Charlie Pierce, whom I greatly admire, loves to post the Chris Rock clip where he talks about a man who says, "I take care of my family," as if that's something to be commended, and Rock then says, "You want a cookie?" In a sense, that's true here: Cassidy Hutchinson did the right thing. That should be simple.

Except that she is young, she was put in a difficult position, and then it would have been so much easier for her to sell out, and she didn't. She is indeed heroic in the way that we have to have different standards of and for heroism. She is certainly a lot more heroic than just about anybody else who worked in that building in those four years. In fact, I'm hard-pressed to think of anyone more heroic or admirable.

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It’s sort of telling that none of the men who appeared and testified had the balls to stand up to trump and his goons, it took a woman to do it. Talk about gutless snowflakes…

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Cassidy Hutchinson was the bridge from the traitors to the truth. Her conscience was active from beginning to end. It took great courage for her to build that bridge. Cassidy Hutchinson, although fully aware of the risk she was taking wasn't free to betray her conscience and her country. Yes, she is an American Hero.

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I’m not sure I would have had the guts or maturity or bravery at 25 to do what she did. I was amazed how composed and articulate she appeared. And her bravery weighs more than all the balls of the feckless chicken shit men who pled the fifth or didn’t even bother to show up. And BTW- why aren’t they in jail for contempt yet??

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Ironic that telling the truth did not break her career. Instead it made her career. Take that, Trump World!

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Well, TC, You didn't really have to break a sweat to have me signing up for your fan club after the Pelosi piece or the devastating portrait of Sinema (yes I know that's spelled wrong).

But you've turned me around on Cassidy Hutchinson. You have provided information I didn't have, in a coherent and impressive sequence of events and, you have iced all this with your own clear belief in this young woman.

In the process, you have exposed a few of my less than admirable presuppositions, knee-jerk reactions that led me to the conclusion that she was lying. Too young Too pretty Probably sleeping with Meadows Inappropriate clothes for a hearing ferchrisakes Specifically the low cut blouse (anyone knows that) I dismissed her outright, figured somebody would bust her one day, and I just hoped her dishonesty wouldn't damage the committee and its work.

Woo-Lawdy, Miss Clawdy I guess I should take comfort in the fact that I don't waste my time making little piddling mistakes. When I'm wrong I AM WRONG

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Serpico Territory

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I hope Cassidy Hutchinson continues to face life with the strength of her character to ferret out how to do the right thing in challenging situations. A role model and heroine indeed!

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So agree, TC. I am so impressed by this young woman. I was in a situation when 25 years ago when I made the decision to leave a private company because my gut knew there were unethical and potentially illegal things going on. I walked away from a huge financial upside. The one thing I found out is that until you are in this type of situation, you really don't know whether you will have the courage to do the right thing. That Cassidy Hutchinson was able to take this step without the support of her family speaks volumes about her character. She's my vote for Time person of the year....maybe for 2023 when these crooks finally get taken down. From Cassidy Hutchison to Liz Cheney to Nancy Pelosi...Girl Power rocks!

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Thanks, TC. This is excellent. I didn't realize how much I needed Cassidy to be a hero until you revealed the script. Yup.

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I watched all of her testimony, both

video and before the Committee on

live TV. I was impressed with her

demeanor after she changed attorneys. That was a tell for me

that she had been under some type

of duress. Not to slight anyone here, but when you're deaf and have been for a long time, you pay

attention to faces and body language. Thank you Tom for

awarding Cassidy as a hero. She

truly is.

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I agree TC. Cassidy Hutchinson is truly an American Hero. The many sleepless nights that poor woman must have suffered and the guilt she must have felt and the fear... She knew if she continued to follow the advice of Passantino, she'd be selling her soul to the devil. Now she can rest assured that she did the right thing, not only for herself, but for our country. I hope and pray she has full security protection.

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The trump WH Ethics lawyer, engaging in “other duties as assigned.” What a treasonous shit show.

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Ms. Hutchinson and now (sadly) former Rep. Liz Cheney have been two of the giants of the Jan. 6th Committee. I hope the lessons these two women are imparting are that it is important to be an American first and stand up for those values, regardless of the cost. As another commenter below pointed out, those two have shown far more courage than their male counterparts during this whole process. I hope this courage is contagious.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by TCinLA

She's a Profile in Courage!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Thanks for this piece on Cassidy Hutchinson. When I heard her first, I was impressed by how carefully she answered and thought "Meadows and Trump and the Secret Service Guy Turned Body Guard to tfg, watch out." This woman knows as they do not get into the inner circle by their charms, but because they are whip smart, have total recall, and know how to comport themselves in any circumstance, and be a avowed Republican. Never underestimate the young folks who are legislative aides or staff chiefs. Our elected officials uniformly are availed to the best minds among those who want to work in government, as well as the smart-but-lowlifes (think of Trump’s speech writer). Those elected or working at the top, usually go for the bightest. Having had the opportunity to work with several of them (including those who stayed for careers along K Street) in my time, Ms Cassidy jumped out as one who could become Dump and Company's worst nightmare. I agree with you. She is an American Hero because she followed a moral compass which brought her first into public service and then to walk back when her mirror told her to risk everything and hope (trust?) in the institutions and rules of laws and do the right thing. Jack Smith will find in her a trove of knowledge and nuance and honor, I suspect, to stay the course. More to watch, including whether Liz draws upon her in the future or instead gets beyond this time and the loyalty test Ms Hutchinson might have failed as a loyal Republican of considerable promise.

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