I was also surprised. And then I wasn't. Because Thomas--who is not stupid, just corrupt and perverted--might have realized that if you take away federal regulation in THIS area, you take it away in areas where he DOES want the federal government regulating us, such as in our bedrooms.

But an interesting note. On the court, when the chief justice is in the majority, he assigns the majority opinion. IF he assigned it to Thomas, it means he knew this was unusual and giving him the assignment would help keep him on this side. Also, they like to surprise people, so that a "conservative" decision might be assigned to a so-called "liberal."

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Thomas wants the government in everyone's bedroom, but not his.

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Does anyone want to be in his bedroom?

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Explains a lot

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Is Clarence OK? A little hiccup with the pacemaker.....? When I saw this, I was glad I had finished my coffee, so now I don't need a new keyboard..... :-) Certainly a surprise, and I would hope a harbinger of the coming decisions in the Chevron doctrine and one other case involving whether or not regulatory agencies can make rulings without Congressional approval of every decision.....we live in hope.

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Don’t be fooled, grateful still ok

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Recall Clarence the greedy one was a federal bureaucrat before getting appointed to some low level court position! Robert’s throws Clarey a softball, the yea votes were in so his clerks couldn’t screw up the written opinion!

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I’ve never known a federal bureaucrat who was as evil as Clarence, and I was one long ago. He and Ginni are an evil duo with the most traitorous agenda, says me

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Shockingly, I agree with your agreement with the ruling. Whatever one thinks of the CPFB or the funding mechanism, it is what Congress specifically passed. However, don't be surprised if the rationale is used to curtail the "Chevron deference" later this term.

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I hope for otherwise, but won't be surprised if you're right.

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Our hopes differ. Drive a stake in "Chevron". Congress should be succinct and specific in what bills they pass. They should not write these humongous 5000 page monstrosities written in obscure legalese that nobody ever reads or understands, which create umpteen new boards and agencies, each responsible to make untold numbers of new rules and regulations, all vaguer than the last.

I know, I know. The poor congress people would need to abandon all their showboat hearings and actually do their day-jobs. Tough. Maybe they'd quit.

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I know -- upholding the CFPB shortly after overturning the lower court's stay in the matter of Louisiana's congressional districts? And _Clarence Thomas_ writing the decision?? You'd almost think some of them were concerned about the Court's reputation. Not Alito and Gorsuch, however. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is still a disgrace, but what else is new?

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I can't imagine they are actually worried at this point about the court's reputation. I feel like there is something coming along that will make us all go "Ohhh" as to why they did this. I no longer believe they make any decision on clean legal, non-political reasoning.

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Some of them might be, but for the rest -- it's just part of the right-wing program, and in their view "right makes right."

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I caught that this morning asI was running out thedoor. Just about made my day. Now tht you point out that thae opinion was written by WHO? That really makes my day, almost..." If you don't recuse, it will only confuse'. Some glove said that.

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SCOTUS continues to play politics within their own branch and does performative things like having Clarence write the majority opinion so those outside will think, gee, he's not so bad after all. Clarence will dictate because it's hard to type with one's fingers crossed.

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Judith, ‘It’s hard to type with one’s fingers crossed’. No matter what occurs today, I’ll smile with that phrase at the front of the parade.

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Just remember how quickly the MAGA worm Johnson turned. Not holding my breath.

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My vote is the clerks did not use his dictation!!

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Great news indeed, Tom. It is a good decision. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this signals a return to upholding the Constitution as written instead of making up what they think it "should have said".

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Don't go overboard, Fay. You'll get soaked. :-)

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Good advice LOL

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Law Dork has a similar analysis. But didn't the judge who got told by the 5th circuit to change his opinion and block another part of the CFPB, the rule limiting credit card late fees-just issue an injunction because he and the 5th Circuit thought the CFPB was "likely unconstitutional?" yep. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-judge-blocks-rule-capping-credit-card-late-fees-8-2024-05-10/

How fast will the 5th Circuit and the judge wipe the egg off their faces? Or will the 5th Circuit just decide it doesn't really have to pay attention to Thomas?

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I don’t know about this. I’m happy about the ruling but just can’t trust that Thomas doesn’t have ulterior motives. Like Harlan Crowe turns off the spigot, and poor Clarence and Ginny have to get a pay day loan to fund their Winnebago camping trips to the Walmart parking lots, where they like to hang out with the common folk. Just covering their bases I think.

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And then we find out about Alito's wife. Looks like Ginny Thomas isn't the only spouse with their nose where it doesn't belong.

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Elsewhere, "Uber Eats Driver Bungles Brownies Delivery: Columbia U Faculty Spring Break Party Attendees Report Outbreak of Constipation."

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Forgive my cynicism, but even a broken clock . . .

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Thank you, Jan. I was about to ask if there wasn't anybody here who could recognize The Broken Clock Theorem in full operation.

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Sorry, but Thomas is just feeling the pressure from his numerous transgressions, so he needed a little pressure relief. He will never do what is right because it’s right…

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I'm still looking for the agenda here. I agree it's not just doing the right thing or law over politics. There's something he wants to uphold that's similar or else maybe it's an easy "gift" he doesn't care much about that can readily be undone later if Trump wins, though even that... I can't imaging reputation matters to him.

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You can be sure that they have a real humdinger coming down the pike.

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Still waiting on Immunity.

Have you noticed how the 6

of SCOTUS give a little, then

crush us? Though I am

grateful they protected the


You always have to pay

attention to the bills coming

out of the Congress, as a

majority of them have all

these other little ones

attached and stuffed in.


Sorry folks, I'm a little dark

these days, still coping with

the loss of Sadie and Noem's murder of Christie.

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Cricket, not Christie. :-)

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Weirdly I can "like" anyone's posts except yours. A setting?

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There's a glitch Substack today with "likes." I've had the same problem elsewhere.

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Just correcting the misnaming of the murdered puppy.

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I know, but it isn't which comment it's any of them and it is still doing that today. Just a weird glitch I guess.

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I found that if you hit the "refresh" for the page, they will show up.

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That does work but I'm having to do it almost every time. I went back and looked and they all go red each refresh - though I was getting pissed off and just hitting like to test! No matter, I generally like everyone and nearly everything on here, so it's all good and now I have the magic refresh.

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A good bit of news today and I’ll take that any day, particularly this week. Love your last line and love Elizabeth Warren for putting this together.🙏

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Definitely a surprise! But today this surprise has been overtaken by NYT reporting that outside Alito's house after J6 and maybe the report...not sure about that...they flew an upside down American flag in their neighborhood ( to counter other signs broadcasting opposition to the rioters). Alito blamed his wife. It flew for several days it seems. Not sure how the NYT got wind of it. Both Alito and Thomas should recuse themselves from the immunity case before them. They won't of course. In their dreams they sit at the head of the new inquisition when the orange cheato begins his first of many days as a dictator. Unfortunately their dreams are our nightmares. May people finally wake up before 1932 repeats itself.

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