
Well, not nearly as nutty, but since the subject is up: I grew up in the city of Linkoping, where the Saab aircraft factory is situated. I saw all their new models tested in the air from the 50ies and on: 'Tunnan', 'Lansen', 'Draken', 'Viggen', 'JAS-Gripen'; the names are still a bit magic for me. I had my first summer job at the Saab crafts school and got to work with aluminium and acrylic plastic. For flying I never got further than model aircraft, and not even as advanced as radio control. One day one of my free flying planes had a bit too much fuel and disappeared in the clouds. The next day a jeep turned up at our house and two men delivered my plane, that had landed at the Saab airfield, 3 kilometres away. And sorry, no photos.

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Really great article today TC. The story is good but those pictures are award winning! I love seeing people talk about their passion. It’s a heartening way to connect. Plus … current events have worn me out and I got my second booster … I’m achy and whiney and not very good company today, but my cats have followed me to bed and my dog is always in the room with me unless he’s in the backyard… so, it could be worse.

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I got my second booster last Monday - just an ache in the left shoulder overnight, like all the others. I enjoy being my doctor's "most boring patient." :-)

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Wonderful!! Thank you for this "uplifting" piece! And you are so right about Vince Gilligan. My son worked with him on both shows, and I had the honor of meeting him here in Northern Michigan. Nicest, kindest guy.

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I've always liked warbirds too. Sadly, I don't usually get to ride in them, but I try to get up to Oshkosh for the EAA Fly-in, or Air Venture as it's now known. Here's a pic I like from one of them that in my addled brain, evokes something of 1944 over Europe.


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Oh yeah! I like that a lot!

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A heavenly afternoon surprise, TC. Thank you for the flight over great vistas. Kudos to the photographer! You spurred my interest in the sounds of the planes. Below are a few links, which you inspired.




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Yeah, very cool.

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TC, Welsey Clark in the strongest language and in detail put the danger that Ukraine is in right now. He castigated US and NATO for not getting the weaponry Ukraine URGENTLY needs. He has been in touch with the parties involved. I hope you can hear the tape or read the transcript. He was on CNN at around 8PM ET. I know you are not a a position to do anything about it I don't know if it is too late for the public to lobby hard on this. Clark knows what is happening. He's very disturbed. saying this is the most serious threat in his lifetime. He confirmed my worst fears.

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This is so cool! Thanks for the stories and photos.

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very cool! and super photos. Wow!

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Enjoying your life(s) story(ies). These are beautiful ... from someone who lacks that eye, knows it, and still will point, shake, and shoot, capturing memory in all its blurry moments. That is working out pretty well as my mind gets its newest take on everything around. Honestly, these are great.

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Weeeeeeeeeee! Fabulous ride. Up, up, and away. Thank you TC. And for reference to Cartier-Bresson and “decisive moment”. Shared with a few shutter friends.

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I found this article fabulous.


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Thank you. I enjoyed this. Your stories reminded me of an experience in November 1969. I was driving east in I-40 north of Roswell NM. Glancing north, I saw a plane heading our way and kept expecting it to fly over fairly soon. But it didn't. It kept coming but didn't seem to be getting any closer for quite a long time. I was stunned by its size when it finally flew over us descending for a landing; it was *immense*! Later learned it was one of the first Boeing 747s, flying out of an airpark south of Roswell on test flights.

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As an old Marine aviator trained on the Terror -28 I appreciate your great photos.

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Oh yeah. I have “The Bridgebusters” in the pile of reading to do next to my couch!

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Very beautiful! My father trained in that type (SNJ version) at Pensacola in 1943.

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Yeah, T-6 (Air force) SNJ (Navy) and Harvard (British Commonwealth/Europe)

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seriously beautiful photographs.

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Really, really well done TC. Thanks.

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Thank you TC for a delightful diversion. I did chuckle at the idea of you hurring out to check on which plane you heard. My husband was Air Crew (AO1) on P2's and P3's. The sound of them flying became so familiar that I was sure I heard a few overhead now and then now that I live next to NAWS China Lake

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You might hear both the P-2s and P-3s still today, but if you do it's because they are fighting a fire near you. They're very effective firebombers.

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