I'm his age, and just reading about his recent schedule—and in fact his regular schedule, most of which we often don't hear about—exhausts me. Kudos to President Biden for his energy, wisdom, determination and dedication to the common good.
History lives in cycles and we are hopefully exiting out of this cycle of failed Reaganomics and GOP racial demagoguery. Though the latter may stick for a while.
I love this quote from today which I read in the WAPO: "Let's keep going. You deserve what you've earned. And you deserve a whole hell of a lot more than you're getting paid now." I intend to vote to defend working people, the planet, health care rights for women and all people, the fight against tyranny being waged by Ukraine in behalf of the world, and anyone (other than Menendez - I don't live in Jersey so I'm safe there) who believes and supports these things. I believe that means I will not be voting for anyone representing the political party that ran out of ideas more than 40 years ago and believes the next big thing they want is fascism. I stand with Joe and Kamala. So there!
I'm a lifelong UAW member and was a GM employee for over 28 years, followed by 5 years at their spinoff parts maker Delphi. I was around for the concessionary contracts of the 80s, made necessary by the Big 3's (particularly GM's) response to competition from Japanese imports for the preceding two decades, which was basically an arrogant "We'll drive them back into the sea" with nothing more than their own (at the time still considerable) industrial heft. (I was also around for the GM strike in '98, which lasted near 8 weeks, so I know what it's like to walk a picket line more than a couple of steps to fight for what you deserve.)
When the corporate execs' hubristic lack of vision and action failed to drown the competition, it was the guys on the line who were called on to pull their collective corporate asses out of the fire, the rationale being: give up stuff now for the good of the company to help save it (and hopefully your own jobs), and you'll be rewarded later when things have turned around. So, the concessions were made. And then more were made. And things turned around soon enough and continued on profitably. Only "later" had still not shown up in any meaningful way by the time I departed the shop 20 plus years later in the face of Delphi's then largest industrial bankruptcy in U.S. history.
And just a couple of years later yet, GM and Chrysler were down for the count again, truly at death's door this time, Ford only having been saved that immediate fate and the indignity of having to fly the private company jet to D.C to go hat in hand to Congress for help, as did GM and Chrysler execs, by having enough vision to see the ax starting to fall and doing something about it ahead of time, that being some very "creative" financing, including not only borrowing long term against most of its tangible assets to keep its neck off the chopping block, but even hocking the famous Blue Oval brand icon itself. So, I'll at least give them props for that.
But once again it was the workers on the line who were called on, along with the taxpayers this time at GM and Chrysler, to do the heavy lifting of bailing the jerks out. Again. Only this time the stakes were much, much higher, and the cuts much, much deeper. But the premise was still the same: sacrifice now, save the company and be rewarded later. And the outcome has been the same: things turned around, rather quickly and quite nicely this time around, I might ad. And "later" is running more than a little late. Again. And it will never arrive if the folks calling the shots at the tops of these companies have their own way about it.
I recently read a fellow commenting in another Substack explaining how the UAW had a "math problem", based on the percentage of the wage increases and other items they were asking for, said problem perhaps brought on by the 'learning losses' of the Covid pandemic. So many commenters just can't resist the urge to demonstrate their capacity for snarky wit toward those they hold in slightly lower esteem than themselves. But he is, literally, a "smart" guy, being a long-time college professor, for whom job security I'm sure looks a bit different from the other side of tenure as opposed to the auto worker looking at it through the prism of nothing much more than seniority and continued good luck.
My reply to him was simple and straightforward. After recounting the above history of the car companies and the union over the past 40+ years, I said the UAW doesn't have a math problem. They can add and subtract just fine, depending on what the times call for. The auto companies just have an ongoing problem with being able to tell what time it *really* is.
So. Props to Joe Biden for being able to tell the correct time and for telling what time it is very publicly. It's about time the Ds around him got their heads out of their asses, got out of his way and just let him do it, time and time again.
Yet, half of those workers, who shake the president's hand, will turn around and vote for El Dumbass of Mar-A-Lago. I live three miles from the Sterling Stamping Plant and five from the GM Warren plant.
Tom, this is Macomb County. Both in 2016 and 2020, Trump won the county, overwhelmingly in '16 and slightly less three years ago. This is where the term 'Reagan Democrats' originated. We elected John James, a businessman who lost to both Stabenow and Peters, but has money and beat out Carl Marlinga by 1600 votes to flip it from Andy Levin, Sander's son and Carl's nephew. He now lists Shelby Township as his home, but he didn't even live in this district when he ran last year. The rest of Macomb County is repped by Lisa McClain, a hard-core Trumper.
You mean he didn’t just go for a photo op??? Joe is the real thing. Go Joe. Ronnie was the master of the empty photo op (thanks to Michael Deaver). W was almost as good, blathering bull Schitt while trying to look like he had a clue. In my humble opinion, chump would have failed the photo op efforts, if not for Rupert touching up the “photos” to make him look human, by omission and commission…
it's interesting that TFF's minions are playing up HIS appearance, which is actually to a bunch of hand-picked scabs. I suppose that was a pun, although I didn't PLAN it.
it's true, though. he's appearing at a non-union factory chosen by one of those "right-to-work" organizations. another hateful Orwellianism.
Figures…he knows what kind of reception he would get if he showed up at the UAW picket lines. Another managed Carrier photo op scenario for Fat Boy. Pfft…
"Joe's so old! Joe's so weak!"
ROFLMAO!!! Just look at the
schedule this man has kept
the past 8 mos! Whoa! Now
walking a picket line in solidarity with striking auto
workers. 😁 A first in American Presidential history.
Way to go Joe Biden! 👏👌💪
I'm his age, and just reading about his recent schedule—and in fact his regular schedule, most of which we often don't hear about—exhausts me. Kudos to President Biden for his energy, wisdom, determination and dedication to the common good.
History lives in cycles and we are hopefully exiting out of this cycle of failed Reaganomics and GOP racial demagoguery. Though the latter may stick for a while.
I love this quote from today which I read in the WAPO: "Let's keep going. You deserve what you've earned. And you deserve a whole hell of a lot more than you're getting paid now." I intend to vote to defend working people, the planet, health care rights for women and all people, the fight against tyranny being waged by Ukraine in behalf of the world, and anyone (other than Menendez - I don't live in Jersey so I'm safe there) who believes and supports these things. I believe that means I will not be voting for anyone representing the political party that ran out of ideas more than 40 years ago and believes the next big thing they want is fascism. I stand with Joe and Kamala. So there!
I'm a lifelong UAW member and was a GM employee for over 28 years, followed by 5 years at their spinoff parts maker Delphi. I was around for the concessionary contracts of the 80s, made necessary by the Big 3's (particularly GM's) response to competition from Japanese imports for the preceding two decades, which was basically an arrogant "We'll drive them back into the sea" with nothing more than their own (at the time still considerable) industrial heft. (I was also around for the GM strike in '98, which lasted near 8 weeks, so I know what it's like to walk a picket line more than a couple of steps to fight for what you deserve.)
When the corporate execs' hubristic lack of vision and action failed to drown the competition, it was the guys on the line who were called on to pull their collective corporate asses out of the fire, the rationale being: give up stuff now for the good of the company to help save it (and hopefully your own jobs), and you'll be rewarded later when things have turned around. So, the concessions were made. And then more were made. And things turned around soon enough and continued on profitably. Only "later" had still not shown up in any meaningful way by the time I departed the shop 20 plus years later in the face of Delphi's then largest industrial bankruptcy in U.S. history.
And just a couple of years later yet, GM and Chrysler were down for the count again, truly at death's door this time, Ford only having been saved that immediate fate and the indignity of having to fly the private company jet to D.C to go hat in hand to Congress for help, as did GM and Chrysler execs, by having enough vision to see the ax starting to fall and doing something about it ahead of time, that being some very "creative" financing, including not only borrowing long term against most of its tangible assets to keep its neck off the chopping block, but even hocking the famous Blue Oval brand icon itself. So, I'll at least give them props for that.
But once again it was the workers on the line who were called on, along with the taxpayers this time at GM and Chrysler, to do the heavy lifting of bailing the jerks out. Again. Only this time the stakes were much, much higher, and the cuts much, much deeper. But the premise was still the same: sacrifice now, save the company and be rewarded later. And the outcome has been the same: things turned around, rather quickly and quite nicely this time around, I might ad. And "later" is running more than a little late. Again. And it will never arrive if the folks calling the shots at the tops of these companies have their own way about it.
I recently read a fellow commenting in another Substack explaining how the UAW had a "math problem", based on the percentage of the wage increases and other items they were asking for, said problem perhaps brought on by the 'learning losses' of the Covid pandemic. So many commenters just can't resist the urge to demonstrate their capacity for snarky wit toward those they hold in slightly lower esteem than themselves. But he is, literally, a "smart" guy, being a long-time college professor, for whom job security I'm sure looks a bit different from the other side of tenure as opposed to the auto worker looking at it through the prism of nothing much more than seniority and continued good luck.
My reply to him was simple and straightforward. After recounting the above history of the car companies and the union over the past 40+ years, I said the UAW doesn't have a math problem. They can add and subtract just fine, depending on what the times call for. The auto companies just have an ongoing problem with being able to tell what time it *really* is.
So. Props to Joe Biden for being able to tell the correct time and for telling what time it is very publicly. It's about time the Ds around him got their heads out of their asses, got out of his way and just let him do it, time and time again.
Yet, half of those workers, who shake the president's hand, will turn around and vote for El Dumbass of Mar-A-Lago. I live three miles from the Sterling Stamping Plant and five from the GM Warren plant.
As long as he can keep the margin he had in 2020 all is OK.
Tom, this is Macomb County. Both in 2016 and 2020, Trump won the county, overwhelmingly in '16 and slightly less three years ago. This is where the term 'Reagan Democrats' originated. We elected John James, a businessman who lost to both Stabenow and Peters, but has money and beat out Carl Marlinga by 1600 votes to flip it from Andy Levin, Sander's son and Carl's nephew. He now lists Shelby Township as his home, but he didn't even live in this district when he ran last year. The rest of Macomb County is repped by Lisa McClain, a hard-core Trumper.
You have my condolences. So just as long as Biden keeps his statewide margin...
Sounds like Texas. At least you don’t have Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton.
From Red Grand Traverse County - seeing some Blue! Hope Macomb does, too!
Propaganda has created the cult, no Ike in sight, sad to say
So fortunate to have Joe Biden as President at this point in time!
You mean he didn’t just go for a photo op??? Joe is the real thing. Go Joe. Ronnie was the master of the empty photo op (thanks to Michael Deaver). W was almost as good, blathering bull Schitt while trying to look like he had a clue. In my humble opinion, chump would have failed the photo op efforts, if not for Rupert touching up the “photos” to make him look human, by omission and commission…
You mean like "Dubya the Rancher" and all his "brush clearing"? I'll bet he never cleared a brush before 2000 or since 2008.
And the aircraft carrier. He is a manufactured idiot, but a genius compared with the emptiest man alive.
you're going a little too far there. I understand the feeling, but let's not EVER get too sanguine about the disastrous Bush Era.
Never fear. I was grocery shopping when the store had a tv on to show the carrier crap. Only time I ever made a scene in public.
Pol Potbelly WILL get the votes of those union members who hate Black people enough not to vote for a Democrat. But good for Joe!
I like that - Pol Potbelly.
I THINK I'm the creator of that one. I'm sure others have done better!
It's a good one. Is it copyrighted or open source?
Ha! No, everyone is welcome to it.
Symbolically standing on wooden pallets
it's interesting that TFF's minions are playing up HIS appearance, which is actually to a bunch of hand-picked scabs. I suppose that was a pun, although I didn't PLAN it.
it's true, though. he's appearing at a non-union factory chosen by one of those "right-to-work" organizations. another hateful Orwellianism.
The National Right To Work Committee - biggest anti-union organization in the country.
Did Fat Boy show up for his photo op with the UAW?
He's not speaking to the UAW. He's speaking to NON-UNION employees of a supplier of parts.
Figures…he knows what kind of reception he would get if he showed up at the UAW picket lines. Another managed Carrier photo op scenario for Fat Boy. Pfft…
And, of course, the MSM does not point this out. They frame it as if Biden snd Trump are both supporting union members. Such baloney.
That's scheduled for tomorrow. We'll see what happens. There's some conversation about the UAW picketing his appearance.
Photo op is all he knows. He must have a make up artist from Hollywood. He is still a pile of Schitt, lipstick, hair dye and all
How could anyone not love President Biden?
Sorta Four Seasons Landscaping ish. Where’s Rudy?