This whole inquiry is a joke, and I can only hope it will boomerang on Republicans in the worst way.

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Love it! Go Connolly!

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Jonathan Turley: The only guy who can make John Yoo seem like a moral lion.

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Correct Bill, the juxtaposition of the "inquiry" simultaneously with seditious budget extortion raises lawyer license issues for Turley.

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😁 This is the way to conduct an impeachment inquiry. Connolly trolls so damn well.

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Thanks for watching on my behalf. I can't stomach it. I heard the "debate" last night was another debacle as well. I'm sure it tickles the fancies of those who are addicted to reality TV, but I've never been one for shouters and grabbers; my tastes for theater and entertainment in general are a bit different. As for Turley, that one statement will probably go down in history as one of his rare - if only - accurate comments. Did they introduce him as a faux noise employee by chance? Sounds like Connolly has shown Dems the best path forward for this sham "inquiry."

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bunch of fucking clowns.

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That's actually an insult to clowns, who work to learn to do the stuff they do.

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you're right...I was being intellectually lazy.

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I have noticed a drift on the right now that Trump is covered with the stench of his own miserable life, so much so that it's less and less cool to be within range of his foulness if you have any kind of reputation to protect. Now they are saying they hate Trump, but they hate Biden more. (Note: There's still no notable movement to promote any other candidate.) That's their new face-saver.

As for Turley, he's part of the drift I'm noting.

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He drifts downstream like the rest of the floating garbage.

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What's the saying "Turdleys float"? Close enough.

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They still worship the pile of bull schitt

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Considering Jonathan Turley's desperation to be the next GQP AG, that was big.

Gerry Connolly should be giving lessons to other Democrats.

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So glad you do, TC! Pony up people!

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Bravo Connolly. Wide eyed innocence has to keep asking those questions. Does anyone ask them of the GOP witnesses?

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So did that sink in to these Rs - or did they just talk over it & ignore it - as usual! Good try, tho.

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Rep. Connolly is very adept at tail-twisting, and always has been. The usually Trump apologist Jonathan Turley sandbagging the R's out the gate was the even better story. Maybe their constituents will wise up about these dog and pony shows and send the R's packing. We can only hope!

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Connolly is our Congressman. Way to stick the knife in, Gerry! WTF are Gym Jordan and the rest of the clown car doing - TWO DAYS BEFORE A GOVT SHUTDOWN! - trotting out all this BS, parading their witnesses, who promptly tell them, "There is no There, there!". Indeed, one of the Democratic committee persons tells them that if they want to throw mud, they better have some to throw. When it comes to governing, I'm gonna pick me a Democrat over any of these right-wing scumbags! (Rant done!) 😄

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This whole charade is meant to create sound bytes for right wing (aka Fascist) media in order to confuse and obfuscate what the issues really are and have been since the former guy ran in the first place. He, his criminal crowd, and russia gamed the system. Sane people know that. Unfortunately the insane have taken control of one of the chambers of Congress. Where is Nurse Rachet? Maybe the voters will do what is necessary to reject this crowd. They should have been ejected following January 6, 2021 - for giving aid and comfort to the enemies of democracy. 137 in the house and 8 in the senate - by my count. All true patriots must grab democracy by the arms and hold it together or the gop, a non-democracy party, may eek out just enough electoral college votes to pull it off again - with help from russia and who knows, maybe china. I've said it before - these tyrants go to the same conferences - maybe with the Koch brothers' organizations out in Idaho or wherever they meet! But there's always CPAC. They love orban as well. Koch's doings are all very secret; thank God for Pro Publica uncovering much of that. I'm waiting to see a comprehensive list of names. If the NYT ever publishes them in full that will be news. You can just bet there were gop congressional folks at these things. State folks go to ALEC. Another right wing "non-profit" organization.

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All these groups are working against the country, all day every day since inception

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Shoe’s tight when it’s on the other foot?

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We need a sane Frank Luntz

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who does?

Frank Luntz has always struck me as pretty sane, which is what makes his moral cowardice and utter disregard for the effects of the shit he does for money EVEN WORSE.

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