I knew from back when I was a child and heard my father ranting about the lies of Richard Nixon in his famous “Checkers Speech” that the man was a crook.
Worse, worse, worse, ad nauseam. I watched my BFF watch that Schitt 24/7, starting in 1995. Her husband would not tolerate any thing else, and she probably had double his IQ. Took me about five minutes to call them lying bastards. Everybody who watched the “entertainment,” called Shep Smith and Chris Wallace the real deal. Maybe they didn’t wallow in the muck but they waded in it. They sold their souls as did the “entertainers.”
UK kicked Rupert out. We can too. Hope he loses most of his fortune; how I would love to see him begging on the street with so many other old, rich, “Christian” hypocrites.
For half of my long life, I have been saying “we’re not that stupid. But too many of us are…
Rupert said it was for the “green.” Maybe for our MSM, but Rupert is addicted to power as well. Same as Repub vultures, picking the bones of the deliberately ignorant.
I’ve tried a few times, well…several times to describe Fox News programming. Usually during a controlled rant when someone to whom I am speaking quotes one of their punks…usually Tuckems or the Ingot whore…as to the “real” facts about the “tions”…the election and insurrection.
But never have I heard it put quite so succinctly. “It’s like stepping out of your house and finding a pile of dessicated, rotting dog shit on your front steps. Put there by your neighbor.”
Yep. That’s it. You sizzled that right off the griddle, TC.
Nixon, too. Tricky, racist mofo.
I keep thinking of Jack Smith. It’s kind of weird. He shows up randomly in dream thoughts as an avenging madman riding with the Angels on a Harley. Something about his focused stare. I’d pay a steep admission fee to have ear buds listening to the deposition of the wraith Jared Kushner. He might disintegrate like Voldemort.
I was just going to eat dinner but, never mind...absolutely nauseating f*cking pond scum... and Murdoch is surely still lying about his own involvement. Thank You (I think) TC.
Milo Minderbinder, although fictional, had more principles than ol’ Rupert Mudrock…just to keep the ratings up and the sponsor dollars rolling in, it was lie, lie, lie 24/7/365. Sickening, but the ghouls at Faux will do anything for the Almighty Dollar and the Precious Ratings. And there’s an eager audience out there eating this slop Faux spews over the airwaves and they’re roaring for more, let us not forget.
My father worked for Simplex Wire and Cable in Newington, NH. The joke was, of course, the cable they were making that would run from the White House to the Vatican. JFK was my commander-in-chief for the first eleven months of my NAV enlistment. There’s still a little voice rattling around in my head that wants to tell me I shouldn’t like you so much. But I do.
Nixon was a complex and difficult personality. He lost two brothers before he was out of the house (out of five brothers including him). His father was never satisfied with his accomplishments when he was growing up--and he worked hard for the family store as well as doing well in school. That weighed heavily on him.
My father hated Nixon, and got a lot of enjoyment out of hating him. Both of my parents were trained economists, and my father was an expert on the Soviet economy. I was 7 during the presidential election of 1960. We lived in Seattle, and my best friend there was this kid Ralphie, whose grandfather was a founder of Nordstrom, and whose mother was interior decorator to the rich and famous of Seattle (including Erlichman).
One day my mother was driving with me and Ralphie in the car, when I said to Ralphie, referring to Helen Gahagan Douglas, who was Nixon's opponent in a Congressional race, "you know, Ralphie, you really shouldn't vote for Nixon because he called that lady in California something like an economist."
Nixon retained a shred of self-respect and a desire to do what was best for the country and the Republican Party. There were also Republicans who were willing to stand up to him and tell him to take the fall in order to preserve their own positions.
well, whatever one thinks of Nixon, he understood the way politics works.
and when he was told it was time to go, he WENT. I never bought into that whole "Nixon was a political genius" thing. but next to TFF and his minions...well, anyone here is welcome to fill in the blanks. kinda like "Mad Libs," but with very high stakes.
when I heard that ridiculous "Superman costume" thing TFF was "considering," I was genuinely regretful he didn't.
I mouth off a lot, but I actually do restrain myself as much as possible and it's stressful..
I know I shouldn't.write or even think something I wouldn't have the courage to say to my targets face. "Repub vultures, picking the bones of the deliberately ignorant". And how lovely to see Murdick on the hot seat. Thank you for your courage. However, it might be worth considering that Dumas, who wrote the truth about various characters of the French revolution 40 years later, including the stupid king and his entourage, died a friendless pauper. Fortunately his writing will live forever.
Victoria, I am in agreement with you in hoping more information comes to light about the Faux network. I doubt it will make any difference to the members of the MAGA cult.
Murdoch and his horde of Faux News liars are like termites of our democracy. They have obscenely enriched themselves peddling poison against America, 24/7 viciously attacking the country that gave them the rights to free speech, giving comfort and aid to enemies of this nation ... all the while laughing all the way to the bank. They might as well be called Putin's Puppets - oh, somebody more astute than I - made that call to Orange Ossified Marmalade to his face :-)
Our democracy is in peril indeed when thugs like Faux News and all their followers, receive more $ and more power for desecrating the country they serve.
I’m a new subscriber, in great appreciation and admiration of you and what you do, TC
My dad once recited this little limerick, which may well have come from his Navy days.
I think readers here will find it apropos of Fox and its viewers
“Those who write on shit-house walls
roll their shit in little balls.
Those who read these words of wit,
eat those little balls of shit”
Dad passed in 2019 at 94 after a long, slow bout with dementia. He was a Navy vet who, like so many of his friends, enlisted after Pearl Harbor. There was a long period of training before his service in the Pacific as radio man on a torpedo bomber. He was on ten missions. On the last one, a message came in to ditch their bombs and return to the carrier (the Randolph) - They didn’t know why. The why was, that the Japanese had surrendered.
My father was a Republican, sucked by Fox News later in life. He was a blue collar guy with only a high school education, who rose to being a respected shift supervisor at the Millstone nuclear power plant in Waterford, CT. As an Eisenhower type republican, if he had retained his wits, I have to wonder what he would have made of Trump and Trumpism. Thankfully, though, he couldn’t really grasp what he was watching on Fox in those last years.
The new iteration of the Greatest Generation is evidenced here on this and many other forums and collectively now across all age groups, colors and creeds. Long live our Great Melting Pot. Long live our high ideals and better selves. I don’t know why so many settle for being mired in shit dispensed by execrable personalities.
Worse, worse, worse, ad nauseam. I watched my BFF watch that Schitt 24/7, starting in 1995. Her husband would not tolerate any thing else, and she probably had double his IQ. Took me about five minutes to call them lying bastards. Everybody who watched the “entertainment,” called Shep Smith and Chris Wallace the real deal. Maybe they didn’t wallow in the muck but they waded in it. They sold their souls as did the “entertainers.”
UK kicked Rupert out. We can too. Hope he loses most of his fortune; how I would love to see him begging on the street with so many other old, rich, “Christian” hypocrites.
For half of my long life, I have been saying “we’re not that stupid. But too many of us are…
Rupert said it was for the “green.” Maybe for our MSM, but Rupert is addicted to power as well. Same as Repub vultures, picking the bones of the deliberately ignorant.
I love you. ❤️
you and me both, Gail.
I’ve tried a few times, well…several times to describe Fox News programming. Usually during a controlled rant when someone to whom I am speaking quotes one of their punks…usually Tuckems or the Ingot whore…as to the “real” facts about the “tions”…the election and insurrection.
But never have I heard it put quite so succinctly. “It’s like stepping out of your house and finding a pile of dessicated, rotting dog shit on your front steps. Put there by your neighbor.”
Yep. That’s it. You sizzled that right off the griddle, TC.
Nixon, too. Tricky, racist mofo.
I keep thinking of Jack Smith. It’s kind of weird. He shows up randomly in dream thoughts as an avenging madman riding with the Angels on a Harley. Something about his focused stare. I’d pay a steep admission fee to have ear buds listening to the deposition of the wraith Jared Kushner. He might disintegrate like Voldemort.
One can dream.
Salud, TC.
"wraith" is the perfect word for both Kushner and Stephen Miller and perhaps also Rick Scott-- bloodless, all of them!
I was just going to eat dinner but, never mind...absolutely nauseating f*cking pond scum... and Murdoch is surely still lying about his own involvement. Thank You (I think) TC.
And thank you very much for reading it so we don't have to.
Milo Minderbinder, although fictional, had more principles than ol’ Rupert Mudrock…just to keep the ratings up and the sponsor dollars rolling in, it was lie, lie, lie 24/7/365. Sickening, but the ghouls at Faux will do anything for the Almighty Dollar and the Precious Ratings. And there’s an eager audience out there eating this slop Faux spews over the airwaves and they’re roaring for more, let us not forget.
My father worked for Simplex Wire and Cable in Newington, NH. The joke was, of course, the cable they were making that would run from the White House to the Vatican. JFK was my commander-in-chief for the first eleven months of my NAV enlistment. There’s still a little voice rattling around in my head that wants to tell me I shouldn’t like you so much. But I do.
Proof positive that Fox News is not, in fact, news.
Nixon's a piker compared to Faux. Or maybe it's that Nixon has a shred of decency whereas the Faux people have none.
Nixon was a complex and difficult personality. He lost two brothers before he was out of the house (out of five brothers including him). His father was never satisfied with his accomplishments when he was growing up--and he worked hard for the family store as well as doing well in school. That weighed heavily on him.
My father hated Nixon, and got a lot of enjoyment out of hating him. Both of my parents were trained economists, and my father was an expert on the Soviet economy. I was 7 during the presidential election of 1960. We lived in Seattle, and my best friend there was this kid Ralphie, whose grandfather was a founder of Nordstrom, and whose mother was interior decorator to the rich and famous of Seattle (including Erlichman).
One day my mother was driving with me and Ralphie in the car, when I said to Ralphie, referring to Helen Gahagan Douglas, who was Nixon's opponent in a Congressional race, "you know, Ralphie, you really shouldn't vote for Nixon because he called that lady in California something like an economist."
My mother LOVED telling that story.
I Laughed Out Loud at that one, David.
Somewhere up above, my mother has a big smile on her face!
the only thing about that story I don't LOVE is that it obscures the shit Nixon actually DID in that campaign...y'know, the pink postcards, etc.
Nixon retained a shred of self-respect and a desire to do what was best for the country and the Republican Party. There were also Republicans who were willing to stand up to him and tell him to take the fall in order to preserve their own positions.
well, whatever one thinks of Nixon, he understood the way politics works.
and when he was told it was time to go, he WENT. I never bought into that whole "Nixon was a political genius" thing. but next to TFF and his minions...well, anyone here is welcome to fill in the blanks. kinda like "Mad Libs," but with very high stakes.
when I heard that ridiculous "Superman costume" thing TFF was "considering," I was genuinely regretful he didn't.
yes, a piker.
Murdoch has lived WAY too long.
Faux Snooze.
Fucker Carlson
It's such a relief to have it said.
I mouth off a lot, but I actually do restrain myself as much as possible and it's stressful..
I know I shouldn't.write or even think something I wouldn't have the courage to say to my targets face. "Repub vultures, picking the bones of the deliberately ignorant". And how lovely to see Murdick on the hot seat. Thank you for your courage. However, it might be worth considering that Dumas, who wrote the truth about various characters of the French revolution 40 years later, including the stupid king and his entourage, died a friendless pauper. Fortunately his writing will live forever.
What's been released in this lawsuit
is just the tip of the iceberg. If this
goes to trial, and I'm hoping Dominion will push that it does, lots
more will be made public; all those
FOX redacted deposition answers
to probing questions.
Victoria, I am in agreement with you in hoping more information comes to light about the Faux network. I doubt it will make any difference to the members of the MAGA cult.
Murdoch and his horde of Faux News liars are like termites of our democracy. They have obscenely enriched themselves peddling poison against America, 24/7 viciously attacking the country that gave them the rights to free speech, giving comfort and aid to enemies of this nation ... all the while laughing all the way to the bank. They might as well be called Putin's Puppets - oh, somebody more astute than I - made that call to Orange Ossified Marmalade to his face :-)
Our democracy is in peril indeed when thugs like Faux News and all their followers, receive more $ and more power for desecrating the country they serve.
Those chickens do come home to roost.
I must say, Murdoch, Trump and all of the similar lying shitheads are really a good aim at the bottom side of the bus.
I’m a new subscriber, in great appreciation and admiration of you and what you do, TC
My dad once recited this little limerick, which may well have come from his Navy days.
I think readers here will find it apropos of Fox and its viewers
“Those who write on shit-house walls
roll their shit in little balls.
Those who read these words of wit,
eat those little balls of shit”
Dad passed in 2019 at 94 after a long, slow bout with dementia. He was a Navy vet who, like so many of his friends, enlisted after Pearl Harbor. There was a long period of training before his service in the Pacific as radio man on a torpedo bomber. He was on ten missions. On the last one, a message came in to ditch their bombs and return to the carrier (the Randolph) - They didn’t know why. The why was, that the Japanese had surrendered.
My father was a Republican, sucked by Fox News later in life. He was a blue collar guy with only a high school education, who rose to being a respected shift supervisor at the Millstone nuclear power plant in Waterford, CT. As an Eisenhower type republican, if he had retained his wits, I have to wonder what he would have made of Trump and Trumpism. Thankfully, though, he couldn’t really grasp what he was watching on Fox in those last years.
The new iteration of the Greatest Generation is evidenced here on this and many other forums and collectively now across all age groups, colors and creeds. Long live our Great Melting Pot. Long live our high ideals and better selves. I don’t know why so many settle for being mired in shit dispensed by execrable personalities.
I have definitely seen that little "poem" written on many restroom walls, and I am certain it does come from the Navy.
Glad to have you aboard.
TC, Am I remembering correctly a line from the Little Rascals? "Ain't nobody here but us chickens"
it's a line that's been around a lot of places for a long time.
As always, TC you hit the nail on the head! And so has everyone else here!! Nothing to add.