KLM required masks during the entire flight from Warsaw to Calgary. People complied.

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At this point, in the face of such stupidity, we have to be our own best advocates and help our vulnerable loved ones stay as safe as possible. As long as public health mandating is so politicized it only throws meat into our partisan divide and fails to protect us. Which is why we have to take responsibility for watching the numbers in our own locale and take decisions "to do or not to do" as appropriate. Any sense of the common good or public welfare has been pretty much trampled at this point! Yet, we know what to do on an individual basis in the face of this virus. I am at the point where I don't care about negative reactions of others. I will wear a mask when I feel it is the wise thing to do.

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I think I'll write "I HAVE COVID" on my masks.

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That’s my same thought, Carol. If think it prudent to wear my mask,I will.

Appointing a 33 yr. old law school graduate who never tried a case to a federal judgeship is beyond stupid, but the R’s make it a point of being stupid. Just another example of how there ain’t no dumbass vaccine.

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Gotta remember half the country are fools.

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Or as I always put it on leaving the house: "Remember, half the people you're about to interact with are below average."

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I could just cry … guess I’m driving if I travel.

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There's also the train - curl up with a good book, good dining aboard.

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Good suggestion. Thanks!

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“Judge”? Mizelle is about as qualified to rule on a public health decision as someone’s pet rock! We nurses are just getting a breather. Guess we better PPE up again. It’s going to spread like wildfire.

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We nurses are feeling used and abused.

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Well, Missy judge Mizelle just must be besties with “cut from the same cloth”Elise Stefanik. Here’s the line that got me…. “In her 59-page ruling, Mizelle said the only remedy was to vacate the rule entirely because it would be impossible to end it for the limited group of people who objected to it in the lawsuit.” That is absurd because the objection by a limited group of nitwits is stupid.

Sheesh. “Mah FweeDumbs!” So true.

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It defies logic, for sure, but then, look who we are dealing with!

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I cannot fathom the depths to which the Republqan party has sunk.

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And as my daughter often says "you can't fix Stupid".

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It will be interesting to see what happens in Florida.

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Stupidity is contagious too.

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