"...would be found face down in a dark alley, bleeding out from a large-caliber exit wound..."

I do love your turn of phrase - conjures such a 1950's seedy town film feeling (LA Confidential leapt to mind). I could add several names to a list of individuals deserving this treatment.

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Three articles in one day. TC is on a roll. Thank you

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The whole of the right wing political “advocacy” industry is pure scum.

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Trying to find the several-years old article in the SD Union-Tribune about L'il Jimmy found either naked or mostly naked on a street in Pacific Beach, clearly having a breakdown of some sort (didn't find it but pretty sure it was PV guy), I did find this article. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-12-08/judge-appoints-special-master-in-project-veritas-raids-case

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More for the screen play.

You are on a sizzlin’ roll, TC.

Unita. 🗽🥂

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I have an award on Facebook I call the Martin Shkreli Memorial Galvanized Trash Can To the Face Award James O'Keefe is a lifetime achievement winner. I would almost rather he died obscure and penniless, raving about past glories, but your ending is rather poetic.

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Jimmy O'Keefe -The Devil Speaks to Mary


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Another good script! I hope that he enjoys doing time....he deserves a bit of a rest..... Thanks TC for laying the narrative out so clearly. These punks are really despicable.....just like the whole crew on the USS Mar-a-Lago as it sails to its destiny. Feelin' good these days...but not complacent.

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