Thank you, Tom.

"[I]ndependance is the only BOND that tye and keep us together. We shall then see our object, and our ears will be legally shut against the schemes of an intriguing, as well as cruel, enemy."

Sadly, the enemy has breached our gates, and, led by Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society's long-view efforts over the last forty-plus years, has penetrated into local, state and federal elections and into judgeships (including and most dangerously into the Extreme Court) to the point where our democracy may be doomed for generations or forever, UNLESS we, each of us, in whatever ways we can, do everything in our power to ensure an enormous blue turnout in 2024.

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Our country's Independence; its Experiment with Democracy, has not been under such attack since just before the Civil War. Facts mount leading me to ask if the far right-wing is not only determined to kill democracy, destroy the state and curtail our rights but to also deprive minorities of a decent education; affordable housing; access to affordable health care and access to the vote. Ladders to 'The American Dream', there're not mentioned anymore.

Is genocide part of the far-right's agenda in the U.S.? Are the black robes worn by most of the justices in the Supreme Court a polite alternative to the white, hooded ones worn by the KKK?

Tom, on this July 4th, Independence Day celebration, you left us with important thoughts from Tom Paine's COMMON SENSE.

“In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense: and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves: that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day.’

'Time makes more Converts than Reason.'

“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances have, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all lovers of mankind are affected, and in the event of which their affections are interested. The laying a country desolate with fire and sword, declaring war against the natural rights of all mankind, and extirpating the defenders thereof from the face of the earth, is the concern of every man to whom nature hath given the power of feeling.’

‘Freedom hath been hunted round the Globe’

___Thomas Paine, Common Sense

I have taken parts from your piece, Tom (reordered it a bit) with gratitude for your common sense in bringing what it at stake for us closer, and closer, still. Thank you.

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"To force the freedom loving under the boot of a king, an army, or a church is to violate the Golden Rule and thereby court the rabid ushers waiting at Hell's Gate."

Just thought I'd say that.

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Powerful words. However, this reminds me of the first years that Fox was on the air. My best friend’s son loved to blather Tom Paine’s words in support of Bill O’Reilly’s nonsense on Fox. He (and the whole family) bought Rupert’s nonsense 100% and bastardized Tom Paine’s words in support of Fox propaganda. Then they became MAGAts in worship of chump. Not dummies but educated people who could twist and distort any verbiage to their own uses. Two of the four children rebelled somewhat, which was a surprise to me since their concept of family was to agree with whatever the Dad said. There is no low to which republicans will not stoop. Thanks for this walk back in time.

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Thank you TC.

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This is so good. Great timing.

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I forgot how pleasantly clear and convincing “Common Sense” was. Thanks for reminding us, Tom.

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I went back and re-read "Common Sense" a little more than 20 years ago, and of course, it's wonderful. what I found pretty depressing was the fact that, while the writing is beautifully clear and well-crafted, I don't see how, in this current time, it could EVER be the huge bestseller it was back then. most people aren't up to dealing with those kinds of sentences, let alone what they MEAN.

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Tom Paine wrote in a floral English that if you follow his train of thought lead directly to the situation we find ourselves in today. He had a brilliant mind and could see far clearer than most, he would put to shame more than half of the US House and probably an equal percentage in the Senate. You have to be able to read to understand his logic, and part of that understanding necessitates allowing those words to animate your actions. He may as well been writing in Russian for all of the meaning that today's repugnantkins seem to be taking from his wisdom, that would be sad if it wasn't so horrifying. Thanks for the read Tom, and I wish a happy 4th of July to all.

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TC thank you for the lift-up, perfect for this time we find ourselves in. Already pummeled by a malignant narcissist and witnessing so many with influence cowed into not heartily opposing, we so wanted the country to not be pummeled again by a SC. But we see them clearly now. That is powerful.

For more inspiration and comfort: 1982 movie “The Verdict” with Paul Newman on Amazon Prime. Dahlia Lithwick’s book, “Lady Justice.” Grateful to ProPublica for their great smoke-out. Subscriptions to ProPublica are tax deductible.

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Thank you for this timely, oh-so-pertinent post! It filled me with so much thought and reverence ... i'm going to try to find the entire masterpiece, and no doubt will struggle through it (Covid and age seem to have hurt my focus!!). You're amazing!! xx's

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There's a link in the post to the full article - it's a big history/political philosophy tome.

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Thank you, Tom. I had heard about but never read Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. How eye-opening to our present day “king”, SCOTUS. It’s past time to make some changes and demand our freedom from a “king” that thinks they have the right to demand obedience to rules they make just because they are in a position of authority.

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I would ever so slightly shift focus of "king", to Wall Street and the worship of the almighty $ and the billionaire overlords who play the SCOTUS Six like puppets. They are our Kings, in this day and age.

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Thank You, TC. I have been threatening to write "Uncommon Sense" for the past 7 years, but the original still stands and inspires.

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And justly points to fact that oppressors rarely, if ever, win the war over the oppressed!

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Thank you Tom. Echoes from the past in today's world.

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"History doesn't repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes." - Mark Twain

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