, over and over. However, that “unprecedented action against our former president” crap spewed by MSM gives the impression that he is the victim. He is just the first malignant narcissist to cheat his way to such power. Needs tar and feathers.

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Yes this” unprecedented “ stuff the media keeps yammering on about is gagging.That it is unprecedented that he is being tried in court.What is really unprecedented is that we have a POTUS who has broken many laws starting from Day 1( Emoluments Clause

anyone)who also tried to overthrow our government ready to sacrifice his VP to the mob.I have had it with this.It is like a horrible version of “Groundhog Day”.

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I can hardly watch for the five minutes between commercials. Groundhog Day on steroids. That they buy his victim crap is a guarantee that it’s working. Why it’s his permanent script. The most entitled man in history and it’s “poor me.” Puke

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Since apparently a goodly number of people did NOT see it with their own eyes, because they were glued to Faux Noise or Newsmax, or OANN, it would be my fervent wish that on Saturday, the anniversary of that horrible day, all major networks AND cable networks would spend the day airing the insurrection again. They could also use the video taken by that fellow who was following Roger Stone around. They could use the documentary created by Pelosi's daughter. There's plenty of footage for those who "may have missed' that day of infamy.

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What a great idea, as disturbing as it was i'd watch it again and see how many magats I could round up

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I don't think we can rely on the Courts. We are going to have to work the hardest we have ever worked for this nation to continue as a Constitutional Republic. Even harder than during the wreckage following the Civil War--indeed, this is actually a kind of culmination of the Civil War--and we must win at the ballot box in a way that leaves no doubt whatsoever of the intentions of the overwhelming majority of the citizens in this country.

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We already did…

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No doubt we'll have to do it again and again and again until we rid the country of the fascists and the Xtian Nationalist movement--not to mention the plutocrats and the oligarchs.

We must tax those oligarchs and plutocrats until they no longer have the means to pursue bribery and outright purchase of Senators and Supreme Court Judges.

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What a mountain to climb, project for our lives, and our children, and grands

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I know...so NOT how I wanted to spend my so-called golden years, either...but with most my grandparents and great-grands living into their late 80's and mid-90's, I figure I have a good 20 years left to fight like hell and make good trouble ...and by the gods, I'd far rather look back and think I tried and did help somewhat with my small efforts as opposed to looking back in regret because I didn't at least try.

PS: I have stocked up with postcards and stamps, ready to phonebank, I'm on the County Dem board for volunteering rides to the polls or pollwatching or whatever is needed.

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Good for you!

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Can’t do what I could but can do more than I will be able to as age creeps up, so time to make it count,

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We don't need to discuss assassination. That is never the way to solve a problem and as Tom says, 'in the current climate I do not want to see the worms crawl out of

that particular can.' We are better than that.

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The country we're discussing has used assassinations since long before any of the participants in this conversations were here existing. Assassination IS absolutely a solution a cultish issue. I'll go further: MAGAs are too slovenly and self-absorbed to do much of anything at all if their fearless idiot king disappeared off the stage. They would bitch and moan and then have some beer and chips while their draft picks lose. We are NOT better than that. This country has the potential to be, but not with Trump taking up our bandwidth. I don't care how the moron goes away, just that he does.

We have options. Assassination is an option. It's an option with far lower collateral damage than many others I contemplate. Being better often involves the brutality of culling the herd.

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Right now let's concentrate on using the system to win. This country has in fact used assassination since long before any of us were here, but if you examine the long-term record, the ultimate success of assassination is overrated. Assassinating Diem in South Vietnam began the political "death spiral" of that country that no amount of US intervention could repair and restore. Assassinating Sitting Bull in 1890 did not lead to any sort of ultimate quiescence of Native Americans, who all still remember and do not forgive.

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A Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley, or Tom Cotton type would leap into the breach and go forward with the revenge energy 45 would leave behind. That will likely happen, too, if he goes to prison, but prison has its own dynamics and 45 may feel a mite uncomfortable in the company of those he wants executed. The problem is Idiot America, those who have no grasp of history and are easily distracted by phony yowling populists.

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Despicable. Is there no on who dares to assassinate the Monster?

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The thought occurs, followed about 2 seconds later with the thought that in the current climate I do not want to see the worms crawl out of that particular can. What we really don't need is someone playing with matches inside the dynamite factory that is the US now.

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Except the lunatics are playing with matches, and some sane people need to quell the fire. Sometimes the fire needs to be put out with another fire.

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I mostly don't disagree with you, personally. But politically we need to concentrate on other ways to quell the fire.

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If it was a single democracy-killing individual that approach might be sufficient, but as Tom's piece points out, half the country craves the underside of the heel, ignorantly believing it won't come down and crush them, just those "others". What to do about them is the conundrum we face. Can we persuade "influencers", celebrities, athletes, military, etc. to speak out (DeNiro can't do it alone.) or will they fear being part of Trump's purge?

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I was thinking of Henry II saying of Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket: "Will NO one me of this meddlesome priest?!"

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Henry II had a lot of trouble as a result, saved by the fact he was an absolute monarch then.

This is an interesting "academic" argument to have, but we'll do ourselves a benefit if we stick with the things that are important - that we all agree strongly on - and not get diverted by the irrelevant, the unlikely, and the divisive, when there is no necessity.

That's my final comment on this thread. Unless friends don't get the message.

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Dumpty sort of rearranges your feelings regarding assassination, doesnt he? Actually I think if hes found guilty AND (oh please please) sent to prison and NOT a white collar prison - possibly we would all feel better and get to work on the NEXT one in line - because there IS a line of them!

Actually there appears to be a whole party of them.

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Can we say "riots"? Can we say "everlasting martyrdom"? No, no, no! The trumpist cult would NEVER die. We voters must squeeze that orange pustule with all the force of an overwhelmingly HUGE blue wave. Push him down so hard he NEVER comes back. He'll still yell and scream and fling catsup around...and maybe then he'll have that long awaited stroke or heart attack...but he'll also know we voters saw through the curtain and that he isn't the powerful Wizard at all.

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If you think anything but real violence will solve the MAGA cult problem, I believe you are mistaken. The cult does not think rationally. It does not process reality. It is a toxic thing living among the rest of us.

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The MAGA problem needs to be dealt with the way domestic terrorism is effectively dealt with. When they break the law, charge them and do not treat them as other than the criminals they are. I personally think Trump would have a difficult time calling another mob to DC in 2025 if he lost, because too many of the people who he would want to come have seen what happened to people they personally know.

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Unfortunately, that would make him a martyr in the eyes of his MAGA minions and he would be succeeded by someone even worse. He must be defeated in the Court(s) and at the ballot box.

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of course.

what disturbs me is "what if he's NOT?" as a kid I trained myself to always expect the worst so that if anything good happened, it was gravy. and I'm NOT saying I plan to do nothing, just that I'm very worried.

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Despite all the repub cheating, a miracle indeed.

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Sad and depressing... The Supreme Court is nine scorpions in a bottle. Alexander Bickel, law clerk to Justice Felix Frankfurter 1952-53.

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If all this transpires, the flight of professionals will not just be from the administration. Good luck getting that heart transplant, Ted Cruz, assuming you have a heart. No one with the means to get out will want to stay. A deep fiscal conservative might get the support of the money classes, because such would be on their side. But trump is way too erratic to provide those classes with any sense of stability.

I can accept the RISK of 50% of the country voting for this agenda, but I don't deeply believe that they will. The real problem is the distribution of them in the swing states. But if we get trump in these numbers, one can only say we deserve him. The anti-reality, anti-science, anti-education, anti-thought basis has been cultivated by the GOP for a very long time. I'll have to endure him for only about 10 more years. Millions of younger Americans won't be so lucky. If war doesn't get them, the next pandemic will. Nothing like having GOP power over the dregs of what is left, Jordan and Gaetz. What exactly will you DO with it?

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Tom, you know I’m not a fan of polls. Maybe you or a reader can help me out with the math here. The breathless Wapo UMD poll that someone on MSNBC is writing about today (Jan 3) is of 1024 people from NORC. How many people changed their minds about tfg’s Jan 6 NONinvolvement if the % increased to 21% from 19%? I’m getting 20 people. Is that significant? How could anyone see noninvolvement when he recruited people and said it would be wild, and was upset that the police were stopping the guns and he did nothing for 3 hours and then said go home we love you?🤯🤬

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I have a line in the sand where I move from words to actions, and those will be retributive. Four years of a moron king almost pushed me over the line. Hell to the no if I'm going to suffer through another four. FAFO.

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You left out the death camps for those he dislikes. Admittedly, I won't enjoy it happening if he wins. But it will be fun to see The New York Times's and Washington Post's staffers who have sucked up to him being sent there.

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Or perhaps the punishment is defenestration which Putin favors, rather than going to jail.

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You wrote these most important words, which I posted on FB along with your entire article:

"American democracy is on the ballot in November.

It’s not Biden’s age, or Harris’ likeability, or whether this or that program or policy that you strongly believe in has been tossed aside. It has nothing to do with the price of Cheerios in the supermarket.

It’s about whether you can have an argument over policy differences without the loser paying the price of going to prison.

It only takes one day to establish a dictatorship."

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Biden's support of Israel is not affirmation of Netanyahu's fascism. Were Biden to condemn Israel, he would only guarantee that he would have no moderating influence over Israel's actions. It would position the US as one of "Them" in Israel's "Us" vs "Them" calculation.

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Scary, but a gem, Tom. Shared.

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IMO more needs to be written about the organizations behind MAGAt and "trumpism"...heritage, a.l.e.c., Koch, Federalist Society, Faux news, the really big money, and Christian nationalist organizations, C-PAC, etc. There is also a good deal of international coordination happening out of ear shot. How else to explain the darling of illiberal democracy...viktor orban? The orange cheato is the avatar of a much more complex of traitorous actors. Finally that includes the gop as a whole. This party is aligned with illiberal actors throughout the world. Follow the money and the culprits will appear. Like the great WaPo opinion cartoon with all the J6 co-conspirators in congress, all of whom should be prohibited from seeking or holding federal or any other office. Frankly, I am no longer convinced djt is the point of the spear. He makes an obvious distraction from the more lethal group calling the shots behind the scenes.

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