I believed them when Ronnie RayGun was elected and I believe them now. The fascists, that is, the traitors currently flying the MAGA banner in their quest to install an actual Putin wannabe Tangerine Turd in the White House, (again).
I firmly believe that if he returned to power, DJT would execute General Milley or anybody else who defied him and stood up for the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Judge Chutkan needs to put the "Golden Golem of Greatness," as James Howard Kunstler calls our erstwhile president in title only, in solitary confinement in the nation's worst prison, or better yet, Guantanamo, until the courts finish dealing with him. That would be an appropriate application of the Golden Rule on behalf of the common welfare to satisfy all the so-called Christians out there in TV Land.
When people react passively and co-dependently to this disgusting asshole's rants with, "Oh, don't worry, that's just Trump being Trump," I think what if Trump was a wild animal, a species far more worthy than himself, let's say a vicious King Cobra, set loose in their living room, spitting venom and killing family members one by one along with the dog and the cats. "Oh, it's just King Cobra being King Cobra doing what he does," they surely wouldn't say. They'd get out the fucking shotgun and take care of business.
In Trump's case, violence isn't necessary, just the firm application of the rule of law. This dysfunctional Republican shit show starring the King Baby Terrorist has gone on long enough and it's now time to deal with this monster before he actually gets somebody else killed. Judge Chutkan swore an oath to protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, just as great Americans like General Milley did, and just like millions of us ordinary veterans did and it's the same oath that members of congress swore to uphold, but if those in power fail to honor it, well, old King Cobra will just keep being King Cobra until there's nobody left to tell the tale.
He has gotten people killed, many willingly going to their deaths saying that Covid was a hoax. And the deaths at the Capitol…. God knows how many more from gun violence. Yes, I lay these things at his door since he espoused the evil. The fools suffered but the innocent as well.
The media outlets you mention are too busy practicing "both sideism" or so called "objective" journalism. I'm sure many people are thinking and understanding what is going on. It is important to hear it being reported.
I was about 13 when I figured out that the Nazis and the Soviets of the time (or at least Stalin's time, which was what the book I was reading was about) were birds of a feather. The terms 'right" and "left" had little to do with what they WERE, which was power mad propagandists able to sell their positions through fear until fear became a way of life for their people.
I refuse to believe that the American People actually want what Davis et al are selling. But I fear that the American people if they don't wake up may GET what is being sold.
There undoubtedly are some who want it, but probably a small percentage of the population. Most want to live pleasant lives, satisfying lives, surrounded by friends and loved ones, and don't want this sort of thing.
Oh, I agree. The problem is that too many want that life but don’t realize that it isn’t just handed to you--you have to work to maintain the structure that allows it. I’m sure the East Germans had plenty of families who enjoyed a quiet life--but they also had the Stasi, the rewards for informing on even a family member, a parent, a child.
It’s been going on 35 years since the Soviet Union and its satellites collapsed (and 78 since the Nazis did). Those of us who came of age post war (with parents involved in it) and Cold War had the dangers of those systems in our face constantly. But many of those who came of age after the Soviet collapse are in their 40s now and haven’t had that daily experience. “Oh yeah. Lots of awful regimes.” But those were in what tRump called “shithole countries, not relevant to US.
But that anti-democratic tendency is growing again all over what we think of a Western Civilization and too many people think we don’t have to worry because we are “exceptional.” Life will go on as it “always” has.
The phrase “doomed to repeat it” keeps echoing for me. Can a country being led into ignorance, even proud of being there (don’t worry, be happy) sustain democracy? Or even deserve to have it?
That must have been a helluv'an experience growing up with the Stasi. Hideous, informing on friends and/or family. It's amazing what some H. sapiens can do.
And part of subscribing to TCinLA, Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson is about having the info to help us prevent the repetition.
Incidentally, and not connected with your point, it really bothers me when people conflate the former guy's name with the rear end, a body part which performs several valuable functions, and which is a secondary sex characteristic which many of both genders regard as attractive (including me). I'm of the opinion that all body parts should never be used as epithets, but should be regarded as sacred.
I think that's just fine. But the horse doesn't want to be associated with Trump, either! You could write FDRump in the case of the horse. Your comment was genuinely funny--put a smile on my face!
too right. Because why do the Neo-Stasi need your kids when they can check out your FB account? Normally I don't worry a lot about cybersecurity. I take the basic steps, have the basic tools, don't respond to "receipts from the Geek Squad" or click on being told Costco is willing to GIVE me some expensive item. Etc Etc.
But if it were someone like Davis with the power to get around that precaution--THAT is really scary./
Oh, I am too. The scammers just change one letter in the email address and there goes the Junk filter. I spend the morning sending crap to junk. I will say that Malwarebytes does stop malicious websites well.
One of the things that did show up in Junk (I check it daily because some stuff I want ends up there) was a hysterical "ransom-ware" threat. It went on and on about how it could evade junk filters (yep) and how I needed to send a bunch of bitcoin to an undisclosed location or else he would....reveal to all my family and friends my acres of porn sites.
I'm a 79 year old grandma. I have never been on a porn site. If I had, my family and friends would just consider it funny to find out, presuming it involved some kind of irony on my part.
What is scary is how many folks who HAVE been on a porn site--or many--and ashamed of it could be caught by this.
Its been happening for more than 20 years: Charles Koch learned from their first attempt, Watergate, and he has been organizing this ever since with his neonazi, fascist billionaire pals.
They don’t want a Red Caesar. These jagoffs want to be the Red Caesar, only with pardons and a foolproof escape hatch and no possibility of, you know, real consequences which might cause a bruise or an inconvenience. What a bunch of impotent little children. They’re useless cowards. And that’s the scariest thing about them.
Don’t insult children. They are innocent, these cretins are anything but. Evil to their core, and the followers are stupid, ignorant, and fearfully selfish.
In the case of rattlesnakes, though, they don't want to bite you, because venom is expensive to make. That's why the rattle evolved (and the rattlesnake is the only example that has a rattle). If you move away, in a manner that's not going to scare the rattler, the rattler won't bite.
John Kelly. General John Kelly. That John Kelly who vilified and insulted Representative Frederica Wilson? Who called her an “empty barrel?” That John Kelly now wants to sound the alarm? Now?
He told me who he is a long time ago.
Have I missed his apology to the Gentleperson from Florida?
This is what happens when the very cunning and well bankrolled freaks get organized religion to buy into their plots with promises of "shared control (operative words)." It's what a certain KGB agent did as he ascended to power, romanced the Russian Orthodox clergy who've always had a certain amount of control over the believers. Erdogan is now appeasing his special Muslim flock by going after the Kurds. Hitler convinced the Christians it was about the Jews, gays, gypsies, et. al. Xi has targeted the Uyghurs. Stalin was less subtle because he didn't need to be.
Absolutely correct on all points. Watching the gop right wing fascist crowd do their chaos dance today (I did not watch all of it - I was studying Ukrainian) any thinking person must understand that the time has come to speak truthfully about the situation we're in presently. "When people show you who they are, believe them." I read Damon Linker's Guardian article again after reading your piece, Tom, and everyone should look it up. And dig into the Heritage Foundation's plans. Now these things are chilling. In Germany at least the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) is considered by those charged with defending the German Constitution, with being an anti-democratic movement. That doesn't mean people aren't voting for their candidates but at least there is national recognition and a mechanism, though imperfect, of speaking publicly about what they are doing, contrasting that with the morality and ethics as well as deep concern for everyone in the nation and not just a few select people - Germany too struggles with the idea that "someone not German will replace the Germans". There is also fear on may fronts. I think that is partly what is happening here. Fear which is a powerful weapon in the hands of people like the former guy and the crowd around him, not to mention those ensconced in all kinds of places in business, education, industry, media, etc throughout the country. This nation has a long history with white supremacy and fascist tendencies. Both have been living underground for a long time, but the gop with no ideas and only one goal, power, was primed to become the conduit for its rise through djt, and the the monied crowd that include Peter Thiel, the Koch organizations, Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, the American Legislative Exchange Council, the Heritage Foundation, the white "christian" nationalist movement, etc., etc. And many of these organizations got their start during the reagan era. So...we are where we are. What's needed is a citizenry that is capable of understanding, thinking, learning, and willing to stand up to resist physically and politically what is happening. I hope we've got the balls to do just that.
Citizenry are enthralled by reality tv and entertainment news. I can’t even watch the ads. Brain numbing nonsense all day, every day. Repubs have pretty much destroyed PBS by cutting their funding and turning them into advertisers paradise. My ignorant (not stupid) brother told his repub rep to defund PBS if he got the chance. Had to inform him that repubs were the reason PBS had turned to begging and constant ads. Ignorance abounds and money buys their votes.
Amazing how so many are totally unable to connect the dots. I attribute this weakness to a turn away from civics education, history education that discusses not just the good but the bad and ugly, and focusing on test taking instead of critical thinking skills.
That's true Jeri. Fox has killed political discourse. I don't watch TV or cable. Never see or hear Fox unless someone uses a program to showcase some idiocy. I'm in that oldster group but lying charlatans and con artists have never appealed to me. Maybe that's because I read banned books!😉
Another oldster who had a bff whose husband required Fox on 24/7. I had a first hand view for their first five years. Pukeifying. Love those banned books, but Foxers these days don’t have enough sense to widen their horizons.
Never heard of Damon Linker or Mike Davis and I have been paying attention. Thank you for putting them on my radar, and hopefully, plenty of others. I will say that years ago, Bill Moyers spoke of what you aired here, in a logical and sane fashion. He was drowned out by Fox’s crew of clowns as “entertainment” became the order of the day and the substitute for sane political discourse, and even factual news. Yes, factual news as opposed to alternate facts. Bill Moyers must be the most depressed man in the country.
Then, along come the big, fat, evil shinny object that distracted all from any normal political thoughts and acts. It was a new national order of bull Schitt, that made W look like a statesman.
Thank you for highlighting what has been simmering under the radar for most of my long life. If the “trump crisis” would go away tomorrow, we would be staring into the face of another wolf, or is it the same wolf that has been driving all our woes likely since the Coup of 1933. WW2 seems like a brief interlude, albeit a traumatic one. But it being over, HST saw the threat resurrect. Ike was the last of the sane republicans (shout out to Everett Dirksen). If there are any left, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Your column has chilled me to the bone.
That's what it was supposed to do.
It worked, kept me awake for most of night.
I laughed out loud.
Just woke up from a nap, 4 hrs won’t do me. Before repubs get through, I may be a permanent anxiety freak.
If you aren't after the past 8 years, I think you'll be OK -- eventually.
It’s been nip and tuck for longer than that. At my age eventually had better hurry up,
I believed them when Ronnie RayGun was elected and I believe them now. The fascists, that is, the traitors currently flying the MAGA banner in their quest to install an actual Putin wannabe Tangerine Turd in the White House, (again).
I firmly believe that if he returned to power, DJT would execute General Milley or anybody else who defied him and stood up for the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Judge Chutkan needs to put the "Golden Golem of Greatness," as James Howard Kunstler calls our erstwhile president in title only, in solitary confinement in the nation's worst prison, or better yet, Guantanamo, until the courts finish dealing with him. That would be an appropriate application of the Golden Rule on behalf of the common welfare to satisfy all the so-called Christians out there in TV Land.
When people react passively and co-dependently to this disgusting asshole's rants with, "Oh, don't worry, that's just Trump being Trump," I think what if Trump was a wild animal, a species far more worthy than himself, let's say a vicious King Cobra, set loose in their living room, spitting venom and killing family members one by one along with the dog and the cats. "Oh, it's just King Cobra being King Cobra doing what he does," they surely wouldn't say. They'd get out the fucking shotgun and take care of business.
In Trump's case, violence isn't necessary, just the firm application of the rule of law. This dysfunctional Republican shit show starring the King Baby Terrorist has gone on long enough and it's now time to deal with this monster before he actually gets somebody else killed. Judge Chutkan swore an oath to protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, just as great Americans like General Milley did, and just like millions of us ordinary veterans did and it's the same oath that members of congress swore to uphold, but if those in power fail to honor it, well, old King Cobra will just keep being King Cobra until there's nobody left to tell the tale.
He has gotten people killed, many willingly going to their deaths saying that Covid was a hoax. And the deaths at the Capitol…. God knows how many more from gun violence. Yes, I lay these things at his door since he espoused the evil. The fools suffered but the innocent as well.
Why isn't anyone from the supposedly big NYTIMES,
interviewing Mike Davis and
asking him about his "5 Lists"?
Project 2025 is 920 pgs long and a slog to get through. I
can only take so much of it
at a time.
Shine a bright effing light on
this crap now. Start pushing
for answers. And yes! When
someone shows you who they really are, believe them.
Thank you, Tom. This was very important!
The media outlets you mention are too busy practicing "both sideism" or so called "objective" journalism. I'm sure many people are thinking and understanding what is going on. It is important to hear it being reported.
Entertaining news is so much more profitable
I was about 13 when I figured out that the Nazis and the Soviets of the time (or at least Stalin's time, which was what the book I was reading was about) were birds of a feather. The terms 'right" and "left" had little to do with what they WERE, which was power mad propagandists able to sell their positions through fear until fear became a way of life for their people.
I refuse to believe that the American People actually want what Davis et al are selling. But I fear that the American people if they don't wake up may GET what is being sold.
There undoubtedly are some who want it, but probably a small percentage of the population. Most want to live pleasant lives, satisfying lives, surrounded by friends and loved ones, and don't want this sort of thing.
Oh, I agree. The problem is that too many want that life but don’t realize that it isn’t just handed to you--you have to work to maintain the structure that allows it. I’m sure the East Germans had plenty of families who enjoyed a quiet life--but they also had the Stasi, the rewards for informing on even a family member, a parent, a child.
It’s been going on 35 years since the Soviet Union and its satellites collapsed (and 78 since the Nazis did). Those of us who came of age post war (with parents involved in it) and Cold War had the dangers of those systems in our face constantly. But many of those who came of age after the Soviet collapse are in their 40s now and haven’t had that daily experience. “Oh yeah. Lots of awful regimes.” But those were in what tRump called “shithole countries, not relevant to US.
But that anti-democratic tendency is growing again all over what we think of a Western Civilization and too many people think we don’t have to worry because we are “exceptional.” Life will go on as it “always” has.
The phrase “doomed to repeat it” keeps echoing for me. Can a country being led into ignorance, even proud of being there (don’t worry, be happy) sustain democracy? Or even deserve to have it?
Too many have drunk the Kool Aid and no longer can actually think.
That must have been a helluv'an experience growing up with the Stasi. Hideous, informing on friends and/or family. It's amazing what some H. sapiens can do.
And part of subscribing to TCinLA, Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson is about having the info to help us prevent the repetition.
Incidentally, and not connected with your point, it really bothers me when people conflate the former guy's name with the rear end, a body part which performs several valuable functions, and which is a secondary sex characteristic which many of both genders regard as attractive (including me). I'm of the opinion that all body parts should never be used as epithets, but should be regarded as sacred.
Heh. Is it ok if the body part is specified as part of a horse?
I think that's just fine. But the horse doesn't want to be associated with Trump, either! You could write FDRump in the case of the horse. Your comment was genuinely funny--put a smile on my face!
If we don’t change direction, we may wind up where we are headed.
too right. Because why do the Neo-Stasi need your kids when they can check out your FB account? Normally I don't worry a lot about cybersecurity. I take the basic steps, have the basic tools, don't respond to "receipts from the Geek Squad" or click on being told Costco is willing to GIVE me some expensive item. Etc Etc.
But if it were someone like Davis with the power to get around that precaution--THAT is really scary./
I do all that but I’m still on the receiving end of a mountain of Schitt. The idiots seem tech savvy these days
Oh, I am too. The scammers just change one letter in the email address and there goes the Junk filter. I spend the morning sending crap to junk. I will say that Malwarebytes does stop malicious websites well.
One of the things that did show up in Junk (I check it daily because some stuff I want ends up there) was a hysterical "ransom-ware" threat. It went on and on about how it could evade junk filters (yep) and how I needed to send a bunch of bitcoin to an undisclosed location or else he would....reveal to all my family and friends my acres of porn sites.
I'm a 79 year old grandma. I have never been on a porn site. If I had, my family and friends would just consider it funny to find out, presuming it involved some kind of irony on my part.
What is scary is how many folks who HAVE been on a porn site--or many--and ashamed of it could be caught by this.
Its been happening for more than 20 years: Charles Koch learned from their first attempt, Watergate, and he has been organizing this ever since with his neonazi, fascist billionaire pals.
God help us, indeed. But while we're hoping and praying, we'd all better step up and do what we can to save our democracy.
Thank you for tying it all together and adding that Constitutional convention movement that i've been reading about for twenty years now.
These are like Birchers with money and advanced degrees.
I'm sure a fair number of the "brains" at the "top" ARE Birchers with money and advanced degrees.
And ALEC, they have been the method by which one state’s insane policies get passed around. Quite successfully, I might add.
As to the Constitutional convention movement, be careful what you ask for.
They don’t want a Red Caesar. These jagoffs want to be the Red Caesar, only with pardons and a foolproof escape hatch and no possibility of, you know, real consequences which might cause a bruise or an inconvenience. What a bunch of impotent little children. They’re useless cowards. And that’s the scariest thing about them.
Don’t insult children. They are innocent, these cretins are anything but. Evil to their core, and the followers are stupid, ignorant, and fearfully selfish.
Did you know that the bite of a beheaded poisonous snake can still kill you?
The relevant nerves remain functional, for quite a while after beheading.
In the case of rattlesnakes, though, they don't want to bite you, because venom is expensive to make. That's why the rattle evolved (and the rattlesnake is the only example that has a rattle). If you move away, in a manner that's not going to scare the rattler, the rattler won't bite.
John Kelly. General John Kelly. That John Kelly who vilified and insulted Representative Frederica Wilson? Who called her an “empty barrel?” That John Kelly now wants to sound the alarm? Now?
He told me who he is a long time ago.
Have I missed his apology to the Gentleperson from Florida?
Yep, that one.
always MY first reaction to anything Kelly says NOW about THEN.
This is what happens when the very cunning and well bankrolled freaks get organized religion to buy into their plots with promises of "shared control (operative words)." It's what a certain KGB agent did as he ascended to power, romanced the Russian Orthodox clergy who've always had a certain amount of control over the believers. Erdogan is now appeasing his special Muslim flock by going after the Kurds. Hitler convinced the Christians it was about the Jews, gays, gypsies, et. al. Xi has targeted the Uyghurs. Stalin was less subtle because he didn't need to be.
When Rove romanced the Baptists (and others) in 2004, it seemed a sea change in my Tx community. Sort of like Limbaugh on steroids
“Everything he touches dies.” No truer words were ever said.
Interesting that they chose Caesar. Do any of them remember what the rest of the Senate did to Julius, because they thought he wanted to be king?
Absolutely correct on all points. Watching the gop right wing fascist crowd do their chaos dance today (I did not watch all of it - I was studying Ukrainian) any thinking person must understand that the time has come to speak truthfully about the situation we're in presently. "When people show you who they are, believe them." I read Damon Linker's Guardian article again after reading your piece, Tom, and everyone should look it up. And dig into the Heritage Foundation's plans. Now these things are chilling. In Germany at least the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) is considered by those charged with defending the German Constitution, with being an anti-democratic movement. That doesn't mean people aren't voting for their candidates but at least there is national recognition and a mechanism, though imperfect, of speaking publicly about what they are doing, contrasting that with the morality and ethics as well as deep concern for everyone in the nation and not just a few select people - Germany too struggles with the idea that "someone not German will replace the Germans". There is also fear on may fronts. I think that is partly what is happening here. Fear which is a powerful weapon in the hands of people like the former guy and the crowd around him, not to mention those ensconced in all kinds of places in business, education, industry, media, etc throughout the country. This nation has a long history with white supremacy and fascist tendencies. Both have been living underground for a long time, but the gop with no ideas and only one goal, power, was primed to become the conduit for its rise through djt, and the the monied crowd that include Peter Thiel, the Koch organizations, Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, the American Legislative Exchange Council, the Heritage Foundation, the white "christian" nationalist movement, etc., etc. And many of these organizations got their start during the reagan era. So...we are where we are. What's needed is a citizenry that is capable of understanding, thinking, learning, and willing to stand up to resist physically and politically what is happening. I hope we've got the balls to do just that.
Citizenry are enthralled by reality tv and entertainment news. I can’t even watch the ads. Brain numbing nonsense all day, every day. Repubs have pretty much destroyed PBS by cutting their funding and turning them into advertisers paradise. My ignorant (not stupid) brother told his repub rep to defund PBS if he got the chance. Had to inform him that repubs were the reason PBS had turned to begging and constant ads. Ignorance abounds and money buys their votes.
Amazing how so many are totally unable to connect the dots. I attribute this weakness to a turn away from civics education, history education that discusses not just the good but the bad and ugly, and focusing on test taking instead of critical thinking skills.
That is true but the oldsters are the most amenable to the Fox crap. In my experience, non-stop propaganda for decades a major factor
That's true Jeri. Fox has killed political discourse. I don't watch TV or cable. Never see or hear Fox unless someone uses a program to showcase some idiocy. I'm in that oldster group but lying charlatans and con artists have never appealed to me. Maybe that's because I read banned books!😉
Another oldster who had a bff whose husband required Fox on 24/7. I had a first hand view for their first five years. Pukeifying. Love those banned books, but Foxers these days don’t have enough sense to widen their horizons.
Never heard of Damon Linker or Mike Davis and I have been paying attention. Thank you for putting them on my radar, and hopefully, plenty of others. I will say that years ago, Bill Moyers spoke of what you aired here, in a logical and sane fashion. He was drowned out by Fox’s crew of clowns as “entertainment” became the order of the day and the substitute for sane political discourse, and even factual news. Yes, factual news as opposed to alternate facts. Bill Moyers must be the most depressed man in the country.
Then, along come the big, fat, evil shinny object that distracted all from any normal political thoughts and acts. It was a new national order of bull Schitt, that made W look like a statesman.
Thank you for highlighting what has been simmering under the radar for most of my long life. If the “trump crisis” would go away tomorrow, we would be staring into the face of another wolf, or is it the same wolf that has been driving all our woes likely since the Coup of 1933. WW2 seems like a brief interlude, albeit a traumatic one. But it being over, HST saw the threat resurrect. Ike was the last of the sane republicans (shout out to Everett Dirksen). If there are any left, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Tom, you really should check out Leeja Miller on YouTube. She covers many of the same subjects you and I do. These people really do mean it this time.