If anyone has the right to claim “replacement theory” as a threat to their life and liberty, it is the Native Americans. We whites are the original immigrants and, yes, we displaced and replaced millions of people who were already here, and their cultures.
Some 100,000 American Indians forcibly removed from what is now the eastern United States to what was called Indian Territory included members of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes.Jul 6, 2021 (GoogleSearch)
And most were massacred or the white guys killed the buffalo destroy the American Indians way of existence. Then we took advantage of them. Remember Ira Hayes and the Navajo Code Talkers that were important to the Marines’ bloody victory in the Pacific. They were true American heroes.
When I learned the weapon used was a Bushmaster version I found myself thinking about the very poisonous snake found in Central America called the Bushmaster. It is one hell of a killer. It never slithers away. No. It takes a spot in the high grass and weeds, and curls up, waiting for the unsuspecting four legged or two legged to come walking by and then it actually springs up its entire length and fastens its jaws around the unsuspecting victim usually at the neck or at least the upper back or arm. It has not just a couple of fangs like a self- respecting rattle snake. It has fangs on the upper and the lower jaw and bunches more teeth all along the way. And it hangs on pumping poison until the critter falls down dead. I think it is a snake in cahoots with the vultures. Because you see a snake of this type can't swallow prey that large or even take a nice slice out of it. No...it kills because it is crazy mad all the time. I had friends in Nicaragua who were swimming in a pond minding their own business and the damned Bushmaster sprang off the bank and grabbed hold. Fortunately my friend was slick with water and was able to grab the critter and throw it as far as she could. She sure got out of there quick. I had other friends who told me they were glad their pigs ran around everywhere, even in the house because the pigs went after Bushmasters. That snake wouldn't come near with pigs around. They also told me there were some seasons when it felt like the earth was hatching Bushmasters faster than beans could sprout. All that to say, there's plenty of metaphors to carry you along. Our national leadership is nuts not to regulate firearms of all kinds as it seems there is no way that people will regulate themselves. Self-control is no longer one of the fruits of the spirit that anyone can count on. No. Out of control and only going more out of control day by day. White supremacy is a killer - psychologically and physically. Lots of people are pushing the poison. Tucker is at the top of the list and he's bred a bunch more. They are coming out of the ground ready to do their worst. But every day more than 100 people are dying by gun - suicide, homicide, unintentional. But the god of guns is happy making money hand over fist. Isn't capitalism great? If it makes money it must be good. That's what the Germans thought as they made deals with Putin for oil and gas.
We are truly in need of metaphorical pigs to go after the literal weapons of mass murder that are a plague on this household pretending to be America. The lamentations are voiced by the harolds like TC, Sheila Markim, HCR, you, et al. America the addict in denial moving toward an uncertain death or the bottom that preceeds a long and uncertain recovery. I am waxing in my own frustration as like any rational senior I don't see us changing in the few years I have left. Thanks to both of you for expressing your versions of a like disdain.
And the deal the NRA made with Putin so he could (and did) invade our country, his white American mercenaries armed to the teeth, his orange general literally giving marching orders. We have so much work to un-do including allowing research on gun violence like any other deadly public health affliction, and improving mental health services. And electing enough Democrats to establish effective gun laws.
All the situations you mentioned in your post, TC, are indicative of how VERY THIN the veneer of civilization is. It really does not take much for the savagery to come out.
I learned two new terms today: stochastic terrorism.
"Here’s the idea behind stochastic terrorism:
A leader or organization uses rhetoric in the mass media against a group of people.
This rhetoric, while hostile or hateful, doesn’t explicitly tell someone to carry out an act of violence against that group, but a person, feeling threatened, is motivated to do so as a result.
That individual act of political violence can’t be predicted as such, but that violence will happen is much more probable thanks to the rhetoric.
This rhetoric is thus called stochastic terrorism because of the way it incites random violence."
And agitprop (agitation propaganda) "abbreviated from Russian agitatsiya propaganda (agitation propaganda), political strategy in which the techniques of agitation and propaganda are used to influence and mobilize public opinion." https://www.britannica.com/topic/agitprop
The cancellation of the assault weapon ban was one of the stupidest and vote grabbing actions of all time. These assholes are turned on by black plastic guns and military paraphernalia but they would not have the balls to join the Army or Marines (who done want these psychopaths).
The sign by my house says “Protected by Smith & Wesson”. This is not totally accurate but if Tucker or any other dick-head tried to harm my wife or my cat they would feel the burn.
I think I just signed up as a paid subscriber because I have been reading your stuff here, there and everywhere. And I can't remember a single statement I disagreed with. And, TC, your brain harbors more information than an IBM super computer. You are the Wiki of wisdom.
Take my money. You deserve it.
You have my admiration.
Have you ever presented your thoughts on YouTube? If not, and you are camera shy, I think someone might volunteer to read your missives. Who me?
Don't stop now, brother. You are on an amazing roll....
Thank you very much. I have to admit I have no knowledge about YouTube, so if anyone does have some, or know someone who does, let me know. I am capable of zooming under instruction. :-)
YouTube is essentially Hollywood or MTV or short subjects in a theater back when we went to such things. Anything you have an interest in is there. ANYTHING. How to assemble a Weber grill? How to fix a toilet? How to plant tomatoes? How to explain the meaning of life? Where is Waldo? It is all there.
But here is the thing. As with all good story telling and journalism, you have to grab them with the first line, draw them in a bit .... and then drop the hammer of truth. Bang. Then cut. And let it be. Until the next episode.
Lynell, if that’s a grammar question, “he” is correct. The simple way to test is to use the pronoun alone, dropping the additional parties. To refine it, if you are including “you” and “I/me”, you put “you” first and yourself last. The incorrect usage used to be drummed out of us by 3rd grade at the latest. In the past 20 years the incorrect usage has become so common, I hear it from teachers and news anchors, and correct usage has started to sound strange.
Now we’re hearing the use of “myself” in place of “I”, which also drives me crazy. To be correct: “I went to the store and I bought myself a treat.”
“Myself” is essentially from me to me or me without help. “I painted it myself.”
Pure fucking eloquence. You managed to wrap this fucking shit hole country in a true bow.
I live in Rochester, 60 miles east of Buffalo. We live in and are proud to be city residents. You don't have to travel 10 fucking miles to see MAGAts, Confederate flags a waving, pro gun shit.
I'm glad you're writing but I have totally given up hope for this hellhole of a nation.
NY is a blue state and I say with %100 confidence, nothing will fucking change.
If shit didn't happen after Sandy Hook, mowing down a bunch of Black folk in Buffalo will be a fucking blip in a week. The msm will circle jerk how this will affect Biden and the mid terms
I truly hate this country and cannot wait until it crumbles. We will salt the earth so this "exceptional
I always have a fantasy that a plague would wipe all of us humans off the face of the earth snd an intelligent family oriented Species like the Wolf would take over and save the planet. Most humans suck!
It's amazing how many of my readers arrive already agreeing with me on things like this. I am constantly on about the failed evolutionary experiment in biological intelligence that can foresee the results of its actions and modify its behavior to arrive at a positive outcome.
I have often thought the same thing. After humans are gone, the earth reverts to the wild and in a few centuries all traces of us will vanish into the greenery
There was a program a few years ago, I think it was called "After Man," and it was about that very topic, what the world would be like after our exctinction. I remember one episode showed how it would take less than a century to erase virtually all evidence of our existence, outside of massive physical projects like dams, but even those would be broken by lack of maintenance, mere "large ruins".
fucking morons. Tucker Carlson “replacement theory” “The Great Replacement,” “Replacement Theory” Fox News Channel. Fox News Channel. replacement theory Tucker -Tucker Carlson great replacement, the replacement of legacy Americans FratRat Matt GaetzTucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Fox propagandist Elise Stefanik Facebook “collectivist identity politics” mainstreaming “replacement theory” Fox propagandists Crusius/Gendron-style radicalization'. (Courtesy of T.C.)
We can paper our walls with this.
BULSHIT to everyone who doesn't have the slightest idea how many of us haven't imagined a 'DEFINING MOMENT' in the USA. How many Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Jews, Asians...have believed this or that was the DEFINING MOMENT?
The USA hasn't only killed, shamed, limited the opportunities and maintained low safety standards for We the People -- what about the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Philippines, Latin America; the shaped or installed governments in countries around the world, including neighbors Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic and the list goes on.
What is the USA's ranking for the deaths committed at home and abroad? Is this another category of our exceptionalism?
When there seems to be no bottom, I am not sure there ever will be a "defining moment." Nothing seems to be too awful, too cruel, too hideous for this segment of a population. What I wish for them I dare not write...you know, just in case Karma is paying attention.
As a former computer programmer nerd, I know the only constant is change. (That's derivative. ;-)) We can't escape it. It has given us many valuable and good gifts, as well as some not so much. On balance I've always embraced change. It's okay to be nostalgic, but if we fear and refuse to accept change, we become the causal vector for the scattacular mess we find ourselves in today. Immigrants have always been a net gain for our society. They work hard, don't consume a lot of resources and do jobs that we lazy, fat old f**ks won't do. We need immigrants. Without them, who will pick the fruit, serve the tacos, clean the ladies room? (Yes, I 've done all those things.) There are bad apples in any subset of the population, from Bernie Madoff to Charles Manson to tfg and Pinochet. We need diversity. Without it, we will stagnate, strangulate, and suffocate.
Ahhhh. You’ve restored me for the day, Pete. I love diversity. To me it represents change and what makes the world go round. I will always champion it.
Thank you TC. I know you speak for many of us. Here’s what has recently happened to me … bodily expressions aren’t always controllable. And I thought otherwise. Once, to prevent vomiting, I took a cold shower and laid down wet and naked in front of a fan. This week I read that Russia had bombed a school possibility killing 60 students. This horror shot my stomach up, out and clean. I had to stop with the news. I exercised my white privilege and planted flowers and tomato plants and listened to birds, loved my grand babies. I tried to catch up yesterday… I haven’t had an appetite since. What is going to become of us? So many seem to have lost all sense of humanity. I despair. I will vote … against rather than for … I fear it isn’t enough.
I doubt we will have a defining moment until we all look basically the same from interbreeding. The cultural memory of slavery is strong and most of our nation’s ills can be traced to the fear among white people of being brought to “those people’s” level. It induces many to arm up. It makes many suspicious of government assistance that might be broad enough to help “those people” too. It makes many fear they are being looked down on, that they are already considered no better than “those people.” As long as there is an iota of racial sensitivity among white people, we are not getting intelligent gun safely laws.
I’m not sure how I can account for the former assault weapons ban. Maybe the Republicans weren’t yet aware of how gun ownership dovetailed with the Southern Strategy. But they know now, and just like they can’t give up Trump, they can’t give up guns.
I commented to my spouse this morning that I couldn't wait until every single person on Earth was the same dang color--but then what would the bigots do? They'd expire from the stress of not having anyone to blame or look down upon.
I am confused when people say “we did nothing after Sandy Hook”. Every teacher I know became painfully aware of how tenuous, yet strong school safety must be. I cried with President Obama. Yet I went on that year and continued teaching. Scared, but not afraid. Maybe the gun industry doesn’t regulate as called for, but people firm their resolve and understand that we must be vigilant about protecting our children and schools. School safety has changed tremendously. Not what we really consider the best environment, but definitely a safer environment.
I believe that our vigilance and determination in all matters will ensure the change that we demand.
“Russian warship and any monolith of oppression….go f*ck yourself.”
You, of course, are absolutely right. I ought to have been more specific. Was responding more to the " defining monent" idea as a country, the moment we actually, as a society, would do something about our gun problem. Have greatest admiration for brave teachers and truly hope that schools are a safer environment.
I’m sorry I have nothing constructive to say tonight. I just need to rant.
The so-called fucking “leadership” of this country have decided mass killings are ok. Their inaction speaks volumes. Shoot up a bunch of people … nothing but “thoughts and prayers”. Make abortion illegal and force women to seek unsafe medical care or die of a complicated pregnancy. Republican governors say “ It’s going to be rough for some” (paraphrasing Asa Hutchinson and by the way Fuck You Asa!)
But god forbid.. “save the fetus! And give me my guns!” Pretty soon we’ll be a nation of guns and fetuses. Maybe we can save time and implant a gun in every pregnant woman. We’ve lost god damned bodily autonomy anyway. We can save a step in the process and they can just come out shooting.
Sharon, You came to this substack with the best visuals - women impregned with guns - that will sell! Campaign posters and winning slogan 'Guns & Fetuses' - that will sell! Much better than Bread & Butter. 'Gun toting Wombs'! That will sell! Women will be commoditized and all about the price! What an entrepreneurial mind you have! Want to go into business, Sharon?
My mantra on this for some time has been to bring ALL high capacity semi-automatic weapons under the National Firearms Act of 1934, either as "any other weapons" or as a new category of "military technology weapons", and I say that as someone who has a reference gun collection for my military history references. When these are brought under federal regulation, all of them will be registered and the owners will have to undergo the NFA background check, not the telephone background check they do now. This will kill ownership for many of the "free-dumb" types because they will not submit to gubmint regulation, where upon if they get caught with an unregistered NFA semi-auto weapon, they get red-flagged and cannot legally buy a gun again. The gun community is actually shrinking - while there are more and more guns, they are owned by fewer people. with some owning dozens without being considered 'collectors'. When machine guns were controlled by the NFA, they disappeared from crime syndicate arsenals - to my knowledge, no legally owned and registered machine gun has been used in a crime since the 1930s; the mob did not want to deal with the ATF and the FBI..... Now, we just need the political leadership to pass such a law.....
And now the Empathizer in Chief is going to visit Buffalo. This has become so horribly routine. Your outrage and that of your readers sums it up for me. I despair.
If anyone has the right to claim “replacement theory” as a threat to their life and liberty, it is the Native Americans. We whites are the original immigrants and, yes, we displaced and replaced millions of people who were already here, and their cultures.
Pot, meet Kettle.
How many Native American were relocated?
Some 100,000 American Indians forcibly removed from what is now the eastern United States to what was called Indian Territory included members of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes.Jul 6, 2021 (GoogleSearch)
And most were massacred or the white guys killed the buffalo destroy the American Indians way of existence. Then we took advantage of them. Remember Ira Hayes and the Navajo Code Talkers that were important to the Marines’ bloody victory in the Pacific. They were true American heroes.
Thanks, Hale. The USA's crimes against humanity have not been adequately accounted for.
Actually, Native Americans from all tribes have voluntarily served in the military at a much higher per capita rate than any other racial group.
When I learned the weapon used was a Bushmaster version I found myself thinking about the very poisonous snake found in Central America called the Bushmaster. It is one hell of a killer. It never slithers away. No. It takes a spot in the high grass and weeds, and curls up, waiting for the unsuspecting four legged or two legged to come walking by and then it actually springs up its entire length and fastens its jaws around the unsuspecting victim usually at the neck or at least the upper back or arm. It has not just a couple of fangs like a self- respecting rattle snake. It has fangs on the upper and the lower jaw and bunches more teeth all along the way. And it hangs on pumping poison until the critter falls down dead. I think it is a snake in cahoots with the vultures. Because you see a snake of this type can't swallow prey that large or even take a nice slice out of it. No...it kills because it is crazy mad all the time. I had friends in Nicaragua who were swimming in a pond minding their own business and the damned Bushmaster sprang off the bank and grabbed hold. Fortunately my friend was slick with water and was able to grab the critter and throw it as far as she could. She sure got out of there quick. I had other friends who told me they were glad their pigs ran around everywhere, even in the house because the pigs went after Bushmasters. That snake wouldn't come near with pigs around. They also told me there were some seasons when it felt like the earth was hatching Bushmasters faster than beans could sprout. All that to say, there's plenty of metaphors to carry you along. Our national leadership is nuts not to regulate firearms of all kinds as it seems there is no way that people will regulate themselves. Self-control is no longer one of the fruits of the spirit that anyone can count on. No. Out of control and only going more out of control day by day. White supremacy is a killer - psychologically and physically. Lots of people are pushing the poison. Tucker is at the top of the list and he's bred a bunch more. They are coming out of the ground ready to do their worst. But every day more than 100 people are dying by gun - suicide, homicide, unintentional. But the god of guns is happy making money hand over fist. Isn't capitalism great? If it makes money it must be good. That's what the Germans thought as they made deals with Putin for oil and gas.
We are truly in need of metaphorical pigs to go after the literal weapons of mass murder that are a plague on this household pretending to be America. The lamentations are voiced by the harolds like TC, Sheila Markim, HCR, you, et al. America the addict in denial moving toward an uncertain death or the bottom that preceeds a long and uncertain recovery. I am waxing in my own frustration as like any rational senior I don't see us changing in the few years I have left. Thanks to both of you for expressing your versions of a like disdain.
And the deal the NRA made with Putin so he could (and did) invade our country, his white American mercenaries armed to the teeth, his orange general literally giving marching orders. We have so much work to un-do including allowing research on gun violence like any other deadly public health affliction, and improving mental health services. And electing enough Democrats to establish effective gun laws.
Bushmasters in some Red States, what do you think, Linda? Up for importing?
All the situations you mentioned in your post, TC, are indicative of how VERY THIN the veneer of civilization is. It really does not take much for the savagery to come out.
I learned two new terms today: stochastic terrorism.
"Here’s the idea behind stochastic terrorism:
A leader or organization uses rhetoric in the mass media against a group of people.
This rhetoric, while hostile or hateful, doesn’t explicitly tell someone to carry out an act of violence against that group, but a person, feeling threatened, is motivated to do so as a result.
That individual act of political violence can’t be predicted as such, but that violence will happen is much more probable thanks to the rhetoric.
This rhetoric is thus called stochastic terrorism because of the way it incites random violence."
And agitprop (agitation propaganda) "abbreviated from Russian agitatsiya propaganda (agitation propaganda), political strategy in which the techniques of agitation and propaganda are used to influence and mobilize public opinion." https://www.britannica.com/topic/agitprop
Houston, we have a problem
Tucker Carlson, stochastic terrorist.
Plus the herd of turds in Congresses: MTG, Cowgirl from Colorado, wheel chair child from NC, child molester Goetz etc etc.
The cancellation of the assault weapon ban was one of the stupidest and vote grabbing actions of all time. These assholes are turned on by black plastic guns and military paraphernalia but they would not have the balls to join the Army or Marines (who done want these psychopaths).
The sign by my house says “Protected by Smith & Wesson”. This is not totally accurate but if Tucker or any other dick-head tried to harm my wife or my cat they would feel the burn.
The NRA is a terrorist supporting organization.
I will shut-up now.
Nope. Keep talking.
I think I just signed up as a paid subscriber because I have been reading your stuff here, there and everywhere. And I can't remember a single statement I disagreed with. And, TC, your brain harbors more information than an IBM super computer. You are the Wiki of wisdom.
Take my money. You deserve it.
You have my admiration.
Have you ever presented your thoughts on YouTube? If not, and you are camera shy, I think someone might volunteer to read your missives. Who me?
Don't stop now, brother. You are on an amazing roll....
Thank you very much. I have to admit I have no knowledge about YouTube, so if anyone does have some, or know someone who does, let me know. I am capable of zooming under instruction. :-)
YouTube is essentially Hollywood or MTV or short subjects in a theater back when we went to such things. Anything you have an interest in is there. ANYTHING. How to assemble a Weber grill? How to fix a toilet? How to plant tomatoes? How to explain the meaning of life? Where is Waldo? It is all there.
But here is the thing. As with all good story telling and journalism, you have to grab them with the first line, draw them in a bit .... and then drop the hammer of truth. Bang. Then cut. And let it be. Until the next episode.
Stochastic activism?
Isn’t he though? Plenty of people on YouTube that will love having TC as gift of a guest.
I think he (him?) and Greg Olear would make quite the podcast; just sayin'
Lynell, if that’s a grammar question, “he” is correct. The simple way to test is to use the pronoun alone, dropping the additional parties. To refine it, if you are including “you” and “I/me”, you put “you” first and yourself last. The incorrect usage used to be drummed out of us by 3rd grade at the latest. In the past 20 years the incorrect usage has become so common, I hear it from teachers and news anchors, and correct usage has started to sound strange.
Now we’re hearing the use of “myself” in place of “I”, which also drives me crazy. To be correct: “I went to the store and I bought myself a treat.”
“Myself” is essentially from me to me or me without help. “I painted it myself.”
Yes, I’m a retired teacher and a grammar nerd.
Thank you, Danielle! I lost my way when, as you say, correct usage started to sound strange. I am grateful for this reminder.
Pure fucking eloquence. You managed to wrap this fucking shit hole country in a true bow.
I live in Rochester, 60 miles east of Buffalo. We live in and are proud to be city residents. You don't have to travel 10 fucking miles to see MAGAts, Confederate flags a waving, pro gun shit.
I'm glad you're writing but I have totally given up hope for this hellhole of a nation.
NY is a blue state and I say with %100 confidence, nothing will fucking change.
If shit didn't happen after Sandy Hook, mowing down a bunch of Black folk in Buffalo will be a fucking blip in a week. The msm will circle jerk how this will affect Biden and the mid terms
I truly hate this country and cannot wait until it crumbles. We will salt the earth so this "exceptional
country" will never, ever rise again.
Oh and white people fucking suck. I'm white.
I always have a fantasy that a plague would wipe all of us humans off the face of the earth snd an intelligent family oriented Species like the Wolf would take over and save the planet. Most humans suck!
It's amazing how many of my readers arrive already agreeing with me on things like this. I am constantly on about the failed evolutionary experiment in biological intelligence that can foresee the results of its actions and modify its behavior to arrive at a positive outcome.
It is equally good, TC, that we maintain our independence.
I have often thought the same thing. After humans are gone, the earth reverts to the wild and in a few centuries all traces of us will vanish into the greenery
There was a program a few years ago, I think it was called "After Man," and it was about that very topic, what the world would be like after our exctinction. I remember one episode showed how it would take less than a century to erase virtually all evidence of our existence, outside of massive physical projects like dams, but even those would be broken by lack of maintenance, mere "large ruins".
'Bullshit. Baloney. Blah blah blah, bullshit bullshit bullshit, baloney baloney baloney.fucking
whatthefuckevers shitheads penises shitheads whatthefuckeversdumbass shit Facebook,
fucking morons. Tucker Carlson “replacement theory” “The Great Replacement,” “Replacement Theory” Fox News Channel. Fox News Channel. replacement theory Tucker -Tucker Carlson great replacement, the replacement of legacy Americans FratRat Matt GaetzTucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Fox propagandist Elise Stefanik Facebook “collectivist identity politics” mainstreaming “replacement theory” Fox propagandists Crusius/Gendron-style radicalization'. (Courtesy of T.C.)
We can paper our walls with this.
BULSHIT to everyone who doesn't have the slightest idea how many of us haven't imagined a 'DEFINING MOMENT' in the USA. How many Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Jews, Asians...have believed this or that was the DEFINING MOMENT?
The USA hasn't only killed, shamed, limited the opportunities and maintained low safety standards for We the People -- what about the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Philippines, Latin America; the shaped or installed governments in countries around the world, including neighbors Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic and the list goes on.
What is the USA's ranking for the deaths committed at home and abroad? Is this another category of our exceptionalism?
No Defining Moment for the USA.
When there seems to be no bottom, I am not sure there ever will be a "defining moment." Nothing seems to be too awful, too cruel, too hideous for this segment of a population. What I wish for them I dare not write...you know, just in case Karma is paying attention.
As a former computer programmer nerd, I know the only constant is change. (That's derivative. ;-)) We can't escape it. It has given us many valuable and good gifts, as well as some not so much. On balance I've always embraced change. It's okay to be nostalgic, but if we fear and refuse to accept change, we become the causal vector for the scattacular mess we find ourselves in today. Immigrants have always been a net gain for our society. They work hard, don't consume a lot of resources and do jobs that we lazy, fat old f**ks won't do. We need immigrants. Without them, who will pick the fruit, serve the tacos, clean the ladies room? (Yes, I 've done all those things.) There are bad apples in any subset of the population, from Bernie Madoff to Charles Manson to tfg and Pinochet. We need diversity. Without it, we will stagnate, strangulate, and suffocate.
Ahhhh. You’ve restored me for the day, Pete. I love diversity. To me it represents change and what makes the world go round. I will always champion it.
Salud! 🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾🙋🏿
Thank you TC. I know you speak for many of us. Here’s what has recently happened to me … bodily expressions aren’t always controllable. And I thought otherwise. Once, to prevent vomiting, I took a cold shower and laid down wet and naked in front of a fan. This week I read that Russia had bombed a school possibility killing 60 students. This horror shot my stomach up, out and clean. I had to stop with the news. I exercised my white privilege and planted flowers and tomato plants and listened to birds, loved my grand babies. I tried to catch up yesterday… I haven’t had an appetite since. What is going to become of us? So many seem to have lost all sense of humanity. I despair. I will vote … against rather than for … I fear it isn’t enough.
Me and Famotidine have become good friends around 11pm of late.
I understand.
I doubt we will have a defining moment until we all look basically the same from interbreeding. The cultural memory of slavery is strong and most of our nation’s ills can be traced to the fear among white people of being brought to “those people’s” level. It induces many to arm up. It makes many suspicious of government assistance that might be broad enough to help “those people” too. It makes many fear they are being looked down on, that they are already considered no better than “those people.” As long as there is an iota of racial sensitivity among white people, we are not getting intelligent gun safely laws.
I’m not sure how I can account for the former assault weapons ban. Maybe the Republicans weren’t yet aware of how gun ownership dovetailed with the Southern Strategy. But they know now, and just like they can’t give up Trump, they can’t give up guns.
I commented to my spouse this morning that I couldn't wait until every single person on Earth was the same dang color--but then what would the bigots do? They'd expire from the stress of not having anyone to blame or look down upon.
When we did nothing after Sandy Hook I knew we would never do anything.
I am confused when people say “we did nothing after Sandy Hook”. Every teacher I know became painfully aware of how tenuous, yet strong school safety must be. I cried with President Obama. Yet I went on that year and continued teaching. Scared, but not afraid. Maybe the gun industry doesn’t regulate as called for, but people firm their resolve and understand that we must be vigilant about protecting our children and schools. School safety has changed tremendously. Not what we really consider the best environment, but definitely a safer environment.
I believe that our vigilance and determination in all matters will ensure the change that we demand.
“Russian warship and any monolith of oppression….go f*ck yourself.”
Salud, Carol. United!
You, of course, are absolutely right. I ought to have been more specific. Was responding more to the " defining monent" idea as a country, the moment we actually, as a society, would do something about our gun problem. Have greatest admiration for brave teachers and truly hope that schools are a safer environment.
I’m sorry I have nothing constructive to say tonight. I just need to rant.
The so-called fucking “leadership” of this country have decided mass killings are ok. Their inaction speaks volumes. Shoot up a bunch of people … nothing but “thoughts and prayers”. Make abortion illegal and force women to seek unsafe medical care or die of a complicated pregnancy. Republican governors say “ It’s going to be rough for some” (paraphrasing Asa Hutchinson and by the way Fuck You Asa!)
But god forbid.. “save the fetus! And give me my guns!” Pretty soon we’ll be a nation of guns and fetuses. Maybe we can save time and implant a gun in every pregnant woman. We’ve lost god damned bodily autonomy anyway. We can save a step in the process and they can just come out shooting.
Sharon, You came to this substack with the best visuals - women impregned with guns - that will sell! Campaign posters and winning slogan 'Guns & Fetuses' - that will sell! Much better than Bread & Butter. 'Gun toting Wombs'! That will sell! Women will be commoditized and all about the price! What an entrepreneurial mind you have! Want to go into business, Sharon?
Hey Fern!! Got a marketing plan??
I'm an admirer with a naughty spirit, Sharon. You captured my imagination. I bring enthusiasm, but my chops are elsewhere. Cheers!
My mantra on this for some time has been to bring ALL high capacity semi-automatic weapons under the National Firearms Act of 1934, either as "any other weapons" or as a new category of "military technology weapons", and I say that as someone who has a reference gun collection for my military history references. When these are brought under federal regulation, all of them will be registered and the owners will have to undergo the NFA background check, not the telephone background check they do now. This will kill ownership for many of the "free-dumb" types because they will not submit to gubmint regulation, where upon if they get caught with an unregistered NFA semi-auto weapon, they get red-flagged and cannot legally buy a gun again. The gun community is actually shrinking - while there are more and more guns, they are owned by fewer people. with some owning dozens without being considered 'collectors'. When machine guns were controlled by the NFA, they disappeared from crime syndicate arsenals - to my knowledge, no legally owned and registered machine gun has been used in a crime since the 1930s; the mob did not want to deal with the ATF and the FBI..... Now, we just need the political leadership to pass such a law.....
And now the Empathizer in Chief is going to visit Buffalo. This has become so horribly routine. Your outrage and that of your readers sums it up for me. I despair.