Supposedly a couple of members of the Secret Service detail are ready to testify that the car incident didn't happen. But if they do, they open themselves up to other questions. And one of them is whether they were transferred out of the White House detail after Biden's inauguration. Because there were stories at the time of Secret Service agents who were believed to be too big on MAGA to be trusted to protect the Bidens. And that needs to be discussed.
What has been learned from Cassidy Hutchinson fits the pattern of Trump behavior. What is mind numbing is that Trump is intending to lead an armed mob to the Capital to stop the counting of electoral votes. If they come upon the VP, Speaker, AOC, anyone else, they’ll just kill’em. Trump planned to lead an armed mob as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!! There are people willing to tear this country apart in support of this pond scum person who intended to be leading an insurrection. You can’t make this stuff up!
Bennie Thompson did a good job there at the end when he encouraged others who may have "suddenly" remembered something OR , and this was soooo elegant, anyone who had found their ( he said " courage", i thought "balls") to come forward. He was saying, see this 26 year old young woman's integrity is putting you all to shame!
The "Command Post" - that Meadows was advised not to set foot in -- wasn't in some Motel 6 in Fredericksburg, but in the Willard across the street from the White House. Not a cheap hotel. And their operations were not only coordinated by the White House but apparently paid for by the Trump campaign to the tune of $55K, Kerik told the Washington Post, which apparently confirmed the amount from the expenditure reports of the campaign. To borrow from Deep Throat, some of the money has already been followed.
Rep. Bennie Thompson's 'call' at the end of the session was terrific. Perfectly phrased. We'll see how many creatures crawl out from their hiding places ---- I suspect we will have more sessions called suddenly. Time will tell---History is being made minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.
Back when I was a kid I longed to live in "interesting times" as the proverb goes. Now that I'm much, much older and I do actually live in "interesting times", I really wish I did not.
Trump is so damaged and dangerous that the conflagration of his personality immobilizes and terrorizes, while attracting some wishing to have such fire. The man will stop at nothing. The only option with Trump is to STOP HIM. Prosecute, Prosecute, Prosecute! A series of truth telling spots on Trump, the Republican majority on the Supreme Court and Mitch McConnell -- the gang of 7 – on radio, cable, social media and mass media would spur attention to the midterms and awaken the sleeping giant, aka the American People. Can the Democratic Party, grassroots and civil-rights organizations wake up to the opportunity and go for the jugular?
We've known he had to be stopped long ago. Cheney is very major in nailing Trump. I understand that Cassidy Hutchinson has admired her. I don't know enough to spell it out, but led to believe she was instrumental in Cassidy's testimony. Weedy Meadows is now in deep s*it, a well deserved consequence of his public service. It would mean a lot if Pat Cipollone comes forward. They're scared to death. Patient America is too messed up and the paucity of fierce leadership keep me in a wary state, but there are more glimmers of light coming out of the hearings -- 'I freaking hope' to get to hope.
Are we getting closer to DOD recalling Flynn and Court Marshaling him? That a former flag officer is involved really says something, doesn’t it? Could DOJ use that trial’s evidence, if it happened?
Trump’s world blew up when he was denied the optics of the avenging general leading his troops to a righteous victory at the Capitol on Jan 6. Finally, we have the final act to savor as it plays out.
It’s going to be interesting to see all of the maggots (no pun intended unless it works like this one did), come crawling out of the rotting meat that was our former president now that it’s getting quite a bit warmer as it’s drawn to the fire 🔥. Even 🐀 rats will attempt to leave a sinking ship, what a fetid place the west wing must have been in the final throes of the most despicable, deceitful, self serving presidency our nation has ever been made to suffer through. A thousand witnesses have testified, which must be a terrifying thought 💭 for the maggots that are left helping hold the bag, that many people telling the truth will paint a very clear picture of exactly what happened and who was involved and to what extent. Prison will be a very hard place to spend the time they are likely to get, won’t it be sweet to watch them marched in, in jumpsuit orange. I can hardly wait 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😎🇺🇦
I imagine we all had our moment today. When things all of a sudden come into focus instead of turning in a floating circle with pieces here and there starting to clarify in shape and intent. The third act as TC defines, from my perspective. When Ms. Hutchinson relayed a piece of convo from a few moments in the tent. Before the rally. When Trump got fidgety and agitated over the distress of seeing empty ground space, the Ellipse not filled to capacity with MAGAits, the wrong optic about to happen…I stood up like I knew I was about to hear the bite of bitter truth uttered by the President of the United States that would change everything and knock over the curtain sheltering the wizard of oz and his machinery of clanking, treasonous buffoonery. When he just could not go out to a half empty rally. He just ripped the curtain back…… “I don't effing care that they have weapons. They're not here to hurt ME. Take the effing mags away. Let MY people in, they can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the effing mags away.”
Might as well have dropped the mic right there, Cassidy. I’m not even sure if you realize the magnitude of that ear and eyewitness account. I’d like to think that it actually is one thing you heard that pushed you to witness it to all of us.
This was the plan of a seditious king and his handlers. To get his loyal peasants and minions to rise up against an establishment daring to “cancel” him. To riot, plunder, burn, maim, and kill.
I still cannot believe my ears.
As far as I am concerned, the emperor is naked. Disgusting I know. His orcs cannot get clothes to him fast enough now. This is a horrible truth for all of us to absorb. And to watch pitiful tattered attempts now to cover up the cover up. To realize the real intent of the timing now of the Clarence Clown majority. To see all the pieces coalesce into one still portrait of treason.
All because of a young woman willing to report what she heard and saw. When the king could not bear to perform to a half empty venue. This is how it started at his inauguration when he exaggerated the size of the crowd to see him crowned and at the end of his term that was an insurrection and not a transition. It always was about his insatiable ego. It had nothing to do with being an American President.
Salud to Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, and Cassidy Hutchinson today. 🗽
Christine, I do not consider Cassidy to be a 'babe in the woods'. She is young, but wise to her own security and her moral values, which were aroused by Trump's behavior re loss of the election and on Jan 6th as well as Meadow's.
'Earlier this year, she cut ties with a former lawyer after the lawyer suggested that she could limit her cooperation with the committee going forward, according to an account she gave others. By Wednesday, she’d already spent more than two dozen hours with the committee over four sessions.'
'Hutchinson’s lawyers, Jody Hunt and William Jordan, said in a statement that “she believes that it was her duty and responsibility to provide the Committee with her truthful and candid observations of the events surrounding January 6. Ms. Hutchinson believes that Jan. 6 was a horrific day for the country, and it is vital to the future of our democracy that it not be repeated.”
Cheney and Cassidy are hard-right. They are champions in decapitating Trump and the Trumpist Party. Hooray! When they are done, they will be fierce opponents of the Democratic Party and progressive legislators/legislations. This relationship is transitory. That's politics!
Our differences with them are "policy" - about which there is supposed to be difference and debate. On the issue of the country, we're all on the same side. The way it's supposed to be.
As I say to people, the law of aerodynamics also works with politics. The eagle can't fly on just one wing.
Yes, TC,I am familiar with how eagles fly. In no way did I discount the great value of L. Cheney and C. Hutchinson at this time. My point has to do with how 'romantic feelings' can cloud someone's political sense. You're acquainted with that trap aren't you?
Please see my reply to your aerodynamic expertise. I believe DOJ has guidelines about charging politicians during an election/elections, but cannot find it. Might it be a roadblock to indicting Trump until after the midterms?
Agree with you fully TC. C and C are GOP but the committee is how bipartisan politics should work. All for the USA! Debate. Come together. Thompson and Cheney are a great “tag team” as they yield back and forth.
wow. what's this...the third of three superb posts in one day. or was it as long as a day-and-a-half. what I think we both have in common is that rage tends to focus our thoughts. and god knows, rage is about the only acceptable response to this insanity...and there's definitely more to come. one small thing that got me pretty riled up for awhile was that clip of Flynn, a traitor on every level, boiling over with his silent contempt for being called in to testify to what he KNOWS (the way that traitors "know") is an "illegitimate investigation." I felt like if I'd been in the room, it'd be his pencil neck I'd be lunging for. what a miserable, small thing he is; for me, he forfeited any claim he might ever have had to human status. a worm convinced he's a crocodile; a miserable speck of former humanity who hasn't gotten the memo that he can no longer claim any place at all in his own particular "circle of life. he feels like a mosquito whose only function is to feed the fish...and not even the big fish. what a miserable little prick.
and this business about the Secret Service guys saying they'll impugn Hutchinson's testimony...that buy Engel isn't even actually SS anymore...he was given a "special job," so that he can't claim to represent that agency anymore. and all he can impugn about that testimony is that things (he'll say) didn't quite occur the way she said they did, but let's also remember that she was repeating what she'd been told. and Engel is obviously looking at the bigger, better job in Trumpworld he's been promised. Ms. Hutchinson had a whole lot to use; Engel, not so much. so until he comes into clarify, my assumption is that is more reliable. but we'll see. I just know it's going to be very hard, if not impossible, to make her look wrong. and essentially impossible to question her motives, since she might well have opened herself open to god knows what.
Engel would be asked why he was let go when Biden took office. And the other guy who was in the Suburban is the guy Mike Pence told to his face he didn't trust not to kidnap him on January 6.
I knew the first thing, but not the second...the first should be enough to impugn anything he might have to say. for all any of us know, he's weighed his options and might figure that, compared with what he's been promised (or is anticipating), the penalties he'd pay for lying under oath are relatively small. but who the fuck knows?
Right after Jan. 6th one commentator on Swedish TV, some old ambassador to the US I think, was very calm and confident: "The US has very strong institutions, this will be sorted out". So far, just more and more has been coming out that institutions have been systematically undermined, voting suppressed and gerrymandered, ignorance and bad will systematically spread and favoured... I think you get it right TC: now your institutions are not only showing strength, but understanding of true entertainment. For the people, by the people.
TC, Help! I think an outstanding issue is whether DOJ would charge, Trump, Meadows, et al, before the midterms? I remember several lawyers, such as Barb McQuade, law professor at the University of Michigan (criminal law, criminal procedure and national security law),legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, and member of #SistersInLaw (podcast) and, Katie Benner, reporter covering the Justice Department for The New York Times, stating that DOJ would not charge before an election as such would appear that the department was politically motivated.
My research skills have failed to locate DOJ protocol/guidelines concerning this matter. I am of the school that if prosecutors have the goods on Trump the sooner the better for the stability of the country and the need to stop Trump and his cadre from continuing their efforts to overthrow the government.
I've heard the same thing in some quarters, and it really is a slippery slope of sorts. but obviously, not charging is worse (from our point of view) because it really does reify the notion that TFF will never, ever have to answer for his abundant crimes. oy. brainache
David, It is also the ongoing erosion of a civil society - the more we grow both more divided and indifferent the closer we are to collapse. We are also missing the fierce and strategically oriented leadership required for a war like this. Please don't 'oy' David, how about a growl?
Supposedly a couple of members of the Secret Service detail are ready to testify that the car incident didn't happen. But if they do, they open themselves up to other questions. And one of them is whether they were transferred out of the White House detail after Biden's inauguration. Because there were stories at the time of Secret Service agents who were believed to be too big on MAGA to be trusted to protect the Bidens. And that needs to be discussed.
Yes, I read that Biden asked for his old Secret Service team back in place. Certainly makes sense, especially now.
I don't really give a shit about the details anymore. I just want the MAGA crowd sterilized. They are toxic to the species.
I like the way you think. FEMA: where are those camps you've been promising?!!
What has been learned from Cassidy Hutchinson fits the pattern of Trump behavior. What is mind numbing is that Trump is intending to lead an armed mob to the Capital to stop the counting of electoral votes. If they come upon the VP, Speaker, AOC, anyone else, they’ll just kill’em. Trump planned to lead an armed mob as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!! There are people willing to tear this country apart in support of this pond scum person who intended to be leading an insurrection. You can’t make this stuff up!
I had a reputation in Hollywood for being able to "make this stuff up" and I couldn't have made this stuff up.
Bennie Thompson did a good job there at the end when he encouraged others who may have "suddenly" remembered something OR , and this was soooo elegant, anyone who had found their ( he said " courage", i thought "balls") to come forward. He was saying, see this 26 year old young woman's integrity is putting you all to shame!
The "Command Post" - that Meadows was advised not to set foot in -- wasn't in some Motel 6 in Fredericksburg, but in the Willard across the street from the White House. Not a cheap hotel. And their operations were not only coordinated by the White House but apparently paid for by the Trump campaign to the tune of $55K, Kerik told the Washington Post, which apparently confirmed the amount from the expenditure reports of the campaign. To borrow from Deep Throat, some of the money has already been followed.
Rep. Bennie Thompson's 'call' at the end of the session was terrific. Perfectly phrased. We'll see how many creatures crawl out from their hiding places ---- I suspect we will have more sessions called suddenly. Time will tell---History is being made minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.
Back when I was a kid I longed to live in "interesting times" as the proverb goes. Now that I'm much, much older and I do actually live in "interesting times", I really wish I did not.
You and me both! Give me boring!!
Trump is so damaged and dangerous that the conflagration of his personality immobilizes and terrorizes, while attracting some wishing to have such fire. The man will stop at nothing. The only option with Trump is to STOP HIM. Prosecute, Prosecute, Prosecute! A series of truth telling spots on Trump, the Republican majority on the Supreme Court and Mitch McConnell -- the gang of 7 – on radio, cable, social media and mass media would spur attention to the midterms and awaken the sleeping giant, aka the American People. Can the Democratic Party, grassroots and civil-rights organizations wake up to the opportunity and go for the jugular?
I freaking hope so.
We've known he had to be stopped long ago. Cheney is very major in nailing Trump. I understand that Cassidy Hutchinson has admired her. I don't know enough to spell it out, but led to believe she was instrumental in Cassidy's testimony. Weedy Meadows is now in deep s*it, a well deserved consequence of his public service. It would mean a lot if Pat Cipollone comes forward. They're scared to death. Patient America is too messed up and the paucity of fierce leadership keep me in a wary state, but there are more glimmers of light coming out of the hearings -- 'I freaking hope' to get to hope.
you and me both.
Radio/tv etc spots would be great IF hard hitting!!
I love your style, Fern! Great ideas!
T L, I wish I had style, perhaps, that why I loved your compliment. Oh, if only it was true!
Trust me, you have GREAT style!
TC, I wish this was one of your screenplays and not real life.
Yes. I agree completely.
Are we getting closer to DOD recalling Flynn and Court Marshaling him? That a former flag officer is involved really says something, doesn’t it? Could DOJ use that trial’s evidence, if it happened?
Trump’s world blew up when he was denied the optics of the avenging general leading his troops to a righteous victory at the Capitol on Jan 6. Finally, we have the final act to savor as it plays out.
It’s going to be interesting to see all of the maggots (no pun intended unless it works like this one did), come crawling out of the rotting meat that was our former president now that it’s getting quite a bit warmer as it’s drawn to the fire 🔥. Even 🐀 rats will attempt to leave a sinking ship, what a fetid place the west wing must have been in the final throes of the most despicable, deceitful, self serving presidency our nation has ever been made to suffer through. A thousand witnesses have testified, which must be a terrifying thought 💭 for the maggots that are left helping hold the bag, that many people telling the truth will paint a very clear picture of exactly what happened and who was involved and to what extent. Prison will be a very hard place to spend the time they are likely to get, won’t it be sweet to watch them marched in, in jumpsuit orange. I can hardly wait 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😎🇺🇦
I think you have mastered the puzzle TC. And the big yellow toddler must be squirming!
I imagine we all had our moment today. When things all of a sudden come into focus instead of turning in a floating circle with pieces here and there starting to clarify in shape and intent. The third act as TC defines, from my perspective. When Ms. Hutchinson relayed a piece of convo from a few moments in the tent. Before the rally. When Trump got fidgety and agitated over the distress of seeing empty ground space, the Ellipse not filled to capacity with MAGAits, the wrong optic about to happen…I stood up like I knew I was about to hear the bite of bitter truth uttered by the President of the United States that would change everything and knock over the curtain sheltering the wizard of oz and his machinery of clanking, treasonous buffoonery. When he just could not go out to a half empty rally. He just ripped the curtain back…… “I don't effing care that they have weapons. They're not here to hurt ME. Take the effing mags away. Let MY people in, they can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the effing mags away.”
Might as well have dropped the mic right there, Cassidy. I’m not even sure if you realize the magnitude of that ear and eyewitness account. I’d like to think that it actually is one thing you heard that pushed you to witness it to all of us.
This was the plan of a seditious king and his handlers. To get his loyal peasants and minions to rise up against an establishment daring to “cancel” him. To riot, plunder, burn, maim, and kill.
I still cannot believe my ears.
As far as I am concerned, the emperor is naked. Disgusting I know. His orcs cannot get clothes to him fast enough now. This is a horrible truth for all of us to absorb. And to watch pitiful tattered attempts now to cover up the cover up. To realize the real intent of the timing now of the Clarence Clown majority. To see all the pieces coalesce into one still portrait of treason.
All because of a young woman willing to report what she heard and saw. When the king could not bear to perform to a half empty venue. This is how it started at his inauguration when he exaggerated the size of the crowd to see him crowned and at the end of his term that was an insurrection and not a transition. It always was about his insatiable ego. It had nothing to do with being an American President.
Salud to Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, and Cassidy Hutchinson today. 🗽
Christine, I do not consider Cassidy to be a 'babe in the woods'. She is young, but wise to her own security and her moral values, which were aroused by Trump's behavior re loss of the election and on Jan 6th as well as Meadow's.
'Earlier this year, she cut ties with a former lawyer after the lawyer suggested that she could limit her cooperation with the committee going forward, according to an account she gave others. By Wednesday, she’d already spent more than two dozen hours with the committee over four sessions.'
'Hutchinson’s lawyers, Jody Hunt and William Jordan, said in a statement that “she believes that it was her duty and responsibility to provide the Committee with her truthful and candid observations of the events surrounding January 6. Ms. Hutchinson believes that Jan. 6 was a horrific day for the country, and it is vital to the future of our democracy that it not be repeated.”
I do not consider her as such, either.
Salud, Fern. 🗽
Cheney and Cassidy are hard-right. They are champions in decapitating Trump and the Trumpist Party. Hooray! When they are done, they will be fierce opponents of the Democratic Party and progressive legislators/legislations. This relationship is transitory. That's politics!
Our differences with them are "policy" - about which there is supposed to be difference and debate. On the issue of the country, we're all on the same side. The way it's supposed to be.
As I say to people, the law of aerodynamics also works with politics. The eagle can't fly on just one wing.
Yes, TC,I am familiar with how eagles fly. In no way did I discount the great value of L. Cheney and C. Hutchinson at this time. My point has to do with how 'romantic feelings' can cloud someone's political sense. You're acquainted with that trap aren't you?
Indeed I am, Fern. :-)
Please see my reply to your aerodynamic expertise. I believe DOJ has guidelines about charging politicians during an election/elections, but cannot find it. Might it be a roadblock to indicting Trump until after the midterms?
Agree with you fully TC. C and C are GOP but the committee is how bipartisan politics should work. All for the USA! Debate. Come together. Thompson and Cheney are a great “tag team” as they yield back and forth.
wow. what's this...the third of three superb posts in one day. or was it as long as a day-and-a-half. what I think we both have in common is that rage tends to focus our thoughts. and god knows, rage is about the only acceptable response to this insanity...and there's definitely more to come. one small thing that got me pretty riled up for awhile was that clip of Flynn, a traitor on every level, boiling over with his silent contempt for being called in to testify to what he KNOWS (the way that traitors "know") is an "illegitimate investigation." I felt like if I'd been in the room, it'd be his pencil neck I'd be lunging for. what a miserable, small thing he is; for me, he forfeited any claim he might ever have had to human status. a worm convinced he's a crocodile; a miserable speck of former humanity who hasn't gotten the memo that he can no longer claim any place at all in his own particular "circle of life. he feels like a mosquito whose only function is to feed the fish...and not even the big fish. what a miserable little prick.
and this business about the Secret Service guys saying they'll impugn Hutchinson's testimony...that buy Engel isn't even actually SS anymore...he was given a "special job," so that he can't claim to represent that agency anymore. and all he can impugn about that testimony is that things (he'll say) didn't quite occur the way she said they did, but let's also remember that she was repeating what she'd been told. and Engel is obviously looking at the bigger, better job in Trumpworld he's been promised. Ms. Hutchinson had a whole lot to use; Engel, not so much. so until he comes into clarify, my assumption is that is more reliable. but we'll see. I just know it's going to be very hard, if not impossible, to make her look wrong. and essentially impossible to question her motives, since she might well have opened herself open to god knows what.
Engel would be asked why he was let go when Biden took office. And the other guy who was in the Suburban is the guy Mike Pence told to his face he didn't trust not to kidnap him on January 6.
I knew the first thing, but not the second...the first should be enough to impugn anything he might have to say. for all any of us know, he's weighed his options and might figure that, compared with what he's been promised (or is anticipating), the penalties he'd pay for lying under oath are relatively small. but who the fuck knows?
Right after Jan. 6th one commentator on Swedish TV, some old ambassador to the US I think, was very calm and confident: "The US has very strong institutions, this will be sorted out". So far, just more and more has been coming out that institutions have been systematically undermined, voting suppressed and gerrymandered, ignorance and bad will systematically spread and favoured... I think you get it right TC: now your institutions are not only showing strength, but understanding of true entertainment. For the people, by the people.
TC, Help! I think an outstanding issue is whether DOJ would charge, Trump, Meadows, et al, before the midterms? I remember several lawyers, such as Barb McQuade, law professor at the University of Michigan (criminal law, criminal procedure and national security law),legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, and member of #SistersInLaw (podcast) and, Katie Benner, reporter covering the Justice Department for The New York Times, stating that DOJ would not charge before an election as such would appear that the department was politically motivated.
My research skills have failed to locate DOJ protocol/guidelines concerning this matter. I am of the school that if prosecutors have the goods on Trump the sooner the better for the stability of the country and the need to stop Trump and his cadre from continuing their efforts to overthrow the government.
What do you know about this possible impasse?
I've heard the same thing in some quarters, and it really is a slippery slope of sorts. but obviously, not charging is worse (from our point of view) because it really does reify the notion that TFF will never, ever have to answer for his abundant crimes. oy. brainache
David, It is also the ongoing erosion of a civil society - the more we grow both more divided and indifferent the closer we are to collapse. We are also missing the fierce and strategically oriented leadership required for a war like this. Please don't 'oy' David, how about a growl?