Dana Bash didn’t surprise me at all. Her questions were obtuse, most of them being variations on “When are you going to stop beating your spouse and why do you do that?”
And each of her questions was dismantled by Kamala Harris answering with the actual facts of the matter.
Bash was revealed as the intellectual lightweight with limited skills and little talent that she is. CNN was revealed as the intellectual no-weight it has become. The corporate media was revealed as the worthless collection of nothing that it has become under the ownership of today’s intergalactic widgetmakers.
Kamala Harris and Tiom Walz were revealed as exactly the people we think they are.
Harris treated Bash like she was a poorly-prepared defense attorney, eviscerating her with a smile as she turned the tables on the interviewer, staying on message and calmly explaining the message, revealing herself as the extremely intelligent politican she is.
The interview was so successful for the Harris-Walz campaign that I would join Lucian Truscott in recommending they hold weekly question-and-answer sessions with the press from now to election day.
But dumb as they are, the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable low achievers of the upper middle class in the D.c. Press Corpse are smart enough to know when when they get their ass handed to them on a platter. Which is what happened to them and their demand that Harris and Walz bow down to them and grant an interview where the walking dead would define the terms of argument and declare how the issues of the day should be viewed as revealed in their questions.
The opposite happened. I doubt they’ll let that happen again.
I don’t think Dana Bash’s goal was to reveal the irrelevance of herself and her class of otherwise-unemployables, but that’s what she did.
If you weren’t doing it already, you can now ignore the opinions of the Press Corpse.
Just remember to call them out every time they knuckle thjeir brow to their lord and master, the Orange Menace.
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Thank you, Tom. I saw a very short amount of the "interview", And poor little lost girl, Dana Bash looked like exactly that. She was totally confused when Kamala answered her exact questions in plain English at the level an intelligent high school graduate would understand, but was more than a simple yes or no. It was obvious Dana was prepped to conduct an interview with orange blubber ball, not an intelligent woman who since age 29 has been talking INTELLIGENTLY in court, to treacherous, thieving, banking CEOs, in the US Senate and lately to world leaders as Joe Biden's dependable second in command.
Naturally CNN wants the likes of Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. They wouldn't dare use Anderson Cooper or someone of similar intelligence - he might stray into areas that would make the trumpster.dumpster and the pot party look like what they are - a bunch of morons.
The most perfect example of the entire stupid shitshow. How fucking STUPID was that dumbassed bimbo? This fucking stupid!
Dana Bash: “he suggested that you happened to turn Black, recently, for political purposes, questioning a core part of your identity.”
Kamala Harris: “same old tired playbook. next question, please.”
Bash: “that’s it?”
Harris: “that’s it.”