So last night in Iowa, Trump declared that since he had won election in 2016 and re-election “by even more” in 2020, that he kinda/probably/maybe/might “do it again.” And of course the drooling defectives all screamed for joy. All 5,000 of them.
The morning’s most likely rumor is that he will announce he’s running in 2024 on Monday, Novembr 14.
Let’s look at that.
First, announcing this early is a sign of weakness, not strength. Trump just settled a civil lawsuit against him for his security detail assaulting protesters in front of Trump Tower back in 2016. Mister “I never settle!” just folded, the way he did over Trump University, the way he did over his Atlantic City casinos, the way he did over the US Football League. The way he did over Trump Steaks. And Trump Wines. And Trump everything else.
He huffs and he puffs and he’s too old and fat and out of shape to blow your house down. He’s not the guy who bluffs you into complete loss with a pair of deuces. But he wants you to think he is.
He’s got election fraud to face in Georgia. He’s going to lose his company for fraud in New York. There’s a grand jury investigating him for treason in Washington D.C. There’s another one investigating him for espionage and theft of national secrets.
He thinks declaring himself a candidate will somehow immunize him from prosecution. It won’t. He can go cry “political persecution” as loudly as he wants after his indictment. But no matter how drooling the defective droolers are, they are a maximum 30% of the electorate and there are a lot of people who voted for him in 2020 who will think twice about a guy who’s been indicted for treason/espionage/insurrection/theft of national secrets/election fraud. Those aren’t parking tickets.
And there’s always the known unknown of what happens by Christmas when he has to turn over his tax records to Congress. It’s going to happen, and the way he protects those, you know there’s bad news in there. Probably a lot. The kind that makes it hard to keep playing the role of Man of the People.
Plus, we don’t know how the playing field will be in 2024 because we don’t know the outcome of next Tuesday’s election. And I don’t think we’re going to know the final outcome by November 14.
What’s going on with the November 14 announcement tease is that all the hangers-on, the grifters and con artists that are like iron filings around a magnet, the otherwise-unemployables who stand to collect paychecks from a Trump campaign, are probably aware that Trump is less keen to run than meets the eye. They think that penciling a date in will keep him from getting cold feet.
Because the longer it goes on that Trump announces he's not running, the more it becomes true that he's not actually going to run. He’s making a ton of money that no one has any review of, being a non-candidate “candidate.” He wants it all to himself - he supposedly has north of $100 million collected from the rubes, and he didn’t spend two of that helping his chosen “rent boys” and “call girls” in their runs for office in this campaign. If he was serious about 2024, he’d have backed them because he’s going to need them to steal the election for him in 2024. But he didn’t because he’s a greedy, relentlessly ignorant moron.
If he declares, he has to start reporting his income. It’s not all his money to spend on what he wants.
And if the Republicans don’t control the House of Representatives, you can bet your mortgage he won’t announce. Just remember, Trump on the ballot in 2020 brought out more people than have ever voted in any American election, a higher percentage of the voting population than any election since 1900. Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate ever. They can gerrymander district elections but they cannot gerrymander a statewide election. The day he announces, the campaign against him goes into balls-out full-speed ahead. For him to steal the 2024 election will take every Republican who doesn’t get elected next week being in office to put their thumbs on the scales for him.
If they’re not there, he’s not running.
But regardless of next week’s results, he will keep “running,” right up to bet or fold day - the final day to sign up for the first primary election. Collecting all that moolah from the morons.
And he’s selfish enough to do that even if it prevents someone else building enough of a campaign before announcement to not be crippled through the primaries.
So now my foretelling of the future:
Next Tuesday will not be the end of anything, regardless of the outcome. Nobody’s going to throw down their shield and walk off the field and give up.
If the Republicans win the House, we’ll all be treated to the clown show of Marjorie Traitor Greene demonstrating she hasn’t got the brains to find that ugly ass of hers with both hands on a clear day, that Gym Jordan really did get thrown on his head a time or two too many when he was covering up for sex crimes as assistant coach at Ohio State, that Kevin McCarthy has no backbone. They’ll huff and they’ll puff and they’ll scream and yell; they’ll jump up and down and throw their feces at the wall like the monkeys they are; they’ll pass laws abolishing this and that, a national ban on abortion, you name it.
And it will all go nowhere. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
That’s because whatever they do will go nowhere in the Senate, regardless of who is in the majority in that body. Either the Democrats will outvote it, or they will filibuster everything so hard the filibuster will scream for mercy.
And if that doesn’t work it will never get past Joe Biden’s veto.
The clown show will hold hearings, and Democrats called before them will follow the example of Hillary Clinton in the Benghazi hearings and show them up for the ignorant, illiterate idiots they are.
Unfortunately, this also means none of you get a pass over the next 24 months. We will still be at DefCon One. You will still need to do all the things you have been doing.
That’s Another Fine Mess will have a lot of fine messes to point out.
But whatever happens next week, do not despair.
It is not the end of the world.
It is not the end of democracy, so long as we are still here.
It’s only The End if we say it is.
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I can't wait until I never have to hear about Trump again. I am sick of him and his cult. Illiterate blowhards, one and all.
I found this strangely comforting! If the outcome of next Tuesday turns out to be gut wrenching and awful, I think your foretelling of the future is spot on. The only thing that scares me is the idea that Weasel McCarthy would be third in line for the throne.