As several commenters have observed this past week on MSNBC shows, the election results are starting to prove that the Republicans are “the dog that caught the car” when it comes to the issue of Choice.
When 60% of the country opposes the decision by the Kollection of Kooky Kultists the far right installed in now-Unsupreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade, and under 40% supports the decision, even a politician who can flunk the IQ test low enough to qualify as a MAGAt can “do the arithmetic” - it doesn’t take any “math” to see what a Loser they are now covered with.
What’s a MAGAt Republican to do?
Lie. Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then lie some more.
No! I never said a ten year old should bear her rapist’s baby! (Yes, you did) No! I certainly believe the life of the mother must be an exception! (No, you don’t). I didn’t say all that stuff! (Oh yeah, you did)
For example:
Last Friday, failed Hollywood-wannabe “actress” Tudor Dixon, now running for governor in Michigan was asked why she was against a 14 year old rape victim being able to obtain an abortion. She spoke of the "bond" between a mother and child in reply and went on to say she had spoken to people who were the children of rape victims and that "the bond that those two people made and the fact that out of that tragedy there was healing through that baby, it's something that we don't think about. Those voices—the babies of rape victims—that have come forward are very powerful when you hear their story and what the truth is behind that. It's very hard to not stand up for those people." Within 24 hours of doing the interview, as of last Saturday, the video had been viewed over one million times.
This morning it was reported that Gretchen Whitmer has a sizeable lead over Republican challenger Tudor Dixon, according to a poll published by Lansing-based research firm.
51% of likely voters support Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's re-election, while 46% of likely voters support her Republican opponent, Tudor Dixon.
Whitmer also holds a sizable lead among women voters, with a 17-point lead over Dixon in that demographic.
The only demographic groups where Dixon holds a lead over Whitmer is among men and among voters with no college degree. 52% of men favor Dixon, while 45% of men favor Whitmer. And 50% of voters with no college degree favor Dixon, while 46% favor Whitmer.
AARP Michigan broke out the poll results for voters over 50 to highlight the importance of their vote across the state. In the 2018 midterms, 60% of the electorate in Michigan was made up by voters over 50. In 2022 those older voters give Whitmer a four-point lead in this poll, with 50% supporting Whitmer and 46% supporting Dixon. 88% of voters over 50 who responded to his poll saying they are extremely motivated to vote in the upcoming midterms. That's higher than the 72% "extremely motivated" number from voters 49-years and younger.
Hmmm... I wonder why people over 50 would be so highly motivated. Could it be many of them are old enough to remember the “bad old days” before 1972?
Also of note is that Michigan is one of the states cited in the news about women “over-performing” men in registering to vote.
And in Arizona, Blake Masters, the man who said it was a mistake for the United States to enter World War II (since we fought on the “wrong side”) and actually looks like the ghoul he is (Thanks, Deputy Ally, for asking “where do they get these people?” when you saw the photo of Senator Skeletor - some questions must be asked) campaigned during the primary on being “100% Pro-Life.” Thursday morning, his campaign website still proudly proclaimed that fact.
That language is now gone.
Another notable deletion: a line that detailed his support for "a federal personhood law (ideally a Constitutional amendment) that recognizes that unborn babies are human beings that may not be killed."
Could that have anything to do with Mark Caputo announcing on Morning Joe Thursday morning that the latest poll by REPUBLICAN Chuck Coughlin has Mark Kelly up ten points over Everybody’s Favorite Ghoul? Or the fact that Fox News has a poll with Kelly up 8 over Masters?
"Abortion is a devastating issue for Republican candidates," Coughlin said. "There are three constituencies who don’t like the Republican position: women, independents and voters over 64.”
In an ad posted to Twitter on Thursday, Masters sought to portray Kelly, as the extremist on the issue while describing his own views as "commonsense."
"Look, I support a ban on very late-term and partial-birth abortion. And most Americans agree with that. That would just put us on par with other civilized nations." (Late-term abortions are extremely rare, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracker.)
Except you don’t, Peter Thiel’s “punk.”
Masters previously supported the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” the “SAVE Moms and Babies Act,” and other pro-life legislation. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would criminalize performing or attempting to perform an abortion 20 weeks after conception.
In another instance of a language change, Masters' website included this pledge: "Strip taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood, all other abortionists, and any organization that promotes abortion." Now the sentence no longer mentions "abortionists" nor "any organization that promotes abortion." Another promise was eliminated: "Remove funding for any research that uses embryonic stem cells of aborted fetal remains."
In Arizona, voters oppose the Dobbs decision 52% to 33%, according to a poll this summer. Only a majority of Republicans were in support, while most independents side with Democrats in opposition.
In Ohio, Silly-Con Valley “Hillbilly” widdle Jimmy Vance - who still looks like a pudgy pre-pubescent 12 year old regardless of his beard and time in the Marines - has had to have his failing and financially as well as politically bankrupt campaign rescued by a $28 million investment by Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund despite having said he wouldn’t vote for McConnell for Majority Leader if the Republicans win the Senate in November. Vance has advised women that they should stay in abusive relationships “for the sake of the children,” and advertised himself as “100% pro-life.”
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel fretted about the post-Roe Democratic small-dollar advantage in a call to donors that Politico reported Wednesday. "It’s a big fundraising concern, because we’re seeing a huge boost on the Democrats’ side. We never expected Democrats to sit out. We expected them to put their jerseys on. Now the candidates have to navigate this in the states."
Here’s a thought for celebrating Women’s Equality Day - the 102nd anniversary of the 19th Amendment - for all the great women who read TAFM and keep me on my toes: go get three of your girlfriends to get three of their girlfriends to register to vote. You guys are going to save the day. (Guys can do this too)
Thanks for the new paid subscriptions that have shown up this week. Welcome to the community. I look forward to your participation, since Comments Are For Paid Subscribers.
"Also of note is that Michigan is one of the states cited in the news about women “over-performing” men in registering to vote." Yes! We also over-perform in governing! What Governor Whitmer, Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have done for our state in 3 1/2 years is monumental! Thanks for the excellent analysis TC. Sharing.
It does make you wonder what rocks these folks either crawled out of or use for their brains.