Joe has the best team of my lifetime. Biden is working for ME, and he's giving big money the finger.

Big money knows no party. That big money controls the media. Big money controls Congress and SCOTUS. Big money donors control this country. Big money wants both Joe and Kamala gone.

WE have our votes. For now.

I'm with Joe.

Joe has collected $1B in taxes that the super rich owed. Not a coincidence that even "Democratic" donors want to disrupt. They want their money train; they don't give a damn about Americans.

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You are absolutely right about big money. But money doesn't buy EVERYTHING, thank goodness. Big money doesn't buy MY vote.

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I’m with Hillary and Bill on this one : Keep Biden.

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Read Jeff Tiedrich this morning. Trump is becoming more and more unhinged. https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/donald-trump-promises-to-bring-back

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Tiedrich is great. Everybody should read him. He "brings it" like I do.

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Yes, he does. I'm writing this with a big grin on my face! Sometimes, you just have to tell it (or write it) as it is and be damned with sensitive folks who don't like tough language.

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Thanks for the link.

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Thank you for that link. I must say, this made my day! I hope someone will send it to MSNBC!

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Ding Ding. Bingo! He nailed it. Thanks Gail.

“Is it possible TFG straight doesn’t know that “asylum” has two meanings?

Could explain why he thinks political prisoners claiming asylum from Venezuela are being emptied out of insane asylums…”

fuck yes — this make perfect sense to me. Donny hears that migrants at the border are seeking asylum and his worm-gnawed cortex vomits up “asylum … insane people … Hannibal Lecter!”

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I wondering if, when the crazed Convict talks about bringing back cement, that it's "cement overshoes" that he wants to bring back--because that would be right up the alley of the wannabe Mafia Don that Convict Trump pretends he is.

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It looks like T has graduated to a tiny bandaid on his ear.

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Did you ever take a look at the people sitting in the bleachers behind him? They listen to his weird attraction to a fictional cannibal and clap and cheer like they some idea what he is talking about. They listen to him explaining that since his uncle was smart he is and gives his advice about the batteries and sharks in the water and they all cheer again and wave their flags like they are relieved he has solved that problem because they were so worried about it.

No matter how preposterous the lie they consider it a wonder of logic and truth.

Look at their faces.

When I explain where rain comes from to my dog she looks at me with greater understanding.

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From what I understand, a lot

of these background people

are picked out before the

rally starts and cued when to

to applaud and shake signs.

If you look at their faces and

expressions before they get

whatever the cue is, it willl

tell you a bit about them.

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I see a lot of bored people with blank faces. I see people who are lacking a lot of brain cells. I see robots.

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And that's exactly who Trump is aimed at.

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Remember that fully 15% of adult Americans are functionally illiterate. That's why Trump "loves the uneducated." What ever the opposite of raising aspirations is, that's Trump's metier.

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Thank you for this. I believe the press and pundits hate Biden because he and his Administration are effective and working for regular people. They hate him because he wants wealthy people and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. The wealthy and wealthy corporations should do that if they want to continue to claim rights as citizens. Every time I listen to what Biden has to say and not watch how he says it, the greater my respect and admiration is for this courageous and capable man.

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You have hit the nail squarely on its very wealthy head. Biden is as close as we've come in a long time to having a President who had to work for a living and he clearly has some clue about how life works for the rest of us. That he might win again and get 4 years of a Democratic House and Senate is the most terrifying scenario that the .1% can imagine and their nominal party affiliation is meaningless.

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This becomes clearer by the day and I’m glad to know that I’m not alone in thinking this 🙏

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The House Speaker [not] is busy attacking the female secret service agents on stage with Wreck at the time of attempted assassination because of ... because of ... you guessed "diversity",.

Project 2025 'DEI'.

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Okay, everyone has had a couple hours to be upset about President Biden stepping aside.

Dry your tears, folks. Now it's time to join the fight for Kamala Harris.

AOC warned us that some big donors don't want her either. So let's get to work. Spread the word. Harris '24! We simply don't have any time to waste.


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Jerry, I’m all in for VP/Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris, as I was for President Biden.100%. His announcement today does not change my GOTV efforts phonebanking,postcarding,driving canvassers,lit dropping,donating,wearing a Biden/Harris t-shirt (soon to be Harris/?) in my MAGA a community. Our Biden/Harris yard sign, the only one in a Red Sea neighborhood, will remain for now.

I have no doubt TC’s followers will be all in for Kamala and saving democracy as they process the news …today .But telling everyone that they’ve “had a couple hours” and to “dry your tears”…today. Well, I guess I’m losing precious time on this Sunday afternoon.Tomorrow I will continue….


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Maybe too soon, Kathy? You could be right. I can be a little insensitive. Sorry.

Take the afternoon -- you've earned it.

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strictly speaking it wasn't bleach. It was disinfectant. Lysol had to send out a warning saying DON'T DO IT.

From the first time we got Hannibal as an example of the hordes of folks running out of insane asylums across the border, I figured trump thought immigration asylum has to do with the insane kind. Jeff Tiedrich just mentioned that too.. But actually, I think this is a ploy--because even if trump knows the difference he knows damn well his followers don't.

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I’m beside myself over Biden quitting the race. My sense is it was wealthy donors pushing him out, and they don’t begin to represent us. We soldier on, but cripes, what a shipwreck.

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And our legs just got cut out from under us …

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At this time Biden has backed out. Fuck the press, fuck the pundits, fuck the donors, fuck the weasel democrats

Its a rigged system bent on protecting the billions for assholes who can live comfortably on millions. Fuck them too

Integrity takes a back seat to the Whisper Campaign Fucks

Biden is fully capable

Lets watch now as the moneyed Democrats reject Biden’s endorsement and pick a guaranteed loser so they can maintain their fucking tax breaks

BTw, Fuck George Clooney and Adam Traitor Shiff too.

Did I say fuck enough?

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Well, people conveniently forgot the second half of the debate where the general consensus was that Biden finished strong. We should reiterate that during our next arguments about Biden droppi... Too late!

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I. Am. Pissed. Off.

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Joe quit. We are so fucked.

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Not unless we don't all Vote Blue No Matter Who. Keep on doing whatever you can to get out the vote and support whoever becomes the Democratic nominee.

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Actually I didn’t see it anywhere else. Lousy press.

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BREAKING NEWS - Joseph Biden is ending his campaign for president. 😪😪😪

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Damnit, damnit, damnit. 😱🤬😡🤯😰😰😰😰😰

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