I just received an email from “support@bluehost.com” that came in as being from Substack, telling my my “Password Key has expired” in the subject line. I opened it and was told I my email box was full for Substack, which would limit me being able to post. It had an option to click for “clear email” and “upgrade email’. Fortunately for me, my antivirus rejected connecting and told me the address was not secure and could not be verified.
When I clicked to reply to the email, to Substack support, it wouldn’t go throug - the Mailer Daemon said the email was rejected.
I looked at the incoming email addess and it was “substack.c.” That is not the regular substack address (surprise surprise). Also when something like this comes in, the normal addressee is “support@substack.com”
I have reported this to the real address for support, outlining the situation.
Should you receive anything similar (those of you with your own page will most likely get this), treat it like a phishing attack. DO NOT REPLY!
TC, Thank you for the heads-up on the "substack.c" malware. My digital defenses are up & running anyway.
On the National 2024 issue of Platforms NOT being ready for 2024 dis & misinformation, Instagram has taken a major step which is to block all "political" digital traffic. Platforms including Substack Inc. steadfastly refuse to digitally engineer "content moderation." Instagram's approach blocks ALL "political" attacks rather than moderate individuals, foreign agents and/or Trolls.
Please do not ask me what Instagrams thinks is "political" disinformation. Litigation is likely to follow.
Clients are getting hacked all the time. My firm is monthly bugging us to be aware etc., with training and warnings.
First step is always check the sending email address before replying. Right click on the address and see what it really is. Never open a link or attachment unless you know the sender well. And remember: if it’s legitimate and you delete it, they will contact you again.
What’s the worst that can happen? Your credit card account is closed? You don’t get your Amazon shipment? Believe me none of that compares to having your computer and data locked or your ID being used for nefarious purposes.