Celebrations of New Year 2025 turned into mourning for New Year Less Than Zero in New Orleans when the driver of a pickup truck plowed into a crowd in the French Quarter around 3am yesterday, killing 15 people and injuring around 36.
Many Americans are worried about the threat of violent terror attacks and how the incoming Mump Regime will handle them.
The MAGA sacks of shit immediately showed us exactly how the incoming Mump Regime will handle them. They’ll lie their asses off as the mentally-deficient fucktards they are, lathering up the 30% of U.S. adults who can’t read and comprehend at a 5th grade level to support whatever fuckassery they shovel.
After a police shootout that killed the New Orleans attacker, identified as Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar, investigators found devices resembling homemade bombs in and near the truck and elsewhere in the area. This led to questions over whether Jabbar acted alone. He had posted videos to Facebook indicating he was inspired by the Islamic State, and investigators found an Islamic State sticker on the trailer hitch of the rented truck. It’s clear he intended his allegiances to be known once he made his attack.
This morning, the FBI announced they believe Shamsud-Din Jabbar acted alone in what they described as a terror attack inspired by ISIS. Christopher Raia, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division, said: “Let me be very clear about this point, this was an act of terrorism. It was premeditated and an evil act. We do not assess at this point…that anyone else is involved in this attack and are confident there were no accomplices involved in the attack.”
Despite the Mumper claims that he was a recent migrant, Jabbar is a native Texan who was born in Beaumont, Texas and raised as a Christian but converted to Islam long ago. He served almost eight years in the Army, deploying to Afghanistan from February 2009 to January 2010. He became an Army Reservist after leaving active duty in January 2015, then left the reserves as a staff sergeant in July 2020. He received several awards including the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Good Conduct Medal, the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, the Army Achievement Medal and a National Defense Service Medal. Following his military service, he worked in real estate in Beaumont.
Jabbar has no history of violence, his record contains minor infractions from two decades ago: misdemeanor theft in 2002 and driving with an invalid license in 2005. In 2022, he wrote to his second wife - who he was separated from - that he could not afford the latest house payment and the bank might repossess it. He recently held a six figure job, and had three children he saw on weekends. His family and colleagues have said in interviews that saw him as a quiet, helpful brother and neighbor. There were no outward signs he would become a mass killer of innocents.
Dwayne Marsh, who is married to Jabbar’s ex-wife, said he had been acting erratically in recent months and that his wife stopped allowing him to spend time with his two daughters they shared.
Those are the facts. Facts are something Mumpers pay no attention to when there’s bullshit to be shoveled to rouse the rubes and clodhoppers.
Pay no attention to the Florida dumbfuck Felon34 wants as his National Security Advisor, who even now, after all the Mump bullshit has been shown to be Mump bullshit, is claiming the real problem is Biden’s “open border” policy. Representative Dan Walz - a former Green Beret (Will Dick Montagne please weigh in on why it is there are so many fucking morons who are “former Green Berets”? Thank you.) - was interviewed this morning on wherethefuckelse Faux and Friends, and was asked how the Mump Regime should respond to the attack: “First and foremost, close our border,”
Right wing media, Felon34 and the rest of the usual suspects immediately began bellowing that Jabba was an immigrant who had recently arrived in the U.S., with the scumfucks at Faux Snooze claiming the (rented) truck’s license plate had been “read” crossing the border from Mexico at Eagle Pass, Texas, two days ago.
Many of the so-called “news” sites in Whackoville ran with “BREAKING: Federal law enforcement sources tell Fox, the New Orleans attack truck came through Eagle Pass, Texas two days ago. The suspect’s citizenship status is not yet confirmed - Fox News”
Don Junior posted : “Biden’s parting gift to America — migrant terrorists.”
Marjorie Traitor Goon was quick to post: “New Orleans terrorist attacker is said to have come across the border in Eagle Pass TWO DAYS AGO!!! Shut the border down!!! Who did our government bomb lately that is taking it out on innocent Americans?”
Former nurse now “Senator” Marsha Blackburn again demonstrated that you really have to know the political affiliations of your medical professionals, lest you allow a drooling moron to touch your vitals, posting: “The tragic terror attack that killed innocent people in New Orleans is a stark reminder of the importance of strong leadership. America needs a fearless fighter like @Kash_Patel at the FBI.”
How will Krazy Eyes ever find the time to prevent terror attacks when he’s busy rounding up the people on his hate list?
And of course Felon34 came along to demonstrate that when it comes to being the Dumbest Motherfucking Ignoramus On The Planet, he has no competition for the title, with this: “When I said that the criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly refuted by Democrats and the Fake News Media, but it turned out to be true. The crime rate in our country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before. Our hearts are with all of the innocent victims and their loved ones, including the brave officers of the New Orleans Police Department. The Trump Administration will fully support the City of New Orleans as they investigate and recover from this act of pure evil!” (This was likely not written by Donnie Dumbfuck, since it follows the rules of grammar and makes sense.)
Of course the Nation’s Finest Fishwrap got busy sanewashing that horseshit, with this headline on talentless typist Maggie Haberman’s baloney: “Trump Falsely Suggested New Orleans Suspect Was An Immigrant”
Actual Oxford-educated Rhodes Scholar John “Foghorn Leghorn” Kennedy got into the act with this load of Southern-fried shit-kickery: “I guess mah final point is, I will promise y’all this. I will … when it is appropriate, and this investigation is complete, you will find out what happened and who is responsible, or I will raise fresh hell. And I will chase those in the federal government who are responsible for telling us what happened, like they stole Christmas.”
So far, only one politician in America has said anything intelligent about this event.
President Biden: “I’m not going to say anything until I get all of the facts in front of me.”
Yeah, it’s gonna be a looooonnnnnnngggg four years of putting up with these fuckheaded embarrassments to the species.
I hate these motherfuckers with the power of 100 billion suns.
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I will never be able to comprehend how these nuts can just blatantly keep lying!!!
TC, I am not worried only about the threat of terror attacks but, also Musk's threat of "war" the likes of which anyone "can't even imagine". Sorry, make that "Keikus Maximus" (sic & sick). That was a sufficient mass threat of intended violence for me immediate file a formal complaint with Do-Nothing-Garland's Civil Rights Division in DC. My detailed complaint was rejected in minutes.
Violence can generate more violence acts in a psychological form of anti-social contagion. Highly visible threats aimed at the public creates an atmosphere conducive to more violence.
Thus, I filed another Civil rights complaint yesterday linking the threats & acts of violence, the mayhem, injuries & deaths. Note, my DOJ Civil Rights Complaint # 55-3169-XVN.
This time my complaint was not immediately rejected. Maybe it was my notice that I would file a qui tam action to take legal action if they did not get off their grossly negligent arses. It would help if Biden would fire Garland now. Get out of the way Judge this ain't civil trial work.
We'll see shortly.