I thought all of you who have sent cards would like to know that I just got an email from Jurate’s sister, who is already up at the residential care home this morning (I’m going after I write this). She found all the cards I had brought up before Jurate went to the hospital, and said she was “deeply touched” by all of you taking the time to write down your thoughts, some of you even making cards, etc. I have a bunch more to take up with me and they’ll be read to Jurate.
You guys are definitely The Best!!
UPDATE: I think she was aware, because her eyes focused on me, and on the cards when I held them up for her to see. I read her every message. I think she heard them.
'I think she was aware, because her eyes focused on me, and on the cards when I held them up for her to see. I read her every message. I think she heard them.'
Thank you, Tom. That Jurate can see you, that she can focus and, perhaps, feel your love, her sister's and ours; no message could be better.
More cards and more love
iš mūsų širdies, Jurate.
A lil more light for all three of you! Hugs to all