I do not have coherent words to comment on this at the moment. I have a rage that burns towards people that want to impose their narrow, prejudiced, deceitful, profane, and ignorant will on “other” people.

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I read coherence and cogency in your comment, Ally. Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas didn't find the personal rights of American citizens in the constitution. It is as simple as that. They have just begun.

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they have so begun that they're not even going to any lengths to say that they haven't. and, as I keep saying, I'm NOT a lawyer (even if I did spend two or three years writing briefs for my asshole brother-in-law, trying to get NYC cops and firefighters their fabulous accident disability pensions), but, based on how I read Alito's reasoning, he's even sort of announced his intentions by going out of the way to say they AREN't his intentions: if a proven degenerate liar starts yelling about how he's not lying, my purely logical assumption is that he's lying LAMF.

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David, 'They' began a long time ago, and The USA has been Slippin' and Slidin' for how long would you say?

I'm going to read Alito's Draft today or tomorrow. Please wish me well.


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I wish you whatever you need to 1) get through it or 2)need to abandon it. and whichever you choose, I'll quote the old I Ching and say "No Blame."

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Thanks, David. You're Boss!

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back atcha, Fern. and who isn't gonna be at least a little bit better after some Little Richard?

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Ally, your comment comments quite effectively. Rage burns a path. Not properly considered by punk cowards.

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And I also will say that what they impose will end up bulls eye on their own liberties. Especially punk ass Kavanaugh.

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Let me go out on a limb, here. I certainly have been there all day with a damn male troll posing as a woman on the other Substack.

I am so sick of the opposing sides of abortion and women’s right to their bodies. It has become the major litmus test for politicians at the national level with no solution guiding bipartisan cooperative energized work that “should would could” define a two party system. And SCOTUS nominations hinging on overturning or upholding Roe. Everything is search and destroy. And here it is with the dogs finally catching the car. Women’s autonomy is surrendered to the questionable mercy of strangers at the state level. I take it further in my own mind if it’s even legit for men who do not get pregnant or give birth to even be f*cking allowed to decide. There’s just so many underlying issues bubbling up and lots of grappling with those issues.

Well, here’s the crumb of the cookie and the limb I’m standing on that might end up being over half the cookie for the pro-choice Americans. Fact…there’s 80% (at least) of Americans that BELIEVE it is a woman’s choice just as they have the choice to perhaps not choose that for themselves. It’s the choice that is paramount and choice is the most fundamental aspect of human beings upon the creation of physical being-ness. There is no human state without choice. So barring a rapture, if the Supreme Court rules as the draft states, I do not believe we will see another Republican president for a long time.

Hmmmmph. Salud.

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This sentence of TC's , 'One of the baffling mysteries of the past five years is why a movement so effective at the work of democracy is so dedicated to ending it.' baffled me.' The Republicans have worked, actually, for more that 40 some years to get to this point of controlling the majority. Yes, they used democracy to do it as well as the weaknesses of the Democratic party. Their goal has been to transform the country from a Democracy to an Autocracy, Once the transformation is accomplished, the Republicans will be working within a system that satisfies their control, power and greed. What then is baffling to you, Tony, about the Republicans' dedication to ending what they have been working to end for decades?

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The five years is the time they had with Trump, where they accomplished things "democratically" that were not so "democratic."

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Frigging Christians my ass! Screw your fancy churches and try to think what Christian values are.

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They're not "christians," they're Fundamentalists. Fundamentalism is its own religions, whether masquerading as "christian," "jewish, "muslim" or "hindu." They all have more in common with each other than with actual practitioners of the actual religions they claim to be "purifying." Just like they're not "conservative" either.

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This says it all: "On the grounds that it constitutes a form of religious discrimination, conservatives will be able to claim an exemption from any generally applicable rule they do not wish to follow, while imposing their own religious and ideological views on those who do not share them. Although the right-wing justices present this rule in the language of constitutionalism, they are simply imposing their ideological and cultural preferences on the rest of the country."

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then add to this the several big stories in today's NY Times demonstrating how ridiculously emboldened these assholes actually ARE. one big story was about the extent to which states are planning to go to make using so-called "abortion pills" virtually impossible to use in those states with impunity, which even includes prosecuting doctors for prescribing them, banning telehealth conferencing to get these prescriptions (when buying the pills now doesn't even require a prescription, according to FDA guidelines). another was about Louisiana already trying to pass a law making abortions a form of homicide. and there were a couple of others, which I could be specific about, but I'm too lazy to get up. and then there's that prick Abbott, who's trying to stop allowing undocumented people to attend public schools, despite a 1982 SCOTUS decision mandating that states educate these kids. does he KNOW something the rest of might only SUSPECT? if there's ANY aspect of this insanity in which I can manage to take a little bit of pleasure and even manage a tight, grim little smile, it's how furious Roberts says he is by this leak, even if SOME people (not including me)have actually suggested that Roberts is behind the leak himself. and all this speculation about the political position of whomever actually did it is a sideshow. I'm extremely glad it happened. I'm even more glad that Alito seems, by all accounts, to be frightened. I'd be even gladder if I thought the prick "hath murder'd sleep." extending the "Macbeth" allusion, I wouldn't be sorry to see his head on a pike. that is, I realize, a terrible thing to say, but if I'm challenged on it, I'll happily repeat it ad nauseum....

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His head on a pike sounds right to me. All this "civilized" shit, this "when they go low we go high" has just ended up with D's looking like wussies and getting beaten like drums.

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Late to the party. Sorry.

One of the things we have to keep in mind about the Heritage Foundation and similar conservative legal networks is that their principal purpose is to promote the interests of oligarchy and hobble what they call the regulatory state. In other words, they really don’t like democracy very much to begin with. Like the planters of old, they want to have complete sovereignty over all things which they own (even humans back then), or lease (such as unenslaved labor). For them that is the only liberty that counts. Of course, by itself that is not a position that can muster enough votes to control a representative democracy. The alternative, Civil War, was attempted and found wanting. Thus, those who align themselves with oligarchy, because they think it equates with liberty, have to find something else to allow them to obtain control. They have hit upon “culture wars,“ that mix of racism and fundamentalism, as TC defines it, that motivates dispossessed whites and those who prefer by their nature to delegate personal agency to others, to vote as they are told. The culture wars not only attracts a particular kind of voter, but it also attracts law students who either share that limited conception of liberty, or who harbor racial hatred in their hearts, or who want the big man in the sky to be in control of stuff rather than have to noodle it out themselves. It is those law students the Heritage Foundation recruits to become our judges. Those law students are nurtured in a culture war bubble, directed to the right clerkships and law firms to maintain their indoctrination and thus they ultimately take the bench convinced that they are duty bound to advance “liberty” and right thinking.

Roe is not the end of it. Movement conservatives need to keep the base agitated in order to keep their hand maidens in power to serve the interests of oligarchy. Thus, national bans on abortion, contraception, gay rights, same-sex marriage, trans rights, etc. etc., and any rights recognized via the 14th Amendment, will be a permanent part of our political discourse, and judges, like Alito, will be more than willing to go along. The reasoning in those future cases will be just as specious as that in Alito’s leaked draft overturning Roe, but that is just a mere distraction. It is not about the reasoning. It is not about the religion. Ultimately, it is about the money.

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Really excellent analysis - thanks!

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So well written: "Pro-Life” is not in favor of life; it is a political position that favors State-Required Forced Birth, a position that says the beliefs of one group can be unilaterally imposed on those who disagree, with the force of law. This is the opposite of what “conservative thought” is supposed to be about, the opposite of being pro the individual’s choice, of reducing the role of government in the lives of citizens."

And watched Hillary Clinton on PBS Newshour. So knowledgeable; truly a loss for us. Besides those who voted for Bernie, let's not forget the Jill Stein votes. We have to pull into the center in order to win the next elections. Put hubris and arrogance aside....I hope this is possible.

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Plessy at its absolute core, is a states’-rights case, in which the Court envisioned a federalism so weak, so toothless, so bereft of substance that the federal government had no legitimate role in protecting Black people from states imposing racial segregation upon them. Alito’s draft does the same thing, envisioning a federalism so weak, so toothless, so bereft of substance that the federal government has no legitimate role in protecting women from states imposing forced births upon them.

States rights over against Federal law has been an issue forever. There have been and still are too many "conservatives" who really like atomization or balkanization. That keeps the powerful in power in states and makes it harder and harder for a united citizenry to appeal by putting their bodies on the line in the streets. First of all Americans are citizens of the United States as a whole. After that we are residents of states. The Federal law should be the one that protects the rights and prerogatives of ALL citizens no matter where they live. I heard a report the other night (and I hope I can find it) about abortion. It has always been one of the avenues open for women during a pregnancy. But back in the day it was midwives (not physicians) who were the caregivers for women whether in childbirth, throughout pregnancy, or ending pregnancy. There were all kinds of medications that were advertised openly for starting a period if you had missed yours. Midwives knew how to and did terminate pregnancies to protect the health and well being of the mother. Doctors eventually did not like that, and so they were some of the first to work to criminalize and prohibit abortion. Maybe Roe should have been decided on other grounds. I do not know. The fact is, the right as a citizen to autonomy in making a decision that is by its nature personal and made in light of family, morality, ethics should be allowed any citizen. There is no law anywhere that will stop abortion procedures happening. Sending women to prison as murderers (Louisiana's proposal) will not work. Murdering providers will not stop the procedure. Prohibiting women from traveling to another state where abortion procedures are safe will not stop women from making these trips. The poorest will have the most difficulty. I sense this is a "Big Brother" moment writ large. A moment when the Christian fascist movement has finally forced their own belief system onto the rest of the nation. There were Christian fascists who were fully supportive of enslavement as well. It took a Civil War to end that barbarism but of course we now have it in other forms (like the highest incarceration rates in the world!). I saw a meme that said something to the effect "pregnancy begins with a penis, regulate that." When you consider that you can see just how unjust this decision will be. I just hope people can draw the lines between the dots that are leading to a more and more authoritarian governance structure based in states' rights which have NEVER worked to the benefit of any group on the outs. And seeing the picture will, as hard as it may be, vote AGAINST gop candidates. This party is leading the charge to Fascism in the United States . It is time everyone wake up and understand that we are, as Timothy Snyder has written, on The Road to Unfreedom.

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The day Amy Coney Barrett sat on the Supreme Court is the day John Roberts lost any and all control over that formerly august institution - with a 5-vote majority among the far-right members, they no longer need the Chief Justice for anything other than opening their deliberations and then getting out of their way.....

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yeah, but was it really ever THAT "august?" I grant that they APPEARED to be and god knows they THINK they are, but for most of its history ( including now), it functioned as a pretty reactionary force in American politics. increasingly, it looks to me like the Warren court was an anomaly. I think most of us would have liked it to have been the norm, but that's almost certainly wishful thinking. and the last 20 years have felt like you feel when you watch a car accident and would love to be able to look away, but....

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Oh yes, you are certainly correct there - the Court has usually been quite reactionary and we probably did get snookered by the relatively short period the Warren Court was in power. So here we are, back to the usual judicial horrors.....

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Yeah, we grew up in the one good period of the entire history of the Supreme Court.

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Indeed emboldened! The fence around the SC becomes very symbolic: that's what keeps the Supreme Court a "majority".

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One of the articles I read however did mention that abortion pills were available from outside the country and thus would likely not be stopped by any state laws against such medications, though of course there would be consequences for any women using them. Nonetheless, if no one but the woman knew she was pregnant, and she performed an at-home self-directed abortion, who would ever know? There will be a huge underground activity after Roe, and no laws or official actions will be able to stop it.....consider Prohibition.

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How safe and how easy for people wrongly or with knowledge Accuse?

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The articles I've read say that these drugs are safer than Viagra and Cialis, so the menfolk won't have much to say about safety..... Complications are rare and expert information is available at various online websites. The real advantage of these new approaches is that a woman who needs an abortion can do the procedure much earlier than usually happens at abortion clinics. Using these methods is a form of civil resistance against misogynistic laws intended primarily to harm women's position in our modern economy - barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, as God intended.....

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Tom, I post this hoping it doesn't violate your curation of this site..... Here is our left-wing red neck, Beau of the Fifth Column, speaking about why the Democrats did not codify Roe v Wade when they had veto-proof majorities in Congress and had the White House as well..... It would not have made any difference - listen and weep for the republic.....


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Note that one of the two most common abortion drugs, misoprostol, is sold as a drug to prevent stomach ulcers in patients who have to take NSAIDs like aspirin. There are also many drugs not noted for their abortion functions, and literally dozens of plant-based compositions that will also serve the purpose. Alternatives to Roe actually never went away completely.....there is hope, and if in some glorious future the filibuster is gone and we can actually legislate, simple laws passed by Congress will guarantee all the rights that are now under the gun of "Dead Eye" Alito.....

And the Supremes should never assume they are beyond reach either - more "simple laws" could be passed to limit the extent of Court decisions, or the areas of law they are allowed to adjudicate, as well as term limits and the number of justices on the Court. The Judiciary Act of 2021 would increase the number of justices to 13 - the chief justice and 12 associates. No way that will ever pass now, but the filibuster's days are numbered - the first time McConnell as majority leader wants to pass something and the Dems filibuster him, that thing will be as dead as Kelsey's nuts.....

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