There are days I want to take any Republican I run across, grab him by the throat and smash his face with a ten pound sledgehammer. Repeatedly.
Today is one of those days.
God damn them all to hell!
I’m speaking of the complete hypocrisy and total shitheadedness of what happened today in the House of Representatives: the expulsion of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from her position as a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Thus they avenged the “dishonor” that came from expelling Paul Goosestep, er, I mean Gosar, a white supremacist pro-Nazi pig, and Marjorie Traitor Goon, an unreconstructed Confederate whore (if you don’t agree with my use of the word, ask her husband about what she used to do when she was “working out” at the gym, that led to him divorcing her) from their committee assignments two years ago after both of them made credible threats of harm against fellow members of congress.
These treasonous scum, whose every other private utterance is “something something jew bastard,” whose only attachment to Israel is so they can hold the Battle of Armageddon there and then cast every Jew into a fiery pit as an apostate except for the 144,000 KAPOs who proclaim Jesus the Messiah, who are all privately happy to know their good buddy Nitwityahoo is busy every day working with people even worse than he is to prove that a Jew can indeed be a Nazi and love doing it, these scum think they have the moral authority to castigate Ilhan Omar for the crime of pointing out those facts about the American “support” of Israel and what that “support” means. Yes, calling the Israeli government the fascist apartheid thugs and scumbags they are is “antiSemitism.” Fundamentalist “jews” are as bad as Fundamentalist “christians,” with as much connection to the actual religion they claim to be “purifying” while they destroy it as the Fundamentalist “muslims” and “hindus” have. NONE!
When she stood in the well of the House this morning and proclaimed her resistance to their bullshit, when she called them out for the treasonous scum they are, when she looked them in the eye and said “So I will be gone from the committee for one term” - reminding these pigs that they really are going to be smashed in 21 months, that the only power they have is the power to be obnoxious pissant ignoramuses - she showed all those “Big Men” who only feel big when they’re caressing their penis enlargers, er, I mean their guns, who in the room actually is Big; she showed what the term “guts,” “courage,”and “determination” actually mean.
The ignorant traitors and hypocritically self-righteous bible-banging illiterates couldn’t even show the ability to respond to one word she said, as they got up to proclaim themselves so terribly dismayed to find there was gambling - gambling! - going on in the House of Representatives.
And as for the squishes who went around last week proclaiming themselves defenders of “proper order” and thus unable to vote in favor of this travesty, they demonstrated that not only was Harry Truman right 75 years ago when he said “The only ‘good Republicans’ are pushing up daisies,” but that the statement is only more obviously true today. There are no “moderate,” “reasonable” Republicans. There are the ones who are happy to take a swing at you face to face, and the ones who stick the knife in from behind, then run away. An cowardly idiot like Nancy Mace is actually a far worse human being than an obvious piece of gatorbait like Fraternity Freddie Gaetz. At least you know when you deal with Fraternity Freddie that The Enemy is in front of you.
“This debate today, it’s about who gets to be an American. What opinions do we get to have, do we have to have to be counted as American? That is what this debate is about, Mister Speaker. There is this idea that you are suspect if you are an immigrant, or if you are from a certain part of the world, of a certain skin tone or a Muslim. Well, I am Muslim. I am an immigrant and, interestingly, from Africa. Is anyone surprised that I’m being targeted? Is anyone surprised that I am somehow deemed unworthy to speak about American foreign policy?”
Ilhan Omar showed more true Americanism, more integrity, more courage, more pure guts, in that moment than all the 218 traitors have in all the years of their worthless loser lives, combined.
And the worst of them is that spineless coward, that conscienceless piece of shit, Kevin McCarthy, who would sell his mother if there was a dime’s profit in the act.
Burn in Hell forever, you miserable motherfuckers.
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I shared the letter I sent earlier today to the College Board re: their shameful capitulation to Ron deSatan with my daughter:
To Whom It May Concern at the College Board,
I just read a news report about the College Board’s pusillanimous catering to the outrageous insistence by Ron DeSantis and other right-wing crazies to water down an AP course on Black History.
Do you realize how you are shooting yourselves in the foot? What happened to academic rigor? Or freedom? What happened to your integrity? You gave in to the patently racist demands of some truly ignorant and sadly self-serving politicians of the worst kind.
Conservatives are for ignorance, not education. What kind of future do you intend for my children and grandchildren?
What kind of example are you setting for your children and grandchildren?
I can only conclude that somewhere along the line in your education you all skipped the critical thinking portion.
I am beyond disappointed. I am disgusted.
Daughter replied: Mom- say what you really mean…
So I texted back: Now this is a guy who always says what he means…
and pasted a link to your letter TC.
Thank you always!
I just had a dreamy vision of you spitting this out with fury on a Broadway stage. The audience slowly dropped their disbelieving jaws...they drool over the imagery....and then...and then.... a long standing ovation. People said they were so hoarse from screaming "YES, YES, YES!!!", they couldn't talk for days.
But then they all got on buses and went to DC. They visited the Capitol. And they screamed. A lot.
The whole thing went viral and then a rally ensued. The insurrectionist idiots were blocked from entering the place they tried to burn down. Thousands of grandmothers brought mace and baseball bats to use on the Fascists. They didn't need to use them. The traitors ran. tictok exploded. The world applauded.
Then I woke up.