It's an excellent opus, TC. I'm learning a lot of much appreciated minutiae and loving it. You must have spent many years putting all of that togeather! Do you think that knowledge transference from Korea to Nam didn't occur because the time interval was too short to get the (mis)deleuders out of the way? Maybe that's what's happening with TFG today, or is Newt, and Ruby Ridge, and Tim McV not a valid parallel?
LOL! Welcome back. A (former) "friend" asked me to edit her attempt at a book, so I am well acquainted with that well from hell. Aside from having a vocabulary of - maybe - 100 words or so, many of which were misspelled, she taught me an important lesson: when you cannot get through a single page without a mark on every line, it's time to abort the project. I did. Best of luck to you! (And the better lesson learned was to stop being a sucker!)
BTW, she self published it on Amazon. As far as I know, no one has read it.
It's an excellent opus, TC. I'm learning a lot of much appreciated minutiae and loving it. You must have spent many years putting all of that togeather! Do you think that knowledge transference from Korea to Nam didn't occur because the time interval was too short to get the (mis)deleuders out of the way? Maybe that's what's happening with TFG today, or is Newt, and Ruby Ridge, and Tim McV not a valid parallel?
LOL! Welcome back. A (former) "friend" asked me to edit her attempt at a book, so I am well acquainted with that well from hell. Aside from having a vocabulary of - maybe - 100 words or so, many of which were misspelled, she taught me an important lesson: when you cannot get through a single page without a mark on every line, it's time to abort the project. I did. Best of luck to you! (And the better lesson learned was to stop being a sucker!)
BTW, she self published it on Amazon. As far as I know, no one has read it.